Positive Daily Inspiration – January 31, 2024 – PRACTICE JOY THIS YEAR

Positive Daily Inspiration - January 31, 2024

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“That My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”
John 15:11

Affirming, in prayer, aloud: “I am filled with the overflowing, unquenchable joy of Christ,” will have a positive effect on how joyful this year is for you. You constantly tell yourself, today, that you are joyful. You know that if you constantly tell yourself that you are unhappy, unloved, or without reason for joy, these words certainly take their toll – so much so that you soon begin to believe them. So, it follows that if you tell yourself, constantly, that you are filled to overflowing with joy, these words will also have an effect upon you. They will cause you to think in terms of the joy of God that is unquenchable within you.

This is your opportunity to give release to the joy of the Christ that is unquenchable within you. Perhaps, in your outer world, you can find few reasons to be joyful, but you can know that the outer world, alone, does not provide your joy. You are filled with joy from the inside of you to your outer world; it is overflowing, unquenchable joy through being one with the Spirit of Christ.

“Happy the people to whom such blessings fall! Happy the people whose God is the Lord!
Psalms 144:15

I believe joy is a level above mere happiness.

Years ago, I had this little couplet on the front of my refrigerator, to remind me of the actions that I need to take daily:

“Joy is to do and say the kindest thing in the kindest way.”

If you desire more joy (and who does not!), one way to increase your joy is to think of the ways in which you can add to the joy of others. It may be something as simple as lending a helping hand to one who is fearful crossing the street alone. I was once in a mood that was not conducive to joy. This particular day, I was so into my own problems that I could barely see what was going on around me. Then I noticed an elderly woman that was having problems with her walker. I offered to help her across the street. Soon, after this seemingly small gesture, I started to feel better; I even surprised myself in how good I felt.

Speaking a cheery greeting to someone that you meet, or writing a letter to one who does not get much mail, speaking a word of encouragement to someone needs it – all these things bring YOU joy.

When you start to look for things to do for others, ideas come fast and swift. As you determine the kindest thing in the kindest way, this, too, will become easy. In following such a course, we will find that our joy and awareness of spirituality is dramatically increased.

All day long, you will react to persons and circumstances in positive, harmonious, and joyous ways.

You cannot control how other people think and feel, BUT you can control your reactions. You cannot always control outer conditions, BUT you can always control your inward response to outer conditions. When you refuse to become disturbed, your calmness quiets the choppy sea of emotional turmoil. You will find that you are empowered by God to react in a different way – a kind and considerate way. As you grow in your spirituality, you will prove to be true what I always say, “Spirituality is the depth of your bliss in the middle of your problem.”

Joy stands on a foundation of spiritual calmness. With God, your actions will be wise and will contribute to the joy and peace of all. Today, you will act out of the center of calmness, and your action will be directed by the love of God.

I invite you to say aloud, in prayer, the couplet that is shared in this Positive Daily Inspiration.

“Joy is to do and say the kindest thing in the kindest way.”

Say it many times, at the beginning of the day. You are preparing yourself, ahead of time. Then should something upsetting happen, you are ready with a calm response. You react to all persons as a light of God spreading its joy. Your reaction will be remembered in them, long after the original problem is forgotten. Joy is built in you, one decision at a time.

Today, you build in the first layer of what will become lifelong joy.



Dear God, I pray, today, that I am a living manifestation of Your joy.
I pray that I feel Your joy in every thought that I think and in every emotion that I feel.
I pray that Your joy comes through me, and overflows from me, onto others.
I pray that I live Your joy every second of this day and this night and, in so doing,
I experience what true joy is.
I pray that I make joy a habit that I automatically live on a daily basis.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen


I set God before me this day, to guide, to govern, to protect, and bring me joy.


“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round heads in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
Author Unknown


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