Positive Daily Inspiration – February 29, 2024 – FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE POSSIBILITIES

Positive Daily Inspiration - February 29, 2024

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“Be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new nature.”
Ephesians 4:23-24

As a child, many of us had a microscope; I remember I could hold a familiar object under that microscope and the more that I increased the magnification, the less recognizable it became.

The same holds true for situations in your life that are still in the process of being resolved. If you focus only on the problem, it will be magnified and drawn closer to you. Any attempt to analyze it, rather than keeping an open mind and being objective, you will become so completely involved that your perception will be completely distorted.

You will become overwhelmed by your problem because it seems so large.

Instead, you focus on God and God’s overall plan. When you do, you can look, objectively, with a God-given focus and perception. You will have God’s vision.

As you look with fresh eyes and a better perception, you can see that God is at work. God is bigger than your problem and God knows how to solve your problem.

God’s vision sees all problems as small again. God can do anything.

I have said, many times, that we can only see but a small bit of God’s tapestry. And often our vision is the greatest when we close our eyes – in prayer. When you have God’s vision, you are able to see the wonder in God’s creation. God’s vision lifts you above the smallness of your problem and lets you see it clearly for how small it really is.

You focus on the good instead of the bad.

If your problem is overwhelming to you, try 24 hours of a spiritual focusing retreat. Allow yourself to let go and let God for 24 hours. For the entire 24-hour time you give your problem to God, and you ask to see clearly, and to be guided by your new eyesight to a higher perception.

For 24 hours, you focus on God’s creation, the stars, planets, animals, people, and so much more – you, once again, catch a glimpse of the variety and the vastness of life. God’s world is teaming with positive life, even in the seemingly barren spots. God supports all the activity that is going on and coming forth in an order that never ceases to sustain and uphold.

So, whenever a problem seems to loom so large, and your life seems so out of order, give yourself a break – a 24-hour break – to focus entirely on God. You will find that you are living in a world of God’s creation, and that you are a part of God’s wonderful plan.

You will be given a spiritual 20/20 vision that is not nearsighted – focused only on temporal problems, or farsighted – that is wishing for a time in an imagined, far-off place.

You will find wonderful discoveries and happiness as you focus on the present now moment.

Ask God, to show you how to enjoy this present moment because once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. Now is the only time that you must live. The past is a figment of your imagination, and so is the future.

Just as treasure is often hidden to the naked eye, it is uncovered to those that focus on finding it. There is true treasure that you and God can find in the next 24 hours in your life. Your life is teaming with positive possibilities and positive surprise.



May God the provider
of green pastures
and quiet waters
be the peace in our hearts today

May God be our guide
on mountain top
and valley deep
be the hope in our hearts today

May the Spirit of truth
and knowledge
comforter and friend
be the strength in our hearts today.

In Jesus Christ name … Amen


I place all my hopes in the keeping of God and God prospers me in all ways.


“You can’t change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future.”


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