Positive Daily Inspiration – January 10, 2024 – BEING MORE ALIVE

Positive Daily Inspiration - January 10, 2024

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“Lead a life worthy of the calling … forbearing one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”
Ephesians 4:1-3

A funny story that I love to tell is a true story about a very wealthy man who included in his will that he wanted to be buried in his Cadillac.

So, the executors of his estate followed his directions precisely. They had an enormous hole dug. The dead man was sitting behind the wheel in the Cadillac. They wheeled the Cadillac to the grave and the Cadillac was lowered into the ground. Two grave diggers were standing there and they were overheard talking to one another.

The one grave digger turned to the other and said: “My, some people really know how to live!”

You want to be alive NOW, fully alive. In order to live and work happily and harmoniously with others, you are kind, loving, and patient. You also keep in mind that, like you, these people are God’s creation – works in progress. You bless them and release them to God to proceed at their own pace.

If you tend to be possessive of another, you call to mind that every person belongs solely to God. You entrust all your relationships to God with the realization that Divine wisdom and love will bring about the highest good of all.

Freedom is important to you; it is important to every person. As you release people that you care about and everyone whose life touches yours into God’s care, you ensure that your relationship with each one is loving, strong, and harmonious.

The number one person that you have to live with, though, is yourself. How can you convince yourself to be calm no matter what is going on around you? The way to peace does not come through convincing; it comes through an awareness of God with you every moment of the day and the night.

“And He awoke and rebuked the wind and the raging waves; and they ceased, and there was calm.”
Luke 8:24

When an awareness of God awakens inside of you, you will have the power to rebuke the wind and raging waves in your daily life. You will see problems cease and the new calm come to your life.

Are you working toward overcoming some habit? You were never alone in your overcoming; the Christ presence works within you, strengthening you and encouraging you along the road to complete recovery. The will of God for you is success.

If you are going to apply for a job, you affirm in prayer that the presence of Christ goes with you during the interview, and you become calm and serene.

To be fully alive, is to live in the serenity of knowing the presence of God is with you. I pray that you are more alive today because you have spent these few moments thinking about God’s ever present help.



Allow God to talk to you.

Beloved child, you need not cry out for help, for I am with you.
I have always been here, and I will always remain with you.
I will comfort you when you need reassurance, and I will strengthen you when you feel weak.
During difficult times, if you feel you cannot go on, I will carry you.
I will comfort you through any challenge.
During joyous times, I will be with you to celebrate and rejoice.
Listen and know that all I have
– unquenchable joy, absolute love, unconditional acceptance –
are available to you wherever you may be, whenever you are ready to accept them.
I am your strength and your comfort.
I am Love that surrounds and enfolds you.
I am Peace, and I will show you the way.
I am God Spirit within you, and I am with you now and always.

And so it is!


The Spirit of God sustains me in this moment and always.


“Do all things lovingly. That is the secret to quality and excellence.”
Gary Ryan Blair


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