Positive Daily Inspiration – January 18, 2024 – THE GOOD-HUMOR MAN

Positive Daily Inspiration - January 18, 2024

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance.”
Proverbs 15:13

One of the most exciting sounds I can remember as a child was the jingle jangle of the bell on top of the Good Humor Man truck. This was a good name, because it put everyone in a good mood.

Have there been times when something seems so funny that you could not help but laugh out loud. I have been in situations before where I could not control my laughter. I love these times, for they have been highlights of my life.

Years ago, when I was on radio, one time I got so tickled by something that happened I could not stop laughing. I was practically on the floor crying, and laughing at the same time. The interesting thing is, I can’t even remember what made me laugh – all I remember is that wonderful laughter.

Laughter makes your heart lighter, your day brighter, for it is a wonderful gift from God. By looking on the lighter side, you are uplifted and made happier as you go about living your daily life.

There is a healing power in laughter. Even something as simple as hearing the joyful laughter of children can wipe away all traces of negativity from your mind.

Ministers know the value of laughter; thousands of churches of all denominations use part of our Sunday Funnies in their weekly sermons. (If you can’t laugh in church, where can you laugh.)

As you take this childlike joy into your heart, you react to situations with a positive, good-natured attitude.

You greet the day with a twinkle in your eyes, a spring in your step, and happiness that comes from knowing God’s joy in your heart. You are blessed with a gift of good humor.

A positive, affirmative prayer that you can say today is: “I am good humored, even tempered, and pleasant.” This is not only a prayer, but it is a daily goal.

I think about the qualities I most admire and appreciate in others, and I have come to the conclusion that I like to be around people who have a good sense of humor. I like people who can chuckle at life’s idiosyncrasies. I enjoy people who are considerate of the feelings of others, and who express a happy spirit. People that can laugh at life are pleasant and comfortable to be with. I admire people who are even tempered, especially when I know they are facing some particular challenge.

Today, you can become the person people admire and appreciate. You can develop in yourself those qualities which we humans prize in others. You strive to be a good friend to others, to follow the Golden rule, to be life’s goodwill ambassador. There are many opportunities to practice your new skills, and you are ready to be the person you have always wanted to be, to express your God-given ability to smile and laugh.

You are good humored!

Make a list of funny things, on 3 x 5 cards, that have made you laugh in your life, and refer to them as needed.



I pray that I laugh again deeply and long.

I pray that I smile again from inside out.

I pray that I can see the humor in life.

Thank You God!


I am good humored, even tempered, and pleasant.


“All the arts we practice are apprenticeship. The big art is our life.”
M.C. Richards


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