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“In EVERYTHING God works for good.”
Romans 8:28
Today, I am excited because I am preparing to have a God blessed day. I am going to cooperate with God, listen to God, and follow God’s leading.
Today is going to be a great day.
Just as God is in charge of nature, with evidence of Divine beauty everywhere, God is also in charge of your life – if you let God.
Are you concerned because some matter is taking longer to reach resolution than you expected? Have you been anxious because of the manner in which it is being resolved? Have you felt that it was up to you alone to figure out the answer to every question and every need?
On this beautiful day, it is a day to alleviate stress-producing feelings of undue personal responsibility. Today is the day to know that God is in charge of your life and all the circumstances of your life and that all things are working together for good. Not just some things, or at some times, but all things, at ALL times.
You do not try to force your personal will. You yield to God’s will, which is always the highest and best for everyone.
You use and prove your faith. You let God be in charge; you let God give the answers. You cooperate with God; you cooperate with people and situations; you cooperate with life, instead of fighting it.
Your body, your mind, and your emotions are benefited greatly by setting aside specific times for prayer. If you are a businesswoman or man, write on your calendar, specific appointment times to go to God in prayer.
These quiet times are important, especially when daily activities seem to be filled with hustle and bustle.
To your regularly scheduled prayer periods, and another delightful and valuable kind of prayer, you can use “instant prayers.” It only takes a few seconds to think of positive thoughts, to know that God is present and active in some situation, to behold the presence of God in someone’s life, to let love flow from our hearts to encircle another.
The next time something unexpected happens, or when there is in need of any sort, pray an instant prayer and see how quickly harmony is restored, and how quickly the presence of God is realized.
Remember what Jesus told you in Matthew 21:22, “Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”
O Holy Spirit who does delve into all things, even the deep things of God and the deep things of humans, we pray Thee to penetrate the springs of personality, we pray to bring us cleansing, healing, and unity.
Sanctify all memory, dispel all fear, bring them to love Thee with all their mind and will, that they may be made whole and glorify Thee forever.
In Jesus Christ name … Amen
I am God’s beloved child. God’s power of happiness fills my heart, my mind, and my entire body. I am free from old thoughts. I am whole and I am happy.
“We don’t live in a world of reality, we live in a world of perceptions.”
Gerald J. Simmons
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There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.
Encyclopedia of Prayers: https://positivechristianity.net/enc-prayers/
Television channels (Free Service):
Inspiration http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChristianity
Prayer http://www.youtube.com/prayerAmerica
Meditation http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChurch
Christopher Ian Chenoweth and our prayer team.