Positive Daily Inspiration – January 4, 2024 – GOD HEALS YOU

Positive Daily Inspiration - January 4, 2024

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal.”
Jeremiah 30:17

One of the vital steps in establishing the healing of the whole person is to talk health, at all times, instead of constantly talking about sickness. Since God is constantly healing and restoring you, you can be assured that your natural state is one of health, strength, and wholeness.

The eventual goal is getting a person to totally accept God’s complete healing power. You can hold to your faith in the healing power of God – ever working within you. Even when you are among others that are disquieted by the symptoms of illness, by speaking positive words of health, you find your faith and your strength fortified as anxious thoughts disappear. You become a personal witness to God accomplishing Divine healing work, right now

When you fully realize that God sees you as you are – radiant, strong, happy, and free -you can discard anxious thoughts of limited vitality. You will establish through your faith an abiding awareness of God’s perfect life working within you, night and day — always at work, rebuilding and rejuvenating you, in seen and unseen ways.

Before your body can perform an action, it must first receive direction from the brain. As you constantly think about walking, running, sitting, or standing, your mind unconsciously sends the proper messages to the various parts of your body, and you are able to perform the task.

In a similar way, you can direct your body to be healthy and strong. When you positively affirm in prayer that you are an expression of the life-giving Spirit of God, your body responds by outpicturing the reality of wholeness and well-being.

The Spirit of God, mighty within you, fortifies you with healing thoughts. You envision your muscles and joints working in harmony. You imagine each cell and organ renewed and filled with the vibrancy of Spirit. You are filled with energy and strength.

You hold to the truth of God’s healing life in you, knowing that it blesses you with every beat of your heart, with every breath you take. You do not need to know how healing takes place, ONLY THAT IT DOES. You appreciate those who believe with you that you are being healed, who assist you through the healing process. You bless all of the doctors, and the God inspired medicines.

Just as relevant, you do not let the negative opinions of others interfere with your healing. God is life, and God life is healing you now.

You hold to the truth of God’s healing life in others, also. No matter what the appearances may be, you know with them, and for them, that they are being healed. As you join with Positive Christianity in healing prayer, you are upheld by continuous, life-affirming prayer. Together, we hold to the truth: God’s healing life is actively blessing all



Dear Jesus, when You were on Earth, they brought the sick to You and You healed them all.

Today, I ask You to bless all those in sickness, in weakness, and in pain; those who are so nervous that they cannot cope with life; those who worry about everything, comfort them.

Grant that we, in our health and our strength, may never find those who are weak a burden, but grant that we may always do and give all that we can to help them and make life easier for them.

In Jesus Christ name … Amen


God is acting within me as health, and active within me, rebuilding, renewing, and revitalizing me.


“The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.”
Charles Du Bos


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