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“Lift your eyes … and see.”
Isaiah 49:18
In the silence of prayer, we truly know that God is here. There is nothing to fear, so we can let go of our troubles and know that we are now, and always have been, enfolded in, surrounded by, and infilled with the presence of God.
How wonderful, beloved, to know that we are beloved of God; that God loves us with an everlasting love. Wherever we are, whatever problems we may be immersed in, we are loved by God.
As we think of ourselves as being enfolded in, surrounded by, and infilled with the love of God, we can relax, even more deeply, into the silence of prayer. As we relax more deeply into the silence of prayer, we find that God is there.
There is a deep security found in resting with God. Whatever the desire of our heart this day for ourselves and for others, we can bring all of us into the silence of prayer and find the answers we seek. If you are moving to another location, job, or opportunity, we know the love of God has gone before us to make our way safe, smooth, and successful.
It is wonderful and powerful to know that the Spirit of God is with us, and has already prepared the way, so we may move, safely and smoothly, into whatever new place we need to be. This is true for you, beloved, right now. So we rejoice and give thanks for that presence and power of God that has made the way safe and secure.
Rest in the silence of prayer …
Perhaps, as we go to the silence of prayer, we find that we have to move into a new state of spirituality where we can experience more health and more life. We know God is the source of life, for God is all life. That life power within us is the ever-present healing power of God.
As we move into a state of spiritual awareness where we recognize what Jesus demonstrated, that wholeness is our Divine right, we quicken that life power within us. We find that the old passes away, and we move into a new spiritual consciousness of wholeness, life, and health. We feel that activity healing us now.
Rest in the presence of God in prayer …
Perhaps we realize we need to move on into a new area of success – an area where we can experience new good, in abundant measure, in our lives. We know that God is the source of all supply, all wisdom, and all understanding. We know, too, that God is with us. God will guide, direct, and help us to experience the abundance that is ours by Divine birthright.
So, we move into a new state of prayer where we know that God has provided. We open our mind/heart, our whole being, to that abundance right now, and we are richly supplied.
As we know this, we can relax and let go in God …
In this prayer-time, if we have a need for more love in our lives, as we move from whatever state of human consciousness we may presently occupy, into the full awareness of God as love, we feel ourselves in that state of consciousness where we become love. We then truly do see that harmonious, equalizing, harmonizing power doing its perfect work in our lives. It becomes a mighty, attracting power to attract new love and to send new love into our world.
God is the answer, and God is with us, through us, and all about us. So, beloved, whatever your need, know that God is with you.
Place your right hand in God’s hand, and God will help you, lead you, guide you along the way, and will show you the right activities for your life. God will help you to experience the love that is yours by Divine birthright, and the wholeness and health that are your destiny.
So, relax now, into the silence of your own being, in prayer. Move now into that state of spiritual consciousness where you are one with the one presence and one power – God.
Rest in the silence, in the stillness of God …
And in the silence, we experience a sure knowing that God loves us with an everlasting love, that God has filled us with the power to do, to be, and to accomplish all things, and that God is with us all along the way – a very present help.
As we bring our time of prayer to a close, and as we bring our thoughts back to the here and now, we know that we have established a greater spiritual consciousness of the love of God in our life. We know that we shall be made manifest for God is so good: As in mind, so in manifestation; as in heaven, so in earth. The heavens of our minds are filled with the goodness of God, and likewise shall be the earth of our experience.
This we do affirm, in the name and through the power of the living, loving presence of God that we experience and express at all times.
In the name of Jesus Christ … Amen.
Faith in God inspires me to envision a world filled with God’s blessings.
“Compassion is language the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
Mark Twain
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