Positive Daily Inspiration – April 16, 2024 – Tuesday Prayer and Meditation

Positive Daily Inspiration - April 16, 2024
Tuesday Prayer and Meditation

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“The God of grace, who has called you to God’s eternal glory in Christ, will restore, support, strengthen, and establish you.”
1 Peter 5:10

Dear God, I know God-life courses right now throughout my mind and body. I am whole. The mighty, Divine energy of God is with me and within me, renewing and restoring me. No matter what I face in my day, I acknowledge and accept the full power of God. I bathe my mind and my body in Divine light and life.

God-life is within me. It is powerful. I call it forth into expression through life-affirming prayer and meditation. I fill my mind with thoughts of perfect life. On the screen of my mind, I hold a picture of myself as happy, strong, and whole.

As a child of God, I know that together with God we can do anything. I know happiness is my right and wholeness is my right. With every moment, every heartbeat, Divine energy flows through my body, my life, and every situation I face.

God-life courses through you NOW and you are touched by God. God is your help in every need.

We decree this in Jesus Christ’s name.

God holds you in the power of Divine endless life. God’s perfect life is the life of your being and your body, and in your soul. It is absolutely unconditioned by any personal sense, fear-sense, or worry-sense. Life is infinite, boundless, vast, and right where you are.

In the silence of prayer, you think about new life in God …

The power of this endless life of God fills you with floodtides of energy and dynamic inner courage. This inner illumination feeds, nourishes, restores you, and makes you every whit whole. This same life overflows into your home, your business, your profession or art and causes it to move, act, and circulate with newness of vigor, vitality, initiative, with ever expanding ideas.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Thank God, IN GOD there is no sick, diseased or imperfect life. We are connected with God – ONE. God’s life can never be lost or destroyed by hereditary influence, diagnosis, or bad habits. Life never began, nor will it ever end. God, we are grateful that our whole being and the universe are teeming with this eternal life.

I ask you to rest and accept this in the silence of prayer …

Dear God, I am grateful that the whole universe is flowing and overflowing with the ecstasy and joy of the gift of God’s life. This life and energy is flowing in me, through me, and round about me all the time. All of life is working all the time. This is the glory of my endless life in our wonderful God.

With all my heart, I accept this as God’s Truth that makes me free today, tomorrow, and forever. I accept God, all the life there is as my very own life now. I am empowered and given expanded life!

Accept this in the silence of prayer …

In my every movement, I demonstrate more life. In my every thought, I demonstrate more life. All the life there is, is the endless reality of my being in God. New life is the essence of my substance, for I am made by the Creator.

I give thanks for the God-life that is in my mind, in my body.

In the name and through the power of Jesus Christ … Amen.



God strengthens and restores me.


“Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work.”
Daniel Burnham


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