Positive Daily Inspiration – February 23, 2024 – God-given Gifts

Positive Daily Inspiration - February 23, 2024
God-given Gifts

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the SAME Spirit.”
1 Corinthians 12:4

What would it be like to have your heart’s desire? The glorious gifts of God lie within you, as untapped potential waiting your discovery and use. Each of us has different gifts but they are all from the SAME source – God. Most of us have not yet discovered some of the most profound gifts that God has given. These gifts may be in you, lying dormant, awaiting your discovery and use, this very moment.

The creative Spirit of God flows through all of life, and through each of us. When we choose to develop our individual talents, or our natural, God-given abilities, we can each give of ourselves to the magnificent world in which we live. Achievement of our well-intentioned aims patiently awaits us. Today, we stake our claim to the gold mine of God-given gifts yet undiscovered within us.

We accept God’s wondrous gifts of talents and abilities and use them, lovingly. We pray that our own untapped potential will be revealed to us in the days and nights that follow. We call forth the gifts of God and we are blessed. With enthusiasm and confidence, we reach out to the amazing life that is all around us. As we do, we discover our growing potential is generated by a fountain of Divine ideas.

The gifts of God that are given to us are precious, priceless, and fulfilling. As we give from a storehouse of unlimited good, we are filled with a true sense of accomplishment, well-being, happiness, and fulfillment.

In 1 John 3:1, Jesus says, “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and SO WE ARE.”

As a child of God, you possess the qualities and talents given to you by your Creator. You possess God-given openness, eagerness, joyfulness, and vitality. You are free, trusting, curious, interested, and expectant of your good.

As a child of God, you trust in the loving protection and guidance of God. You are open to and expectant of the revealing the talents that will lead to your heart’s desire becoming manifest. You are free to discover and explore more spiritual depth yet unexplored in you. You are free to make your greatest discoveries.

You are, again, excited about the possibilities of life in your own life. You no longer think that the best is behind you. You expect right and prosperous outcomes. With God’s help, you remove restraints and restrictions that you may have placed upon yourself; you live freely and joyously as a beloved child of God.

God created you to be free. God gave you the tools to become free. God equipped you with talents and abilities that are special and unique. God already values you and the world is waiting to discover you and value your God-given talents.

God gave you the freedom to become the best you can be. You are free to pursue excellence with sincerity and integrity, with expectancy and joy. As a child of God, you are joyful, trusting, and free to bring your heart’s desire into being.




I am a child of the living God.
I have within me the all creating power of the Christ.
Loving God radiates from me and blesses all whom I contact.
God is my life, my strength, my courage,
My patience, my peace, my poise is from God,
My power, my wisdom, my understanding is given by God,
My joy, my inspiration, and my abundant supply are created by the Creator.
Unto this great power I entrust all my problems,
Knowing they will be solved in God love and justice.
O Lord Christ! I have laid all my desires upon Thine altar,
and I rest in Thy graciousness.


“The best way out is always through.”
Robert Frost


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