Positive Daily Inspiration – April 4, 2024 – FOUNTAIN OF LIFE

Positive Daily Inspiration - April 4, 2024

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“For with you is the fountain of life.”
Psalms 36:9

If you ever doubt that you are a miracle in creation, take a moment to look at the wonder in your body.

Consider your hands: beneath the skin lies an intricate network of delicate bones and muscles that work in harmony with the brain. Think of the signals which must be set out and the responses which must happen in order for you to do even the simplest thing like punching a phone number into a telephone keypad of the cell phone. Think of the power that you have in your hands to touch another and uplift them.

Your heart and your lungs work 24 hours a day to supply the necessary blood and oxygen, you need. The brain works nonstop – controlling both physical and mental tasks – all with little or no conscious effort from you.

The attention to detail that God gave to your life is evident in you. So consider the wonders of your body and how it performs every day. Within you is the fountain of life, so you must become a fountain for life.

With these gifts that you have been given you must choose to give also. The simplest and perhaps the most profound gift that you can give others is a simple smile.

You create the fountain of life when you smile at another instead of frown. Perhaps there is no other sign in the world that conveys friendship, love and peace in a more universally understood way than a smile.

I was in a foreign country a short time back where I could not speak a word of their language, but I was understood through my smile and I understood their smiles. The smile is a message of acceptance and gladness from one person to another.

Choose this day to be a fountain of life wherever you go. Choose to smile today and let your smiles be an unmistakable statement about the wonder that you are. Show to others that you’re accepting and friendly. Use that miracle hand to reach out and wave to others. Use the miracle of your heart and lungs to empower you to make a difference in other people’s lives.

A simple facial expression becomes a fountain of life. The smile that you pour forth is happy today, uplifting thoughts that you release shining out into the atmosphere around you. It is as though you, you, are opening the window of your soul in order to fully experience the love of God. It is waiting to pour forth through you so that all can experience the wonder.

This day you are a fountain of life!




Dear God, I know that no storm can stand up to Your power.
I have a great desire for You in my life.
I seek You first.
Every action of my life conveys that.
I make my life a light of belief.

I know that You can heal because You are the great Creator and Regenerator.
I know You can lift me up if I am ever low, or down or even depressed.
I know that no former human condition has any power over me this moment.

I do give thanks because You are with me.
How joyous I am that this is my day of discovery.

In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, Amen.


I decide to live fully today.


“Character is not made in a crisis – it is only exhibited.”
Robert Freeman


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