Positive Daily Inspiration – March 1, 2024 – SELF-WORTH

Positive Daily Inspiration - March 1, 2024

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God … .. Fear not; you are of MORE VALUE than many sparrows.”
Luke 12:6-7

To appreciate your true worth is to recognize that the Spirit of God created you and is with you daily. God comes through your mind with Divine ideas making you all-wise. God comes through your body making you all capable. As you realize the power of God with you and within you, you become a channel through which this power flows. You make important contributions to life and life appreciates you for what you are — a child of God.

To be truly successful you must appreciate your true worth as a child of God. Nothing great is ever accomplished by a person who does not believe in him or herself.

You have powers and potentials you have not yet begun to realize. As you recognize your true worth as a child of God, you are inspired to call forth and use your God given talents, many of which are still undiscovered powers and potentials. You are imbued with a strength and stamina needed to accomplish all that you are capable of accomplishing. God is capable and ready to accomplish great things through you. To humans it might be impossible but WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

Self-confidence is basic to success. If you are one who downgrades your ability, who thinks in terms of fear and failure, how do you change this picture; how do you put on self-confidence?

Self-confidence is increased as self-awareness of God with you is increased. What is self-awareness? It is to be aware that beyond the limited human self is the self created in the image and likeness of God.

Jesus Christ urges you today, through his teachings, to become more than you think you can become.

With God, you are unlimited. With God, you have great powers and capabilities. No matter what you are trying to succeed in accomplishing, you have innate essentials for success. With God, you have wisdom, intelligence, strength, power and light. With God, you are capable and you are success motivated. Through faith in God’s presence with you at all times, you develop a self-confidence that is based on strength of God instead of the limitations of your human self. With God, you will be successful in ALL your endeavors.

As it says in Genesis 1:26, “Let them have dominion.” It is time for you to have dominion over your life by realizing that you are more than flesh and blood. It is time for you to take dominion over your life by realizing that you are not defined by past failure and limitations. It is time for you to take dominion over your life by realizing you are never alone, God is with you.



Through the touch of God, I pray that I have a new self-image of myself.
I pray that I can see myself the way that God sees me, and therefore value my worth.
I pray that I’m able to catch a vision of what I may do with the power of God coming through me and see a glimpse of my worth as a person to humanity, and to God.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen


I see God’s good everywhere, including in myself, and I am spiritually growing now.


“And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”
Abraham Lincoln


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