Category : Positive Written Sermons

POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON – God’s Success Through You!

POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON - God’s Success Through You!


Positive Written Sermons is a FREE service of Positive Christianity to those ACTIVE IN CLERGY MINISTRY to ease your burdens in ministry. Each positive sermon is non-denominational; feel free to tailor to your denominational needs, or personal style. We consider our sermons to be 90% complete; they await your personal stories and anecdotes.


In all circumstances, you are comforted and reassured by the tender, loving presence of God. God’s love for you is unfailing and eternal; nothing can separate you from the love of God.

A man went into a tailor shop to buy a new suit. The tailor thought, “Aha! I’ve got an easy mark here! I’ve got a suit in the back room I’ve been wanting to get rid of for a long time.” He went back, got the suit, and asked the man to try it on.

The man put it on, looked at himself in the mirror and said, “I like the suit, but it hangs down a little too far.”

The tailor said, “That’s no problem. What you do is you scoot it up like this and put your chin over here.”

The man said, “Well, there’s another problem. One of the pant legs is about three inches shorter than the other.”

The tailor said, “That’s no problem. Just pull it up here and put your knees together.”

The man looked in the mirror and said, “Wow! What a great looking suit.” He bought the suit, walked out and headed down the road.

People said of the man, “What a great looking suit, but what a shame he has so many physical difficulties.”

That is the way it is with many of us. We may think we are fooling people. We may think we are dressing up. We think we’re putting on a show, but there is no way, not really, we can hide our challenges.

As Emerson said, “What we are speaks so loudly that others can hardly hear our words.”

Sometimes, our past failures affect us at the core of our being. We don’t know how to go forward. We use the power of the mind in the wrong way. We give over all of our God-given gifts of mind to human pessimism. We might say to ourselves, “Oh well, I’ve done that before. I didn’t have any success at it, and I would never ever do that again. I’m too smart for that.”

Helen Keller had every reason in the world to be a pessimist. Deaf and blind from infancy, Helen Keller played a leading role in most of the significant political, social, and cultural movements of the 20th century. Throughout her lifetime (1880-1968) she worked unceasingly to improve the lives of people who were blind and deaf. Helen’s own approach to life can be summed up by her advice to a five-year-old blind child in 1932: “Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the face.” Here’s what she said about pessimism: “No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened the new heaven to the human spirit.”

Today, we are asking God’s blessing for successful living. This is not a generic teaching. This is a success truth about God working in our lives, giving us new success.

I’m going to give you a definition of success that may somewhat surprise you: Success may elude you because you haven’t failed enough. People who are willing to risk failure and learn from the loss have the best chance at succeeding. The people who are a success today, if you were to read their whole story, you would find that they failed, time and time again, and that they were able to make course corrections and then go forward into their success. Failure sometimes humbles us enough to ask God for help, leading us to our greatest lifelong success.

Failure is merely the cost of succeeding. It is the cost of seeking new challenges in our lives. I’m going to give you ten steps to overcome the failure you have had in your life. I am talking to you directly on this. You know we have all had failures, because we are alive. We are in this church because we have overcome that failure. We are breathing in and out, we are thinking positively again, we are holding on to God, and we are here for a reason, seeking God’s blessing, because we do not want to remain the same, not even the same as yesterday. We want to become new, and better than yesterday.

There are steps to climb over that hill of past failure. Sometimes, even though we continue to breathe, we remain in consciousness of that failure from the past.

We must stop using the word failure. In my study of people over the years, I have found that successful people never talk about their failures. They say, “Well, I had a glitch back then … ” or “I had a bump in the road back then … ” Now, these glitches, these bumps in the road, might have destroyed an ordinary man or woman, but they had something else. They had a drive that said, “You know, I’ve got the power with me and within me from God. I’m going to go on. I’m going to make something out of myself.” And they do. Anybody who had that ingrained in the very fiber of their belief system can go on and become all that they want to become.

I want to tell you the story of the man you saw on TV years ago in countless commercials, holding up the Remington shaver, saying, “I like this so much I bought the company.” Well, here is what you don’t know about him. Forty-six years ago, Victor Kiam had a friend come to him with an idea. Victor wavered on the idea. He didn’t know if he really had it in him to take the idea, run with it, and make it a big success. So, he told his friend to find someone else. That new product that Victor turned down was Velcro. It has become a billion dollar industry – bigger than Remington.

In his book “Live To Win”, Victor said, “I just look at that as another bump on the road.” But he also said, “If I would have allowed it, it would have destroyed me and my life. I had a choice. I had to make that choice. I realized this for several weeks, even months. I allowed it to depress me deeply. I couldn’t even get out of bed. Then I decided to use the wisdom from that to make a course correction in my life. I decided to look at it seriously, and ask myself the question, ‘Why?'” you ask this question, not as a victim, but instead as a person that is truly ready for self-examination. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it.

Number #1. Have confidence in yourself. Next time – and friends there is always a next time – have the confidence to take the action that you need at the given time. When Remington came along, Victor had the confidence to buy the company and make it a success. If you want to stand out, don’t be different; be outstanding.

Number #2. Don’t take failure personally.

This is probably the most important step of all because we usually do take failure personally. One person had a failure in his life and he said, “Well, that’s it. I’m a loser. I’m just no good. I’ve had this failure and, if the truth were known, I’ve had 16,000 failures, one after another, after another. I’m just a loser. I’ll never be anything but a loser.”

A loser connected to a winner can be a loser for long. That’s precisely the time to reconnect with the ultimate winner – God.

Do not take failure in a personal way. For instance, if you are unemployed, do you think about it all the time? Do you think that because you went out to look for a job, today, without success, that you will never find a job? Do you label yourself as unemployed? What you call yourself will become a powerful reality in your life. I like to share with people that they are people with lots of open options, lots of ways to go. Always, God, has an open door for you waiting for you to find, and accept its new way.

Isaiah 60:11 states, “Your gates shall be open continually … they shall not be shut.”

New doors of opportunity are always open – a door somewhere is always opening. God is holding the door for you.

Ask yourself every day: “What if I had to buy my thoughts?” Imagine if we had to actually go down to the convenience store, reach into our pocket and say, “Well, I’ll take a little worry, about sixty-five cents of depression, and I would like to have $1.30 of crippling anxiety.”

We wouldn’t do that; you know we wouldn’t. We would go in there and ask for the good stuff. We would decide to do that, even if the thoughts were very cheap, because we were actually making the purchase.

Well, we are making the purchase. Every day, we go to the “convenience mind” inside of us, and we decide what we’re going to purchase and what we’re not going to purchase. My goodness, thoughts can become very, very expensive. Our attitude towards life determines life’s attitude towards us.

Once, when he was a little boy, the famous American Ben Franklin had a birthday party. His family and friends gave him six pennies. Well, the pennies just burned a hole in his pocket. He had to go and spend the pennies, so he went to the store and saw a toy whistle. Of course, the clerk sold it to him for the six pennies – much more than it was worth. He went home and made so much noise with his toy whistle that he drove everyone crazy. His parents, friends, and family asked what he paid for the toy whistle. He said, “I paid six pennies.”

They said, “You paid four times too much!”

As a little boy, that changed his life. Through that course correction, he remembered that lesson all through his days. Even into his old age, when men and women were spouting different philosophies and talking about anxiety and fear, Ben Franklin would say of them, “They paid too much for their whistle.”

I have a question to ask you: What is the one thing you want to achieve?

Now, I have a second question for you: What has been your greatest disappointment, or discouragement toward that goal?

Now I have a truth for you. You are not that discouragement. Even if you were, even if it was totally your fault, you are brand new, today. Every day, you are new. It is part of the Grace of God that we do not have to remain the same. We become better human beings because we become better receivers of God. That is true of everyone; it is especially true of you who are sitting in this room.

Number #3. Use your defects. You say, “I am just laden with defects. This is the reason I cannot get past failure.” Listen to this: we succeed in enterprises which demand the positive qualities we possess; but we excel in those in which we also make use of our defects.

A very famous radio announcer, who is now a minister, once admitted, “I have something called a lazy larynx. It is very difficult for me to speak. I found this out when I was in broadcasting. I would slur certain words then, and I still do to this day if I do not have enough air behind each word. The funny thing about what happened in Nashville was that once I learned that, I started to suck in air and put power behind each word. At first my style was a bit choppy. Then the strangest thing happened – advertisers started to seek this man out because people could hear every word.”

Use your defects. Use everything because what seems like a defect to you may be the answer to your whole career. It may be uniqueness that comes out. It may be the specialness that is you. You are a fingerprint on the universe – individual, special, and unique. People love you for your defects more than they do for your perfection. They love your little quirks, the little special things you do. Use them to your advantage.

Number #4. You will get another chance. If there were a tattoo artist in this room, right now, I would have this tattooed on everyone who was willing: I WILL GET ANOTHER CHANCE!

You will get another chance if you can accept it. You have to accept the chance. You have to be willing to see the chance, go after it, and accept new ideas.

Listen to this: God is continually on the birthing bed. God never rests. God is continually birthing in you new ideas – for you, your life, and your career that can transform your life and everything you’re doing in your life.

Number #5. God is with you, not to commiserate, but to co-create. God is your help in every need.

There was a man on Long Island who bought a barometer around the turn of the century. He had wanted this barometer for a long, long time and paid good money for it, from a mail order house in New York City. When the barometer was delivered to his home on the east coast, he noticed the needle was pointing toward “hurricane.” He looked outside and it looked fine. He shook the barometer, and the needle appeared to be stuck pointing to hurricane. Well, the man went into a tirade. He paced up and down. He wrote a scorching letter to the company saying, “Everything I buy is defective … ” The next day when he traveled into town, he mailed the letter to the company. (That’s why we know this story.) Later on that afternoon, the barometer was missing, and so was his house. The hurricane had hit.

You have a “barometer” inside of you, too. The needle is stuck and here is what the needle is stuck on: God is with you.

A lot of times you will shake it and say, “My life is so out of order. I can’t believe God could possibly be with me.” You are shaking it but the needle stays right there and will not move. It never will, because God is with you every moment of every day.

Number #6. With God at your side, be brave. Take an honest new look at an old problem. Here is how you do this. First of all you might say, as one man did, “It’s not easy taking my problems one at a time, because they refuse to stand in line.” Whatever position they are in, look at them, one at a time, and examine them, not with human consciousness, but with God’s eyes. Ask God for illumination, guidance, inspiration, and understanding in solving the individual problem. Then, on one piece of paper, write down exactly what the problem is. Define it. On another piece of paper, write down, “What do I think about this problem? What is its cause?” On a third sheet of paper, write down, “What are my feelings about this problem?” Then, on the fourth sheet of paper, go into the following steps you will take to solve the problem:

With God at your side agree to stop worrying, fretting, blaming, or feeling guilty, angry, or afraid.

With God at your side re-establish joy, excitement, and faith in your life.

With God at your side discuss a plan of action with positive people who support you.

With God at your side you are a positive person for others. If you want to be a friend to somebody, support somebody, unconditionally. Be with them. Listen. Pray with them. If you don’t have someone like this, find someone and make that person very valuable in your life. You will become very valuable in their life, too.

With God at your side: Write: “I will go into action in the following ways,” and then wait in the silence of prayer for God to give you ideas.

God will never let you down – ever. God will give you ideas. They will pour forth. You will be blessed by God. You won’t be able to contain the ideas on the page.

Then, give thanks to God for the perfect answer that is already there. Tell yourself, That’s no hill for a climber; that’s no step for a stepper, because I am blessed by God.

Number #7. Don’t just wonder what your purpose in life is. Ask yourself, “What do I love in life.”

What do you love in life? What do you have a passion for in life? There’s a huge difference between just living and having the passion for life. Here is the difference. It is like a song that makes you dance in comparison to a song you dance to. Do you see the difference? So often we are compelled to do things, and then if we find our passion and our love, we just flow. We can’t contain ourselves because so much good is happening through us.

God can only give to you what God can get through you. Don’t quit on God. A man and his wife said they used to get into the back seat of their car, sit back, relax, cross their legs and say, “Okay, God, if you love us you will drive me to California.” Here they are, in the back seat of their car, waiting for God to get into the car, take the wheel, and drive them to California.

God, who is waiting to give, who is so willing to inspire, just shrugs. God finally says to the back seat drivers, “I can only give to you what I can get through you. If you’ll get in the front seat, if you’ll take the wheel in faith, I will give you the ways to go to California. I will give you the motivation to go to California. I will give you the means to go to California. If you start to move, I will tell you where to turn, how fast to go, and when to stop.” We have to get out of the back seat.

In faith, we must take the wheel.

Number #8. Have lasting power. Some of you who are fans of auto racing remember the name Mickey Thompson. He created the fastest cars ever created. In the twenty-nine races he started, he had the fastest car. The car immediately went to the front of the line, but he never finished a race. The cars always broke down. Something always happened to the cars. The fastest car did not have the lasting power. You have to be willing to finish the race. God will inspire, through you, if you do not quit on God. You see, we say all the time, “Oh God, why did You quit on me?” when, if the truth were known, it is the reverse. We have to finish our course, finish our race, and believe.

Number #9. You have only one product to sell, one product to improve, and that product is yourself. Always market a new self. I’ve said many times that what you are looking at today is the best (your name) that has ever been, but it’s nothing like what is coming out in this fall. It’s going to have a new grill, a new dashboard, etc.

It’s not even going to look like the old (your name).

In every part of your life, become that which you want to be. You have to believe it. You have to become that which you are seeking. Then, like a magnet, it is already drawn to you. It is going from the back seat to the front seat, taking the wheel, and saying, “Okay, God. I believe in You and I know You ARE with me in my life.”

Number #10. Become the success.

We live according to our self-image, the pattern we create daily, and we project it into tomorrow. Most of us imagine ourselves to be less than we are. The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge – but imagination. Imagine yourself as successful and become that – and it will become you. You have the blessing of God.


#1. Stop using the word failure.
#2 Don’t take failure personally.
#3. Use your defects.
#4. Accept new ideas.
#5. Accept the fact that God is with you, your help in every need.
#6. Be brave; really brave. With God, take a new look at the old problem.
#7. Do what you have a passion for doing.
#8. Have a lasting power in doing it.
#9. Market a brand-new you.
#10. Be the success you seek.

God bless you!

PRAYER / MEDITATION_______________________

What an opportunity we share, to go to God and to know God on a personal basis. Right now, you are drifting away from past thoughts and opinions of who you think you are. You are drifting in spiritual consciousness into the light of truth, the truth that God speaks to you about you and for you. You are drifting away from past limitations that you have placed upon yourself.

You are directly blessed by God.

Jesus Christ is here in our midst, raising us up.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

With God, you are going beyond the failures you have had in your lifetime, and you are receiving a spiritual course correction. In prayer, you receive the illumination and the guidance, along with the incredible comfort of God.

In reassurance of resting in the power of God in the silence of prayer …

Jesus said, “You are a child of the living God. You have, within you, the all-creating power of the Christ. This power of the Christ radiates from you and blesses all you contact. We are connected in prayer. And in that connection, we are both agreeing to God’s will and God’s good.

Your life is God-given life and abundant living. Your life is made up of God’s strength. And your life is made up of new God-given courage because you know, without a doubt, that God is with you. You are patient. As you pray this day, you rest in God. You are not anxious about anything. You realize that God is working; you let go and you let God. God is magnificent. “How great Thou art!”

You are blessed by God.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

There is a peace inside of you that passes human understanding. It is at the core of your being. It is a well-being. You decree in prayer, in Jesus Christ’s name, that this feeling of well-being will stay with you, all the hours and minutes of this week.

You have a power inside of you to rise above past failures, to realize that it is nothing at all for a God connected spiritual person. And you are a spiritual victor, because there is that within you that is helping you now and going higher.

In the silence of prayer you are agreeing with God …

Dear God, I wish to go up higher than I have ever gone before. I have realized Your presence, many times, in my life. I consent now to realizing it more. Dear God, I consent this day to realizing God in a new profound way. I know, dear God, that You are always fresh, new, and exciting. I pray that You are all those and more inside of me, this morning. I give thanks for Your presence.

Rest now, once more, for a holy moment, in the silence of prayer …

The grace of God is working in your life. The grace of God is alive. The grace of God is your assurance of all good things.

You are blessed by God.

In Jesus Christ’s name, we give thanks … Amen.

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Christopher Ian Chenoweth

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POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON – The Cornerstone of Your Life

POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON - The Cornerstone of Your Life

Time Sensitivity: none


Positive Written Sermons is a FREE service of Positive Christianity to those ACTIVE IN CLERGY MINISTRY to ease your burdens in ministry. Each positive sermon is non-denominational; feel free to tailor to your denominational needs, or personal style. We consider our sermons to be 90% complete; they await your personal stories and anecdotes.


There is a home that is over 100 years old. On the living room wall is a picture of the family in the front yard sitting under the trees. The trees are quite different from today, they are small in the picture. They are not the giant, massive oaks that are now in the yard.

There is a lot of truth in a tree. A tree is lush at the top. It has leaves. A healthy tree goes far out and gives you shade. But any gardener will tell you that if you water or fertilize the tree, you have to circle exactly the top branch line on the ground, and that is where the ends of the roots are. You cannot see the roots, but they are there. A tree is identical on top to what the root system is underneath.

It is the same with us. There is a root system and a foundation in your life. It is a very real, powerful foundation. The Bible calls this the tree of life. If you have a solid root system that is totally grounded and one with God, you will bloom on the top of your life.

You will stand up to the winds of your life; you will stand up to the winters of your life; you will stand up to anything that comes into your life, because you have a strong foundation in God.

Recently, a dog was seen taking off in a yard, going seemingly 90 miles per hour and treeing an animal. Have you ever seen an animal treed? The animal runs up the tree to get away from the dog since the dog cannot climb up the tree. You have to wonder what the animal is thinking. “Here I am up in this tree. Boy, oh boy, is not my life bad! I have this crazy mutt down there barking away and he won’t let me down. I wonder how long I’m going to be up here.” There are a lot of times when we feel treed in life. If we want to get out of the branches, we need to go to our roots in God.

Our Bible talks a great deal about the tree of life.

In Genesis 2:9, it says, “Out of the ground the Lord God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of the garden … ” Now, this is at the beginning of the Bible.

Then it moves on and talks about the tree of life all through the Bible.

In Revelations, it says, ” … through the middle of the street of the city. On either side of the river, is the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, producing its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations” [Revelation 22:2].

Let us go to Revelation and talk about a promise that is given to you.

I read from Revelation 21. “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth.” There is always a new earth with a new heaven. Where is heaven? Jesus said it is inside of you. There can be a hell inside of you, too, that can be found when we let the lower human nature take over and rule us but heaven is inside of you waiting to be found. And when there is a new heaven – an expanded heaven – there is a new earth. Earth is the realm of manifestation; it is what you experience outside of you. That experience though, is determined by what is inside of you. When there is a new root system, there is a new manifestation of the branches and the leaves. When you are rooted in God, your whole life blooms with the fruits of the Spirit. There are at least 12 God-given gifts that are yours for the developing.

“For the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.”

[Now, listen to this because these are the promises that are spoken to you, directly, on what you are going to receive if you follow this path of Jesus and if you come to the attainment of Christ consciousness.]

“And I heard a loud voice from the throng saying, ‘See, the home of God is among mortals.'” That alone is a revelation. The home of God is WITH you. It is with you. It walks with you. It lives in you. If we spend our life looking outside of ourselves, we are looking at the leaves instead of the roots.

“He will dwell with them as their god; they will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them; he will sip every fear from their eyes.” There are many times when we have tears in our eyes, in a manner of speaking. Some are depressed. Some have real challenges that they are dealing with.

Many people are hurting, and you may be here for a healing. You are in the right place. You can have a healing from God. God is very active and real in your life. And it does not come from me; it comes from God directly to you. I can get it just like you can get it, but, the whole message of the Bible is you can get it. You can have it. It is already been given if you will accept it. The accepting is the attainment, and the new root system for your life.

“Death will be no more.” I have lived through many deaths in my life, and so have you. I have had many things that have died in my life. Have you ever felt like a part of you died, or a dream die? Where you are hurt so badly that you did not know how you were going to bring it back to life anymore? Maybe it was a relationship; you have to find new life and find it abundantly, in that moment. When you do, there is a real spiritual power that comes from your roots.

You know that God is with you; that God is not outside of you; that God is walking with you. You know that you could not have done it; God did it through you.

“‘Mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away.’ And the one who was seated on the throne said, ‘See, I am making all things new’; also, he said, ‘Write this for these words are trustworthy and true.’ Then he said to me, ‘It is done!'”

It is done right now. It is done for you. It is absolutely done. It is complete, when we accept.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give water as a gift from the spring of the water of life. Those who conquer will inherit these things, and I will be their God and they will be my children.”

What do you conquer? How do you go about conquering something? There is only one person we need to conquer, and that person IS ourselves. That is the biggest challenge in my life.

I wish I could tell you that it was a one-time thing, now we are conquered forever, and we will live on easy street from now on. Life is multifaceted. And therefore, there are countless levels of the human that must be conquered, and re-conquered.

Some come here with worries and fears, and you do not know how to stop them. They are just trying to conquer you; they are trying to destroy you. You have got to conquer that little voice that is inside of you, or it will conquer you.

I do not believe that we can conquer that voice on our own; we need deep roots in God. We have to consent to that magnificent power of God coming through us.

Also, we must get positive friends who believe in us and believe in what we can and God can achieve, not in what we cannot do.

Revelation goes on commenting about the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, the murderers, the fornicators, etc. To lead the orchestra, you have to turn your back on the crowd.

You have to pick up the baton and lead. You have an orchestra inside of yourself, and it is your thoughts. You need to lead. You need to stand up and say, “I’m in control. I’m not standing here alone, because God is with me. I am going to create beautiful music for my life!”

In verse nine, it states, “Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me … “

First of all, let’s talk about the seven plagues. Seven is the spiritual number for completion. We have all had plagues in our lives, whether it is a common cold we are trying to get over, something that is gone wrong in a relationship, or the time we were fired from our job. It was something we had to overcome in our lives, and we did overcome it. To have it in a bowl means to have it contained. It is not running wild anymore. Where does it run wild? Where does it live? It lives in our minds if we let it. We have to evict it. We have to say, “NO more! Get out of here! You are not allowed in the apartment house of my mind. I pick the tenants, and the tenants are now only God thoughts.”

“And said to me, ‘Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.'” This is talking about the church, the wife of Jesus Christ. But it is not talking about the church in the way we think about it. It is not talking about the walls and windows and stained glass and the lectern, or the ritual of humankind. It is talking about something that is much higher than church dogma; it is talking about spirituality. Spirituality is my wife, and it is your spouse too. Spirituality should be so mated with you that there is a perfect union so that there cannot be any separation, so you cannot tell where you stop, and God starts.

Why do they call Jesus the Lamb? In olden times, if you had sinned greatly, and you wanted to atone for your sins, you would have asked to bring me your finest animal. You do so, and you come to the altar, bringing your finest animal. We go over to the stone altar, and they went through a religious ceremony where they talked about taking your sin from your life and putting it in the life of the lamb. Then they slayed the lamb, and it ceases to be. It was then believed that your sins would cease to be.

Actually, though, to truly follow Jesus we have to slay the sin inside of ourselves. We cannot even allow it to be only in the life of Jesus Christ, the Lamb, who died for our sins. We have to allow new life to come inside of us by following Jesus.

An example, a man decided, saying, “I am not going to work on myself any more. I am not going to change. I am just going to allow you to do it for me. I am going to come and fall at your feet, and I know that you are probably going to be crucified and I will allow you to take the hit for me.”

Spiritually we cannot hide behind another. Often, we try in different aspects of life and business.

If I am truly to follow Jesus, I have to take up my own cross; crossing out the false beliefs in my own mind. I cannot allow you to do it for me; I cannot allow the lamb to do it for me. I have to take responsibility sometimes, someplace, somewhere, and become all that I am meant to become.

Taking responsibility though does not mean doing it alone; it means connecting with my root system, just as Jesus connected with His.

Life is to become all that you are meant to become. Life is not for standing back and sitting down and watching others. Life is for standing up and getting into life, and fully living it. That takes responsibility. When we do this, we find that life becomes a lot easier, and we find that we have the new Jerusalem coming down inside of us, from the top of consciousness itself, to the bottom of our human mind.

“And in the spirit, he carried me away to a great high mountain and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of the heaven from God. It was the glory of God and a radiance like a very rare jewel, like jasper, clear as crystal. It has a great, high wall with twelve gates … “

How would you enter into the city? You would enter into the city by way of a gate. This means a perfect receptivity to spirit, inside of you. There are twelve gates. In Bible symbology, twelve is also a number of spiritual completion.

“At the gates [are] twelve angels … . And on the gates are inscribed the names of the twelve tribes of the Israelites; on the east three gates, on the north three gates, on the south three gates, and on the west three gates. And the wall of the city has twelve foundations … “

Twelve foundations of your life provide a root system: a foundation to hold you up. These are the twelve foundations of humankind. The 12 God-given fruits of life according to many theologians are Love, Faith, Will, Life, Order, Wisdom, Strength, Imagination, Power, Understanding, Zeal, and Elimination.

I invite you to spend separate days in prayer asking for the gifts of the fruits of the Spirit, taking them one by one individually, and meditating on the full spiritual meaning of the gift. Work to develop this, and all fruits will become manifest in your life.

If you are living, manifesting every one of these twelve foundations, you will have a new Jerusalem. Jerusalem means “habitation.” There will be a new habitation inside of you, a new place that is beyond anything you have ever seen before.

“The angel who talked to me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city and its gates and walls. The city lies foursquare, its length the same as its width.”

It was a cube. If you were to go into the Jewish temple, you would find a cube too. It was the holy of holies. They believed it was the place where the presence of God was.

“He measured the city with his rod, fifteen hundred miles, its length and width and height are equal.” [This equals about 375 miles per wall.] “He also measured its wall, one hundred forty-four cubits.” [This is seventy-five yards.]

Revelation then speaks about the streets of pure gold. Have you ever heard ministers talk about heaven with its streets of pure gold and the jewels. It talks about the twelve jewels and the twelve different colors of the jewels next. But this is not a heaven experience. This is not an after-death experience for you. It is an experience of attaining spiritual consciousness. The dimensions of the walls talk about how this is big enough to hold everyone. It is big enough to hold you. It is talking about a majesty that can occur inside of you, and outside of you also. It talks about how the gates are made of one solid pearl – “the pearl of great price.” You enter in, you pay for the passage by giving up your old lower life (the great price).

You will hear many people talk about how they are waiting for the new Jerusalem, that the new Jerusalem will come, someday. I tell you that it does not come to you, but through you. You have to consent and allow this to occur and it will. It is waiting. It is already there. We just have to fully enter the twelve gates and allow it to happen, and it will.

The new Jerusalem is the presence of God. I ask you now to see this inside of your mind’s eye, not as a dream but as a reality in your life.

You have a solid root system right now. Perhaps your life is waiting to bloom. Take care of the roots and the rest will take care of itself.

Let us pray.

Dear God, I pray that my root system is fortified. I pray for a spiritually enlightening experience. Dear God, I rise above difficulties. I allow the tree of life to be totally manifested in me. I have a balance in my life, inner and outer. My life can be adorned with precious jewels – the pearl of great price – a mind that is filled with well-being, emotions that are filled with joy, an energy system of my body that is filled to the brim with power. I consent now to the new Jerusalem becoming manifest in my life. God, You are now with me, and God, I am now with You … Amen.

PRAYER / MEDITATION__________________________

The presence of God is here, and it becomes very tangible inside and outside of you as you pray.

The presence of God is here, something you can touch, something you can feel, something that is thinking through you, something that is radiating through you giving you a new energy, vitality, and zest for life. The presence of God is here.

The Mind of God, which created the universe, directs you to beautiful living. Your decisions are right and good, for the Lord of your being is your light.

In Jesus Christ, you find the true light that brings understanding and Divine direction. In Jesus Christ, you find the love that satisfies and fulfills every need. You are a spiritual being surrounded by God’s love, and all is well.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Today, in prayer, everyone here is together, spiritually. You are here, decreeing the goodness of God in your life and in everything that is a part of your life. You have faith in God, and you have faith in God’s love. Through faith, God’s love blesses and makes right all that concerns you. You are calm and poised in God’s love. God’s good is magnified and multiplied in your life. You are peaceful and relaxed. You have, inside of you now, the knowledge that God’s Spirit of harmony, order, and understanding – at work in your life. Your mind, your body, and your life spiritually respond to the Sprit of God within you. By God’s power, all things are made right.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

You are going across a threshold of a doorway, a gate into a new consciousness. All things are made new within this new realm of thinking and living. You are made new.

There is an activity here that is happening. It is happening spiritually. It is not your imagination. Your mind and your heart are open to the infinite love of God. The activity of this love is establishing peace and order in your life. God is here, and the loving Christ spirit rules supreme in your life. Your mind, body, and affairs are serene and harmonious.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

I am one with God. You are one with God. We are one with God, and we are one with God’s good. Through God’s power, your life is blessed with order and peace. You now accept a new world order for yourself. Your life is under the rule of Divine order. Your business, your career, is under the rule of Divine order. Your relations are under the rule of Divine order.

The way you feel in your mind is under the rule of Divine order. The way your body is responding to your thoughts is under the rule of Divine order.

There’s a new level of energy that is manifested in you and through you. The activity of the living God is gently moving through you now, with its quietness, gentleness, and peace. This tangible presence of God can be felt.

Rest for a moment, in the silence of prayer …

In the name of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, I decree peace and order in your world. In every aspect of your life, I decree a new level of peace manifesting now from this prayer. I pray for a Divine outworking of everything that is troubling you now, because you are not alone. God is with you, and the great outworking of Divine order is taking place.

There is a constructive, unifying power of Divine love expressing in your life. There is a harmonizing and blessing that is happening in your life. The love of God is harmonizing and blessing your life, now. Say that silently inside yourself: The love of God is harmonizing and blessing me, now …

We pray, this day, in Jesus Christ’s name, accepting these blessings, knowing without a doubt, totally accepting the belief that these things are already true about your mind, your body, and your life.

Thank You, God … Amen

For 23 years – The worldwide PRAYER PLACE inside the Internet, serving well over 1,600,000 every day. Welcoming all faiths, excluding no one.

Reaching the ends of the earth with the positive message of God. Not connected to any church, Positive Christianity is a Prayer Ministry without walls, physical or denominational, that the world can instantly access and use without cost.

ARCHIVES of recent Positive Daily Inspiration is available on our homepage; use anything you wish.

FREE Encyclopedia of Prayers:

NEED PRAYER? Reply – if you have a prayer need, Positive Christianity will start praying with you, daily, for an entire month. There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

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Christopher Ian Chenoweth

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Time Sensitivity: none


Positive Written Sermons is a FREE service of Positive Christianity to those ACTIVE IN CLERGY MINISTRY to ease your burdens in ministry. Each positive sermon is non-denominational; feel free to tailor to your denominational needs, or personal style. We consider our sermons to be 90% complete; they await your personal stories and anecdotes.


Reinhold Niebuhr wrote a prayer in 1943 that has become famous. I’m sure you will recognize it.

“God, give us grace to accept, with serenity, the things that cannot be changed, the courage to change the things that should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.”

This prayer sums up a great philosophy of life. The key to it, of course, is the last part – to have the wisdom to distinguish between the first two parts – to know what in life to try to change, and what to try to simply accept because it cannot be changed.

Which of us has the wisdom to know these things? It seems that if we have the wisdom, if we accomplish this through life experience, contemplation, prayer, meditation, or any of the many means by which wisdom is gained in life, we can earn that quality called serenity, happiness, or inner peace.

Behind all the changes we try to make in life, behind all the desires to change, behind all the wishes we have to bring new things into our lives (and even the wishes to leave old things out of our lives) lies the simple desire to feel serene – to feel inner peace. We may think it is flashy new car, or a new job, or a new home, or a new relationship. But the root of all those desires is simply to feel inner peace.

There is another serenity prayer – an older one. We find it in Matthew. You will recognize these words. But even though they are familiar (or especially, because they are familiar), hear them as I speak to them. Take them deeply inside yourself. Feel the rich meaning of these words of Jesus as He says [in Matthew 6:31-33]:

“Therefore, I tell you, do not be anxious about your life – what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor about your body – what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air. They neither sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns. And yet, your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you, by being anxious, can add one cubit to his (or her) span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing?

“Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They neither toil nor spin. Yet, I tell you, even Solomon and all of his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O men of little faith? Therefore, be not anxious saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ But seek first God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.”

These are truly magnificent words. It is the last part that we have heard so many times, that is the true significance of this spiritual quest that you and I are on today, our pursuit of happiness, and our desire to be serene and have inner peace. Seek first God, then all else will be added unto us.

I know, you have heard it and done it before. I believe every one of us has. Yet, in order to be serene and know happiness, you and I must pursue this every day – put God first in our lives.

However, often we do not feel the confidence it takes to actually believe that we can put God first, with all the challenges in our lives.

Maybe that is why many people are so afraid. There is an enormous capacity to feel humble at moments like this.

As we contemplate our need to put God first so that God may speak through us, and act through us, and give us something worthwhile to do, we realize, anew, this loving connection that is ours.

One woman said, “Sometimes I don’t love myself as much as I truly deserve. Because of this fact about myself, I tend to lean on wanting other people to approve of me. I long for other people to give me credit when I do work. Basically, I want and need those things because I don’t really give myself enough credit.”

Does that sound familiar?

She continued, “That’s what I noticed about myself. I just don’t care about myself. I don’t love (****Mary****) that much. I thought this would be worthy of contemplation and prayer, so I went out for a walk up in the woods. I sat down at this beautiful spot. It was so beautiful. I mentally put myself in a seat across from where I was sitting.

I said (as if talking to someone else), “So, tell me, why don’t you like me?”

The answer came back like a shot: “Because I can’t trust you.”

I asked, “Why not?” The answer came, “Because you don’t do what you say you are going to do.”

I said, “Sure I do.”

The reply was, “Sure you do … for other people. For other people, you’re very dependable.”

She said, “I am. If I make a promise to someone else, I will almost certainly, keep it. I am a woman of my word to everyone but one person – me.

“I have a bad habit of taking my promises TO MYSELF, very lightly. If I say I’m going to exercise tonight when I get home from work, and when I get home and I don’t really feel like it, I won’t. I tell myself I deserve a break because I’ve been working all day. If I say I’m going to get up tomorrow morning at 5 o’ clock and meditate for an hour because I know this would be healthy for me, and when the alarm goes off and I feel sleepy, guess what I am capable of doing? Sleeping. I always thought this was a way of taking care of myself. I would tell myself, ‘I need the sleep. I need the rest.’ I told myself, in no uncertain terms, that I need to keep my promises to myself, because keeping my promises to myself was an important element to liking and loving myself.”

You are important enough – to keep your promises to yourself.

What promises would you like to make to yourself right now? Promises that you will keep.

If we DON’T do that, then we tend to need the world to support us; we need our spouses, our bosses, our co-workers to recognize us, praise us and give us credit for what we have done.

One thing about people in the world we live in – they do not always give us the support that we need or feel we deserve. It does not happen all the time. Maybe that is because we are the ones who are supposed to give that support, and love to ourselves. Keeping our own promises is a key way for us to find our own inner peace and our own serenity.

If you ever feel a sense of anxiety, what can you do about this? Contemplate about it, and the answer comes: “Really be there.” What does that mean? The answer is: “To really be there, in the moment.”

When you feel anxious, you need to breathe deeply into your anxiety, and really feel the anxiety in that moment – pray.

What you often do with your anxiety is push it away from myself. By pushing it away, it grows larger.

Sometimes, when it is a rainy day and it ruins your plans or makes you feel down – stay in the moment. Notice the variety of raindrops that fall. There is an incredible variety in the fall of raindrops. Contemplate the mocking bird. Poor thing: it has no songs of its own. It has no musical taste. It will follow the song of a robin with the song of a common sparrow. It sings and sings and sings, and yet it seems so joyful. Why? Because it makes others’ songs its own. It has real joy when it gives itself, completely, to its own singing.

We have often heard that another way to serenity, to feeling a sense of inner worth and peace, is to be grateful for what we already have. The glass is either half empty or half full; it is our call. What do we say it is? Is it half empty or is it half full?

By showing gratitude toward the things, we already have in our lives, we are actually invoking the very presence of God. Invoking the presence of God is surely the best way we have of reminding ourselves of what is really important. Some of us are prisoners of our desires – things we want, or the things we feel we have to have. How do we deal with our attachments to things? One suggestion might be to feel the pain of not having what you do not have. Feel the pain. Recognize the price that you are paying right now for not being content.

If you feel that pain enough, you will cease desiring. Am I saying that desiring is wrong? No. I’m simply saying that if you are feeling pain already, if you allow yourself to stay in the moment, the pain itself will lead to freedom.

Another suggestion might be to imagine having what you want or need. Imagine getting the object of your desire. Imagine having it. Then realize that the pleasure is short-lived. How long do you ever stay happy when you get what you want? A few hours? A few days at most? Even a brand-new car stops bringing pleasure after a few weeks. It just becomes the thing you ride in to get to where you are going. Is it worth it? That is something to contemplate in prayer.

We, also, can offer our attachment to things directly to God. Continue to offer to God whatever it is we desire, over and over and over again until we start believing that it is God’s, not ours. It is God’s, not ours. The pain will then cease and desist.

We, also, can take care of our bodies. Many of the ills or discontent we experience in our lives is often due to discomfort in the body. If we pay attention to the things that really serve us – the foods we really need to eat in the appropriate quantities, the exercise our bodies desire – the problems may evaporate. A lot of problems evaporate by simply taking a long walk, or working out in the gym, or practicing the presence of God. A lot of problems simply dissolve when the body’s needs are taken care of. Pay attention to and take care of the body.

Lastly, there is a kind of discontent that comes over us that is actually healthy, despite everything I have been saying – A Divine discontent.

Are you not paying attention to something? Is there some unfinished business in your life? Are you not taking care of your family? Do you have a commitment that you are ignoring. Do you have a calling from your soul that you are putting on the shelf? If you are doing any of these things, a kind of Divine discontent arises in the soul, and calls to us to fulfill it. It will not be content until we make the necessary efforts to fulfill them. This is a gift God gives us. We must do what is necessary to fulfill those things.

Make a list of your goals and prioritize them. Look specifically at your goals and decide what is most important and what you can do right now

If you want to be nicer to people, make one of your goals as follows: When I see (***Adam***) tomorrow morning, I will greet him warmly. Let that be your goal. You can say “Hello” to (Adam) in a pleasant way, tomorrow morning, and the fulfillment of that goal will bring a degree of satisfaction into your life.

It is spiritually important to take care of those goals (to take care of our bodies), just as it is spiritually important to pray and to meditate. All of these things bring their own contentment. It would be great if it only took a blue sky and some white clouds to bring serenity – not that it cannot, but more often, it takes our own commitment to know what we really need – our minds, our bodies, our families, etc. – and to fulfill those needs before contentment can come. But it will come.

Most of all, it takes our awareness that God lies behind it all.

If we seek first to know God, to put the presence of God into every activity, then serenity is ours. Or, in the words of Matthew, “Serenity will be added unto thee.”

I pray that serenity lives as part of you.

God bless you!

PRAYER / MEDITATION____________________

Let us pray …

If you do not have your eyes closed, you may close them now. Take a slow, deep breath. Feel yourself relax deeply into your chair. Now is the time to feel the depth of our inner peace and to feel the very presence of God, with us and all around us.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

You may picture a calm scene; whatever fills you with serenity. I see a crystal blue sky. The blue is so pure, it is perfect. I see puffy, white clouds floating in that blue sky. This scene reminds me of peace. See it now in your mind’s eye. It stills my thoughts. It lifts my heart. I feel I am one with all of creation, and with God.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

We are at peace. Truly, deeply, we are at peace. We are serene. Although there may be outer turbulence – winds of change – deep inside, we are still and there is silence, sweetness, and God’s peace.

Take another slow, deep breath, and let it go. Bring it in, again, deeply, and let it go. Even as you resume your normal breathing, stay with that sense of serenity that deep breathing brings. There is great Truth of God; there is our true identity, in the depth of that breath and that peace.

Let us sit now in the silence of prayer. Simply become aware of your breath as it flows in and flows out. If you will, imagine white clouds floating in an azure blue sky.

We will pray in this stillness for a few minutes …

For this serenity, we are grateful. Thank You God!

In the name of Jesus Christ … Amen.

For 23 years – The worldwide PRAYER PLACE inside the Internet, serving well over 1,600,000 every day. Welcoming all faiths, excluding no one. Reaching the ends of the earth with the positive message of God. Not connected to any church, Positive Christianity is a Prayer Ministry without walls, physical or denominational, that the world can instantly access and use without cost.

ARCHIVES of recent Positive Daily Inspiration is available on our homepage; use anything you wish.

FREE Encyclopedia of Prayers:

NEED PRAYER? Reply – if you have a prayer need, Positive Christianity will start praying with you, daily, for an entire month. There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

DONATIONS Thank You for helping us with this great free work for ministers of every faith:
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By mail: Positive Christianity Box 7993 Woodlands, TX 77387

Christopher Ian Chenoweth

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Time Sensitivity: none


Positive Written Sermons is a FREE service of Positive Christianity to those ACTIVE IN CLERGY MINISTRY to ease your burdens in ministry. Each positive sermon is non-denominational; feel free to tailor to your denominational needs, or personal style. We consider our sermons to be 90% complete; they await your personal stories and anecdotes.


An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity. – Winston Churchill

But, how about ordinary “real life?”

The greatest danger for most of us is NOT that we aim too high and we miss it, but we aim too low and reach it. – Michelangelo

How many of us love the experience of rush hour traffic?

Rush hour is an interesting phenomenon if you let yourself be present to what is going on. I sat in my car and watched the faces of the people in the cars next to me. Most of their faces exhibited an empty look like, “I am doing something I have to do, but my heart is not in it.” Some of them were even reading newspapers; one man was shaving, two were eating take-out, five were talking on cell phones and drinking coffee at the same time.

I do not want the fellow behind me, in front of me, or next to me to be so wrapped up in the sports page that he loses awareness of what is going on.

These are our brothers and sisters. These are God’s children. But what about the promise of fulfillment, the promise of great glory, the promise of God’s joy? What is happening to that, in regular ordinary life?

A lot of people do not feel joy in daily life. It can change.

What we need, I believe, are more examples of people whose lives are more real, even in Bible stories. You hear the story about David who slew the giant Goliath with five stones. You hear the story about Jacob who had such fantastic adventures (We will have a story about Jacob a little later.)

In the New Testament, we hear the wonderful story about the prodigal son. The young man said to his father, “I do not want to wait until you make your death before I enjoy my share of your riches, so please give it to me now.” (That sounds like something my children would say.) Can you imagine saying that in this world?

The father did, and off the son went. The son had his high times while the money lasted, but it did not last forever. (It usually does not unless you are a good steward of it.) Then he found himself deep in problems. As a matter of fact, he found himself so deep in the pits that, for a good Jewish boy, he had to endure the most humbling experience of all – feeding pigs. And he was not even allowed to eat the pig slop. That is about as low as one can get.

Then he started his journey home. He is prepared to be his father’s servant – no longer even a member of the household. His father comes out to meet him while he is approaching, puts a ring on his finger, shoes on his feet, a beautiful cloak on his back, and tells the servants to kill the fatted calf because there is going to be a celebration.

Jesus even said, “When one returns to the fold, God rejoices.” What about the ones who never left the fold?

I want to share with you a story that you may or may not remember about one of the forgotten people of the Bible – the prodigal son’s brother. He had been out in the field while his brother was approaching the house. He had been working with the servants to make sure the crops were being attended to, properly. He was on his way back to the house, probably hungry, and tired. He then hears all this racket at the mansion.

Let me read you the story from the fifteenth chapter of Luke [Luke 15:25-31]:

“Now his elder son was in the field; and when he came and approached the house, he heard music and dancing. He called one of the slaves and asked what was going on. He replied, ‘Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fatted calf, because he has got him back safe and sound.’ Then he became angry and refused to go in. His father came out and began to plead with him. But he answered his father, ‘Listen! For all these years I have been working like a slave for you, and I have never disobeyed your command; yet you have never given me even a young goat so that I might celebrate with my friends. But when this son of yours came back, who has devoured your property with wild friends, you killed the fatted calf for him!’ Then the father said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours.'”

What I want to ask you is: Was that older brother, the older son, aware that he was always with his father, and that all his father had was his? Or did he carry his relationship with his father as a burden?

It sounds to me as if there was a lot of resentment there, a lot of the older brother comparing his life with his brother’s life, and feeling he was coming up on the short end.

That is what life can be about, too. We take that hunger and we try to satisfy it with achievements, accomplishments, and things, and it does not work.

A great philosophy was expressed in the newspaper on the comic page, in the comic Ziggy. Ziggy is coming around a corner. Heading toward that corner is a man carrying a sign that says, “Happiness is just around the corner.”

Ziggy said, “Gee, I must have missed it.”

In the comic Cathy, Cathy is sitting in her chair with her diet soda thinking, “Gee, 200 symphonies, 1500 art museums, 700 plays, 33 operas, four years of college, 150 seminars, 20 workshops and 5,000 books … a lifetime of studying, reading, pushing, reaching and growing, and I have finally become one with my true potential.” The last panel shows her pushed up against the refrigerator, and she says, “Human refrigerator magnet.”

Doe’s life seem like that for us??

My answer to that is, “Probably from time to time.” Spirituality is what you make of it, day by day, becoming FULLY awake and aware. Spirituality loves the regular ordinary days as much as the extraordinary.

One woman said, “I remember the day my heart did open, and I read the words: “I am a child of God, and every moment God’s life, love, wisdom, and power flow into and through me. I am one with God and I am governed by God’s law.” I had to grab onto my chair because I felt it going through me like a surge of power or upliftment.”

Then she said, “I went back to regular ordinary life; I went back to doing those same old things, things I do every day.”

She said, “I remember other things I also read during those days. Things like: There is nothing in all the universe for me to fear, for greater is the presence of God with me than anything that is in my world. I remember believing that with all my heart and saying, ‘Wow!'”

Do you remember feeling spiritual power like that? Do you recognize that if you want to, you can feel it right now?

So we see those coffee cups and bumper stickers that say, “Beam me up, Scotty. There is no intelligent life here.” We recognize that is funny, sure, but that is the way we really feel sometimes. We feel like strangers in a strange land, but the fact is we are not.

In God, there is no absence of life, substance, or intelligence, anywhere.

Part of the problem is a learned behavior that we humans have that induces us to be overly critical. Some people call it human nature. They say it is human nature to make mistakes. We look at the mistakes we have made and we say, “This is terrible! I call myself an evolving spiritual being, and yet I do things like this. I certainly hope nobody ever finds out about it!”

I wonder what life would be like if we could read each other’s minds, what things we would see. I tend to think we would see a commonality in the things we are ashamed of that would make us smile. We all make mistakes. And because we all make mistakes, and because we criticize ourselves for mistakes, I want to share with you a story about a mistake that seemed like a good idea at the time.

The title of this is “The Far Side Comes to Life in Oregon.”

“I am absolutely not making this up,” the writer said. “In fact, I have it all on my Dish Hopper. The video is from a local TV news show in Oregon which sent a reporter out to cover the removal of a 45-foot, 8-ton dead whale that washed up on the beach. The responsibility of getting rid of the carcass was placed on the Oregon State Highway Division, apparently on the theory that highways and whales are very similar in the sense of being large objects.

“The highway engineers hit upon the plan of blowing up the whale with dynamite. The thinking is the whale would be blown into small pieces which would then be eaten by seagulls, and that would be that – a textbook whale removal.

“So they moved the spectators up the beach, put a half ton of dynamite next to the whale, and set it off. I am probably not guilty of understatement when I say that what follows on the DVD is the most wonderful event in the history of the universe.

“First you see the whale carcass disappear in a huge blast of smoke and flame, and then you hear the happy spectators shouting, “Yea! Whee.” Then suddenly the crowd’s tone changes, and you hear a sound like, “Splut.” You hear a woman’s voice shouting, “Here comes pieces of … my God.”

Something smears the camera lens.

“Later,” the reporter explains, “the humor of the entire situation suddenly gave way to a run for survival as huge chunks of whale blubber fell everywhere. One piece caved in the roof of a car parked more than a quarter of a mile away. Remaining on the beach were several rotting whale sectors the size of condominium units. There was no sign of the seagulls who had no doubt permanently relocated to Brazil.”

The writer goes on to say, “This is a very sobering video. Here at the Institute we watch it often, especially at parties.”

See, you have made mistakes; I have made mistakes. We can tell funny stories about them. As a matter of fact, I have a funny story to tell about the prodigal son story.

Sure, we make mistakes, and we think those mistakes define us, but they do not. God defined us. Do you remember how God defined us? It goes back to the first chapter of Genesis [Genesis 1:26] where God said, Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness. We forget that, don’t we?

As a matter of fact, after the great awakening (which is sometimes called the fall) what did Adam and Eve do? They hid.

People say there is not much humor in the Bible, but when you look at the third chapter of Genesis, you have to think that that is kind of funny.

If God is God, how could Adam and Eve hide from God and do it successfully? There they were, crouched behind a bush. God comes looking for them and says, “Adam, where are you?” Adam tries to keep quiet until God finally finds him. He set a pattern for humankind. We have been doing this ever since.

I know a few people who say they share all of their thoughts with God, but not very many. Most of us are afraid that if God really knew what was in our heart of hearts we might not receive God’s love any more, or that we might not be worthy of being loved.

Some people say, “Yes, but we are spiritual students.” Yes, we are churchgoers, but we are also subject, to some extent, to the thoughts that have plagued humankind, since it began to think.

I am here to tell you that there is a way through all of this. The way is the way of awareness.

Remember one thing: if God was really that upset with us, we would have been vaporized eons ago. As a matter of fact, there was a movie back in the late 40’s or early 50’s called “The Next Voice You Hear.” Do any of you remember that movie? In it, all of a sudden, God takes over the radio waves and says, “Look, folks, you have not been doing too well. I am going to give you a week to straighten things out. If you do not straighten things out … it is curtains for you.”

So, throughout the world, there are meetings and new cooperation. It is interesting how things happen like that when chaos or punishment is threatened. God does not punish; God never did. It is time we owned this truth in our mature spirituality. We as humans punish ourselves.

It is also time that we begin to be aware that the presence of God’s love is always with us. The presence of God fills this room more than we ever could. The presence of God stays in this room when we are not here. This is a holy place.

One of the things I would like you to be aware of is how holy this place is for the people who come here. But this place, holy as it is, is no holier than any other place. God is with you wherever you are, even in your car in rush hour traffic.

I want to share another Bible story with you about Jacob. This is about Jacob after his mother told him that he should get out of town, because his brother was going to kill him. Jacob stole his brother’s birthright, and his brother was upset.

He left a place called Beersheba. Spiritually, Beersheba is the place where your faith begins to take its proper role in your life, where it begins to rule. He was heading toward Haran which spiritually means a place of higher spiritual consciousness, a place of elevated thought.

That is the place where most of us are right now. Our faith has begun to take hold (otherwise, what would we be doing in church on Sunday morning?), and we are on our way to a higher awareness of God.

[Genesis 28:11-17] “He came to a certain place and stayed there for the night, because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of the place, he put it under his head and lay down in that place. And he dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth, the top of it reaching to heaven; and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.

“And the Lord stood beside him and said, ‘I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I will give to you and to your offspring; and your offspring shall be like the dust of the earth, and you shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south; and all the families of the earth shall be blessed in you and in your offspring.'”

He has just stolen his brother’s birthright, and yet God is telling him that, by him, all the families of the earth are going to be blessed.

“Know that I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done that of which I have promised you.” This was just an ordinary place, a clearing in the road, with a stone for his pillow, and a beautiful insight. His response to the insight is what is important. Then Jacob woke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place – and I did not know it!

The next verse is probably even more telling. “And he was afraid, and said, ‘How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.'”

I am going to give you a challenge. I invite you to take this thought and use it in some of the places you do not consider so particularly sacred. It is written above some church doors. I saw this crudely painted above a storefront church once: “This is the house of God. This is the gate of heaven.” At the time, I was so arrogant as to not to believe in the possibility that it was so. You see, the storefront was in the midst of a slum. It was hardly an attractive place. They called that the Gate of Heaven? But maybe it was. Maybe any place can be, and maybe any activity can be.

I do not know what you are going to be doing today – whether it is something wonderful or something very ordinary and mundane – but I do know that whatever you are going to do, wherever and however you do it, God is there.

Walt Whitman said, “To me every hour of the day and night is an unspeakably perfect miracle.”

You see, that is real life. What we call real life is only a part of life because it so often leaves God out. I would like you to take the thought with you that I shared just a bit ago: I am a child of God, and every moment (when I am taking a shower, tying my shoes, washing the dishes, when I am sitting in that freeway traffic jam) God’s life, love, wisdom, and power flow into and through me.

God is found; spirituality is found, in the midst of doing ordinary things.

William Shakespeare said, “All glory comes from daring to begin.”

I give you the invitation today, and the challenge, to remember this thought in those times when it seems like nothing much is going on, like nothing of any great value is happening, and like you are not particularly worthy of being called the child of God you are.

Spirituality is all about our awareness. The gift has been given. God has said, “Child, you are always with Me, and all I have is yours.” It is up to us to respond. What an invitation! Think about it. I wish you a regular ordinary day filled with the presence of God.

God bless you!

PRAYER / MEDITATION_____________________

As we begin our time of prayer and meditation, I ask you to simply be spiritually aware of yourself and your body. What is going on in your body now? What does it feel like? Be aware of your mind. What thoughts are walking, floating, racing through in your mind? Be aware of your soul.

Be aware, and recognize that right where you are, God is.

Right where you are, God help is available.

Allow yourself to feel the power of God.

Right where I am, God is – the allness of God is your help in every need.

You continue in an awareness of God, and you add to it the awareness of constant love, help, and reassurance. You notice a restful change that begins to take place when you take your thought. When you let thoughts of God become dominant and supreme in your consciousness, things begin to spiritually change – not outside of you in the outer world, but within you. Feel that happening in you now.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Right where you are, God is.

Feel the power of this prayer as it goes deep within you. Right where you are, God is. Perhaps you can feel the invitation of God calling you to be more completely, more deeply, aware and alive in that Presence that goes beyond all human understanding and explanation.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Right where I am, God is. Feel it, rest in the Presence of God.

Feel the invitation as it leads you into the silence, into that deep rich quiet where there is no longer any separation or obstacle between you and a complete awareness of God.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Right where I am, God is. Focus this thought now; let it take you into the silence.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Out of the silence, your awareness reaches to thoughts of people you love – people who are near and dear to you; people whom you would bless in this time of prayer. Hold with me the highest thought for anyone who comes to mind: Right where you are, God is …

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Watch your thought about that person or situation change. Feel the sense of peace that passes human understanding as we hold the thought: Right where you are, God is …

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Now, even as we begin to turn our thoughts back to this moment and the work that is ours to do this day, the awareness of God stays with us. We are, vibrantly and acutely, aware of God with every breath we take and every thought we think.

Right where we are, God is.

Thank You, God, for all Your gifts, but most especially, for the glorious gift of the awareness of Your presence.

Thank You, God!

In the name of Jesus Christ … Amen.

For 23 years – The worldwide PRAYER PLACE inside the Internet, serving well over 1,600,000 every day. Welcoming all faiths, excluding no one.

Reaching the ends of the earth with the positive message of God. Not connected to any church, Positive Christianity is a Prayer Ministry without walls, physical or denominational, that the world can instantly access and use without cost.

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Christopher Ian Chenoweth

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Time Sensitivity: Sunday On or Before Mother’s Day


Positive Written Sermons is a FREE service of Positive Christianity to those ACTIVE IN CLERGY MINISTRY to ease your burdens in ministry. Each positive sermon is non-denominational; feel free to tailor to your denominational needs, or personal style. We consider our sermons to be 90% complete; they await your personal stories and anecdotes.


Phyllis Diller is quoted as saying, “It would seem that something which means poverty, disorder and violence every single day should be avoided entirely, but the desire to beget children is a natural urge.”

But, Mildred B. Vermont probably put more correctly when she said, “Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs … the payment is pure love.”

Ask any mother today, and she will tell you. To hold a little one and feel love is one of the wonders of the world.

In 1 John 4:12, our Bible states “God’s abides in us and God’s love is perfected in us.”

It is certainly perfected in mothers. A Mother’s love is such a mighty force.

“A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.” Tenneva Jordan

There was a scientist at the University of Wisconsin who created a mothering machine for little animals. It was made out of wire and covered with terry cloth. Out of the wire was a bottle of milk and there was a light bulb to keep the little one warm. But they found that the little ones were dying because little ones needed love.

Love is the one thing you cannot recreate with wire, terry cloth, and a light bulb. At some point in your life, someone held you in their arms, close to their heart. They had the look of love in their eyes and a truly open heart. This happened to every one of us; somebody somewhere along the line did this, and it was the greatest expression of love. You know how special it is, and you know how special it was in your life, whether this person was your natural mother, your adoptive mother, grandmother or relative.

You are here this morning as testimony to that holding. You are able to love because of the love you received. You learned how to love. It was a silent thing, but it was profound and it changed your life, and continues daily. There were times when you made lots of noise, but you were responded to and you were cared for. You were loved.

I want to share a story with you about two religions –

Religion #1:

A woman sat by her hearthside place
Reading her bible with a pleasant face,
‘Till a child came up with a childish frown,
Pushed the bible and said, “Put it down.”
Then the mother slapped his curly head and said,
“Troublesome child, go off to bed!
A great deal of God’s book I must know
To train you up as a child must go.”
The child went off to bed to cry
And denounced religion by and by.

Religion #2:

Another woman bent over a bible
With a smile of joy and an intent look,
‘Till a child came up and pressed on her knee
And said of the bible, “Put it down; take me.”
And then the mother sighed as she stroked his head
Saying softly, “I will never get this read.
But I’ll try by loving to learn God’s will,
And God’s love unto my child instill.”
That child went to bed without a sigh
And will love religion by and by.

The real religion, the only religion that counts (no matter what name we call it) is love. We always have to ask ourselves as a test for religion (which is a system of life) is how loving is this? We should carry our religion of love, no matter what we call it, into our homes, our lives, and our actions.

Whether we are female or male, we should allow that love to come forth from us, whether for something or someone very young, an adult, or someone that is very old that needs our love. We should always allow that wonderful aspect, the best aspect, of human love to come through us – the love, the magic, of motherhood.

Twenty some years ago, a lady came to a minister. She was very, very distressed. She sat in the minister’s office and she said that through a series of events her nephew was coming to live with her. She said to the minister, “I’ve never had any children, and I’m a harsh woman — I admit that. I don’t have the kind of love that I would want to give to a child. I’m scared. How can I, being harsh, hard, and stern in life, give love to this young boy?”

The minister said to her, “You have God’s love inside of you. If you consent to that God love coming through you, it will come through. It is the love of God that will equip you to love this child. If you allow yourself the privilege of having this love come through, it will come through.”

She said, “Yes, yes. But I was never created to do that. You don’t understand my nature. You see the good too much, preacher.”

The minister said, “No. I know that God love can come through you – if you let it.”

That was many years ago. Today that woman has a grown nephew. She was changed by that experience, and so was he. She was a great aunt; she was a wonderful mothering influence. But she didn’t become something; she allowed something to become her. We, each one of us, already are loving children of God. We just have to allow the nature that our mother allowed some time ago, to come through us. Why not do it in honor of mother? What greater honor of a mother than to express today in our lives some of the love she taught us how to express?

There’s a great story I want to share with you about this same idea. It is a story of an Arabian horse. As a young horse, he was orphaned. This Arabian foal was adopted by a family of camels. Every day he looked around and all he saw were other camels, so he decided that he was going to be the best camel he could be because he didn’t know he was an Arabian horse.

Daily through the hot sands of the desert he would carry heavy loads. He would drink at every oasis because he was so parched and thirsty. And every day he would put his hooves down into the sand and move slowly because that was the way a good camel was supposed to be.

One day, when he was very, very old, he looked out across the desert. From his weary eyes he saw an Arabian horse running in the distance on a sand dune. He said to himself, “That is the most beautiful animal I have ever seen in my life!” The shiny mane was flowing back from his head and neck. He said, “If I could only be like that.” He thought to himself, “Once, years ago I had the desire to run, leap high in the air and go over the sand dunes … ” but he quickly remembered his place as a camel. He died from old age never knowing what he really was.

The worst thing we can do in human life is to die not knowing what we are. Male or female, we are meant to love; we are meant to express God’s love. We are meant to cuddle little things, nurture, and cause great things to happen in individuals.

We are meant to celebrate life. According to Jesus Christ, the ultimate way to celebrate life is to love all, realizing we are one in the humanity with each other. Otherwise we’re doing a great disservice, to ourselves, but also to our mothers, because that is the way mom would want it to be.

Mom told us to play nice on the playground. She told us to treat other people well. We should never forget those lessons in our adult life.

Being Christian, we talk a lot about Jesus Christ. Perhaps we do not talk enough about His mother and the importance she played, not only in His ministry but in the formation of His life.

We have all heard the story that Jesus was born of a miraculous conception. I like that doctrine because there is a miraculous conception that is born many times in us, whether we are female or male.

For instance, if we feel we are at the end of our rope, if we have exhausted every idea in human mind, all of a sudden we get an idea from God that revolutionizes our life and changes us. We know the way to go. Without hesitation we go that way and we meet success.

It was an idea that we might not have ever deserved, yet it came. There was a Divine intervention in our life and God made our life livable again. It was a miraculous conception.

There are other times in our physical bodies when it appears we have no life in a certain area. Then all of a sudden God-life moves in and through us and it is as if we have had a miraculous conception. Truly we have. We have conceived something higher than ourselves.

Every mother who has ever conceived a child has conceived miraculously. You know that. When you were in the hospital and held that little one you could not help but to believe in God, love and power that is greater than ourselves.

“When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.” Sophia Loren

Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.

Jesus’ first miracle says so much about his mother. The wedding at Cana [John 2:1-8, 11]. “On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there.” I’m sure she was invited by the family because she knew them. Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding, but I’m sure they were invited because of Mary. “When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, ‘They have no wine.’ And Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, what concern is that to you and to me? My hour has not yet come.'”

I don’t suggest you say to your mother, “Woman … ” But in Jesus’ day this was a very endearing term. It was saying, “Marvelous, marvelous lady.” But He was also saying what you’ve said to your mother many times: “Mom, I’m not ready yet. I can’t do this.”

You know what mom said to you. She said to you in various ways, “I believe in you. You, more than anybody else in the world, can take care of this problem. You’re my son/daughter and I believe in you and I know what you can accomplish with your life.” That’s what mom was saying to Jesus.

I’m sure there were many other things she said besides what is written down here. I’m sure He went on and on, for ten times, to his mother saying such things as, “Mom, there’s no way I can do this now.” Mary didn’t even listen to Him, just like your mother didn’t listen to you when you said “I can’t.”

“His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’ Now standing there were six stone water jars for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. Jesus said to them, ‘Fill the jars with water.'” Keep in mind this was His first miracle.

You know how it was for you when you were producing your first miracle . . . like that first day on your new job when you felt so insecure. You just didn’t know if you had it in you to do what you had trained all these years to do. Yet this was the time. You had your mother calling and telling you, “I believe in you!”

“And they filled them up to the rim. He said to them, ‘Now draw some out, and take it to the chief steward.'” You know the rest of the story. They did and it was the finest wine they had ever tasted. It goes on to say, “and his disciples believed in him.” It doesn’t say that then Mary believed; she already knew, and believed. The disciples didn’t, but Mary did. Then at the end of the story it talks of how Jesus went with his mother to the next place they were going.

Jesus’ mother was so important to Him that the parting words on the Cross, almost the very last thing He said, was, “Woman, behold thy son, and behold thy mother.” He was looking out for his mother. He was getting someone to take care of his mother, whom He valued so highly. He was caring for her, even while He was in great pain.

Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “The real religion of the world comes from women much more than from men – from mothers most of all, who carry the key of our souls.”

There is a wonderful story of Abraham Lincoln when he was riding one day in a coach. There was a colonel from Kentucky with him. The colonel reached into his inside vest pocket and took out a container of whiskey. He said, “Here Mr. Lincoln, have a swig of whiskey.”

Mr. Lincoln said, “No sir; thank you. I never drink whiskey.”

They rode along a little while longer and the colonel reached into his other vest pocket and took out a big, long cigar and said, “Here Mr. Lincoln. Have a cigar.”

Mr. Lincoln said to the colonel, “No. I never smoke cigars.”

Then Mr. Lincoln said, “Let me tell you a story. When I was nine years of age, I was called to my mother’s bed. She held my hand and said, ‘Abe, the doctor tells me I’m very sick and I’m not going to get up from this bed. Dear boy, I want you to promise me something from my deathbed – that you will never smoke or drink.'” Abe Lincoln said to the colonel from Kentucky, “Now, would you wish at this time I break that promise?”

The colonel paused and said, “Oh no, dear kind sir. I would pay $1,000 if I had made that promise and kept it all these years. I would be a better man for it.”

Abraham Lincoln, when asked about his incredible strength, said, “I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.”

We’ve made many, many promises in our lifetime. Most of them have been to our mothers. And how many thoughts she had for us as she was raising us. How good it is to have a day to honor her and realize that she made us.

Whenever Alexander the Great was entertaining people in the palace, he would always put on a special gown that was woven for him by his mother. Every time we go out in public, we put on a gown that was woven for us by our mothers – not only the skin we have, the eyes, teeth, and hair, but also the way we act.

Perhaps over years we have forgotten some of the things that mom has taught us, but this is a day to remember. This is a day to go back and remember the very best of mom when she was at her best. We become our best by recalling and reliving her best.

The VERY BEST she taught was LOVE, by her example.

A man was talking with a woman and asked, “What do you do?” She said, “I’m just a mother.” This is what Theodore Roosevelt said about being “just a mother.”

“When all is said, it is the mother, and the mother only, who is a better citizen than the soldier who fights for his country. The successful mother, the mother who does her part in rearing and training aright the boys and girls who are to be the generation of men and women of the next generation, is of better use to the country if only she would realize it. A more honorable as well as a more important position than any man, the mother is the one supreme asset of national life. She is more important, by far, than the successful statesman, businessman, artist, or scientist.”

I have one more story to share with you that will touch you. It is an old Chinese story. Po Yu did wrong and he cried when his mother chastised him with a stick. “You never used to cry when I thrashed you,” said his mother. “Why do you cry today?”

He answered, “When I did wrong and you thrashed me, it always used to hurt. But this time mother’s strength is such that it did not hurt. That’s why I cry.”

Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.

Let us pray. Dear God, one of the most incredible gifts you ever gave me as a human being is my physical mother. I thank You for that incredible gift. I thank You for all the times we’ve spent together and all the lessons she shared with me. Every day I will make my life an example of her love, and in my life I will make her love very much alive and her life not wasted. Her love is the life I live.

I thank you, dear mother, for your love, patience, and incredible kindness hour after hour. For the life I have today, I give all credit to you.

In Jesus Christ’s name I pray … Amen.

PRAYER / MEDITATION__________________________________________

In this spiritual place of prayer there is love. In this spiritual place of prayer there is peace and harmony. Dear God, I pray that You will help me to fill my own mind with love, peace, and harmony. I declare, right now, my belief in You and in all others that You have created.

Help me, dear God, to make secure this belief in my mind. Make it so much a part of me that I begin to live it. I live it in my daily contact with others.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Grant that there be given to me tolerance, understanding and forgiveness. I pray that I am able to love, like at no time before, the children of the Divine Presence everywhere – my brothers and my sisters.

I pray that I am never stopped in loving because of any failing I perceive with my human brain. And I pray that I am able to love myself and not be stopped because of my failings.

I am striving every day to overcome my failings. Dear God, I strive to overcome each through Your love which is perfect. Strengthen, therefore, my belief in You. Strengthen, therefore, my belief in others as I give expression to this belief in these words:

I believe in God.
I believe in one humanity; every man my brother, every woman my sister.
I believe in one common freedom of thought and expression established among all races and nations, and one world of unity and cooperation in one purpose of mutual love and understanding.
In this, to this end, I believe all may attain the one great goal in life – universal love, peace and happiness.

May we rest this moment in the love of God, in the silence.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

You enter into this day with joy and enthusiasm for you know God is with you. There is good in everything and you are able to find good in this day. You are part of the upward progressive movement of life. You call forth the best in yourself and others as you are a loving, understanding, and compassionate person. You are capable of carrying on your life. You are capable of rising out of sadness into light, life, and joy. You are light; hold these words deep in your being.

You let the light of God radiate through you in the silence of prayer …

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Dear God, how grateful I am for the earthly expression of our mother. We pray You will bless her now. If she is on this earthly plane or on another, we pray You will bless her. We know prayer is the language of Spirit and it is not limited by time or space.

We give thanks for the incredible privilege we have had to know our mother.

In Jesus Christ’s name we pray on this wonderful Mother’s Day … Amen.

Since 1999 – The worldwide PRAYER PLACE inside the Internet, serving well over 1,600,000 every day. Welcoming all faiths, excluding no one. Reaching the ends of the earth with the positive message of God. Not connected to any church, Positive Christianity is a Prayer Ministry without walls, physical or denominational, that the world can instantly access and use without cost.

ARCHIVES of recent Positive Daily Inspiration is available on our homepage; use anything you wish.

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NEED PRAYER? Click here – if you have a prayer need, Positive Christianity will start praying with you, daily, for an entire month. There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

DONATIONS Thank You for helping us with this great free work for ministers of every faith:
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Christopher Ian Chenoweth

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POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON – Let God Turn Inadequacy Into Adequate

POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON - Let God Turn Inadequacy Into Adequate

Time Sensitivity: none


Positive Written Sermons is a FREE service of Positive Christianity to those ACTIVE IN CLERGY MINISTRY to ease your burdens in ministry. Each positive sermon is non-denominational; feel free to tailor to your denominational needs, or personal style. We consider our sermons to be 90% complete; they await your personal stories and anecdotes.


One day, two Kansas cows were standing at the edge of the pasture looking over the fence, watching a huge tanker milk truck come down the road. As it passed by, they read the signs on the side of the tanker that said, “MILK … Homogenized, Pasteurized, Grade A, Fortified with Vitamin D … Both Plain and Chocolate.” As it passed by, one cow turned to the other and said, “It makes one feel awfully inadequate, doesn’t it?”

The feeling of inadequacy in our lives sometimes can overpower us. We have with us the power of God which will make us feel adequate; God can give us the strength, the power, and the joy to press forward to victory in any goal we set for ourselves.

Allow me to turn to a passage of scripture where Jesus acknowledged the truth of His being. He had asked His disciples the question, “Who do men say that I am?” They gave Him many answers, and then He turned and said, “But who do you say that I am?”

Peter, who was the great spokesman for the twelve disciples, came back with the words, “You are the Christ, the son of the living God.”

Jesus responded, “Blessed art thou Simon, son of Jonah, for flesh and blood did not reveal it to you, but my Father who is in heaven … “

In other words, it was a spiritual revelation.

If we are going to lift ourselves up to function at the highest possible level, we, too, must come into a spiritual realization of who we are. Sometimes, placing ourselves on this spiritual plane is a difficult task, because our five physical senses are looking out into our world, and perceiving all kinds of chaos, trial, tribulation – obstacles that seem to block the path to the higher good of God. The path to the highest good starts within, in prayer.

Some time ago, Sid Caesar was being interviewed about his early days in television.

The interviewer asked him, “What’s the funniest thing that ever happened to you?”

He told of a time when he had just come to television with his Show of Shows. It was one of the early extravaganzas of television that helped to build it into the great media that it is today. He reflected a moment, and then said, “I guess it was the time my little girl came home from school and said the children at school were talking about Sid Caesar and how funny the show was.

“My wife looked down at her and said, ‘I’m glad that you’re proud of your father.’

“My little girl looked up at me and said, ‘You’re Sid Caesar?'”

If we listened to Peter’s response to Jesus, we will agree with him about what he said about Jesus. Jesus was the Christ the son of the living God.

Jesus said things about us, which we have found hard to believe, “These things I do you shall do also and greater than these shall you do.”

So, when Jesus accepted for Himself Peter’s words, “You are the Christ,” He was making an identity that is valid for each of us.

A favorite passage in scripture is “Christ in you, your hope of glory.”

With God’s help, you can lift yourself above the reservations that you may hold about your potential. You can lift yourself above the human part of you and elevate your mind to a level of identity that allows you to feel the power of the Word of God about the creation.

I like to link the title “Christ” to God’s individual name for us as revealed in the Old Testament. It came out of the burning bush and was given to Moses. It was the time God gave Moses the assignment to go into Egypt and bring the children of Israel out. You know what Moses’ great response was: “WHO AM I to do this?”

Sometimes, that’s the way we all face life. We say, “WHO AM I to be able to handle this challenge or accomplish this goal?”

God said to Moses what God says to us, “I am always with you.”

Moses came back and asked, “By what authority can I tell the children of Israel that I have come to do this thing?”

God said to Moses: “Tell them I AM hath sent me unto you.”

He gave Moses the one name you have that no one else can claim; the one name I have that no one else can even speak for me; the great and holy name I AM. Then, God said, “I AM that I AM,” meaning “I am that I AM which is the name of what I am in you and WITH you.” When you use that name, you release everything that I AM.

Say with me: “Christ, I am – willing, available, and ready.”

Together: “Christ, I am – willing, available, and ready.”

We go to church every week, but what is the church? Peter said, “Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God.”

Jesus responded, “Blessed are thou Simon. Flesh and blood did not reveal it to you, but My Father who is in heaven. And upon THIS ROCK I will build my church.”

Many people in the field of religious teachings see Peter as the rock, but that is not the foundation rock of which Jesus was speaking. The rock of which He was speaking was the answer that Peter gave: “You are the Christ.” And the church of which he spoke is not a physical edifice into which we enter to build our spirits and commune with each other in fellowship in the ideas of our spiritual teaching. It is the inner church of spiritual connectedness and knowing – a church not made with hands, and above human thinking.

If you want an exhilarating experience, to the degree I assure you will be transforming in your individual life, enter place of spiritual consciousness every morning when you arise, and ponder the reality of your Creator and your oneness as a child of God. Let the spiritual knowledge integrate itself, not only into your mind, but down deep into the depths of your soul where it takes over as an unconscious belief about yourself. The knowledge about who you really are cannot be given to you by human minister it has to be, as Jesus said, not from flesh and blood, but from God in heaven. You will then see the great transformation taking place in you.

Jesus said, “Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Hell can be right here and now, when we move away from God, and dwell in worry, human anxiety and fear.

When you put God first and draw that power from prayer to your world, the gates of hell (the life filled with chaos, trial and tribulation) shall not prevail against you.

Following this statement, Jesus said, “I will give you the keys to the kingdom.”

Jesus said, “Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

These are the keys to the kingdom – the power to use the word in prayer.

Jesus on the Sermon on the Mount said, “In all things say ‘Yes, yes and no, no.'” Through the power of prayer, you can say “Yes!” to something or you can say “No” to it and release it spiritual power backing you up.

This old farmer had a mule and an old, dried-up well in the middle of his farmyard, barely covered with some fragments of board. One day, the old mule walked across it, the boards broke, and down to the bottom of the well he went.

The well was deep. The old farmer figured the old mule probably would not survive the fall anyway, so he decided, much to his own dismay, that the best way to handle the whole situation was to bury the old mule in the well and solve the problem of getting rid of the open well at the same time.

So he hauled in a cart-load of dirt and dumped it down into the well. But instead of lying there and being buried in the dirt, the old mule got up, shook himself off, and tromped the dirt under his feet. Soon he found himself just a few inches higher than he was before.

The farmer dumped down the second cartload of dirt, and the old mule again tromped the dirt under his feet, and he was then a little bit higher. Finally, many cartloads of dirt later, the old mule stepped out on safe and solid ground.

That’s what binding and loosing, elimination “no” prayer and positive affirmation “yes” prayer, is. Elimination prayer is shaking off the dirt that falls on you in this world, and positive affirmation prayer is tromping it under your feet and raising yourself up a little.

Those are the keys to the kingdom of heaven – heaven being the opposite of hell; heaven being movement into the total oneness with God, wherever you are.

The joy of knowing God’s Truth about yourself is so great, so complete. A little boy, 5 years old was in Sunday School it came time for the offering. He had his offering clutched in his little hand. The Sunday School teacher had all the children seated in a row in the classroom. She came down in front of them with the offering basket, and each child (one-by-one) put his or her offering into the basket.

Then she got to him, and he refused to put his offering into the basket. The teacher said, “Please put your offering into the basket.”

He said, “No!”

She asked him a second time and he said, “No!”

Finally she said, “That offering belongs to God.”

He looked her in the eye and said, “I’ll give it to God myself.”

The way you give yourself to God is to claim your oneness and let the power of the word of prayer infiltrate the whole of your being. Become one with God and become your prayer.

To be able to live in a spiritual consciousness of awareness of our oneness with God is very transformational. Then take the power of that awareness into your speaking of binding and loosing; taking hold of or letting go of the things of life that are not in agreement with the perfection of God.

I will close with a story of the young minister who was beginning in his first ministry. He had a church assigned to him up in the ranch country of Montana. This was to be his first Sunday in the pulpit. A blizzard hit the night before and was still raging on Sunday morning. The young man came up to the lectern on his church. As he stood behind the lectern and got ready to begin, he looked out at his congregation and he had one old, tough rancher sitting in the crowd – a crowd of one. He said, “You, sir, seem to be the only person here. I really don’t know what to do.”

The old rancher said, “Well, if I only had one cow in the corral, I sure would feed that cow.”

So the young minister lit into his sermon and he talked 10 minutes, then 20 minutes, then 35 minutes, then 50 minutes. It was over an hour now, and he was still going. Finally, he brought his talk to a fiery close and feeling rather proud of himself he leaned over the pulpit and said to the old rancher, “How was that?”

The old rancher said, “Well, if I went down to my corral and saw only one cow there, I sure would feed the cow, but I’d be darned if I would give him the whole barn full of hay.”

“Christ, I am – willing, available, and ready.”

Together: “Christ, I am – willing, available, and ready.”

Again: “Christ, I am – willing, available, and ready.”

Once more “Christ, I am – willing, available, and ready!”

You are equipped by God. You are more than adequate. God gives you all

that you need and will continually give to you all that you will need in the future.

God bless you!

PRAYER / MEDITATION_______________________________

It is in the Holy moment of prayer that we come into the realization of God’s perfect life of each one of us in potential. May we now become fully aware of our true spiritual identity as a child of God. May we be given knowledge from on high about what we are heir to. May we now have our human minds empowered so that we can comprehend the incomprehensible. May we understand who we are and what part we play in God’s plan.

We rest our minds, our hearts, our bodies, and indeed all our circumstances of our lives in that perfect oneness of the wonderful presence of God.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

We feel the great sense of God’s omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence.

In this moment of prayer, I am acutely aware of Your presence, and Your power touching my individual life. I release any tiredness within my brain and accept the renewing of God’s energy within my physical body. My soul is infilled with Your renewable power. I feel re-created by You my dear Creator.

Thank You, God, for the fullness of Thy Being expressing through me now, and for the joy of knowing that You are with me now.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Thank You, God, that I may lift up all the cares of my life into the light of Your Presence and release them there. We find all needed adjustments and we find the spirit of Thy spiritual success.

You now give over to God any need of healing, any need for peace, any desire for success and lets the joy of fulfillment pour through the soul and out into the world of expression.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Feel the joy! Feel the love! Feel the deep inner satisfaction that comes by knowing that life itself is adequate to supply all our needs and fulfill all our dreams, because our lives are each connected to our Creator.

Thank you God for Your ever-present help in my life and in the lives of my loved ones.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

I pray now for my loved ones and friends. I ask You dear God to watch over my loved ones and friends. Be with everyone in such a direct way that they cannot miss your guidance and help in their minds. Strengthen and renew their bodies with health. Renew and energize their motivation to do the right thing all the time. Bless their lives with Divine ideas and lasting abundance.

Thank you God for again answering my every prayer in most profound way.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen.

For 23 years – The worldwide PRAYER PLACE inside the Internet, serving well over 1,600,000 every day. Welcoming all faiths, excluding no one. Reaching the ends of the earth with the positive message of God. Not connected to any church, Positive Christianity is a Prayer Ministry without walls, physical or denominational, that the world can instantly access and use without cost.

ARCHIVES of recent Positive Daily Inspiration is available on our homepage; use anything you wish.

FREE Encyclopedia of Prayers:

NEED PRAYER? Reply – if you have a prayer need, Positive Christianity will start praying with you, daily, for an entire month. There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

By mail: Positive Christianity Box 7993 Woodlands, TX 77387

Christopher Ian Chenoweth

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POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON – Thoughts Held in Mind Produce After Their Kind

POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON - Thoughts Held in Mind Produce After Their Kind

Time Sensitivity: none


Positive Written Sermons is a FREE service of Positive Christianity to those ACTIVE IN CLERGY MINISTRY to ease your burdens in ministry. Each positive sermon is non-denominational; feel free to tailor to your denominational needs, or personal style. We consider our sermons to be 90% complete; they await your personal stories and anecdotes.


Helen is in the hospital. (The name has been changed in this story, but it has happened in just this way.)

Helen is lying in bed, and a church person comes to visit her. Helen says, “Why am I here? What have I done to deserve this?”

A businessperson is having a terrible year in business. This person calls the minister and says, “Why is this happening to me? What have I done to deserve this?”

Today I’m going to talk about cause and effect. I want to explain cause and effect.

Have you ever heard the saying, “Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind”?

This is water and this is a silk plant. The water represents our thoughts; the silk plant represents the outer world. If I pour the water down, it produces an effect – a wet silk plant. When we have thoughts in our own minds, we have an effect on the outer world.

For example, Helen’s doctor comes in and says, “Helen, with the effects you have in your physical body, it is going to take you six months to heal.” Helen holds that in her mind. If she believes it, her body will take exactly six months to heal. This is cause and effect. I ask you, are you locked into this?

There is a wonderful old movie that was released some years ago called “Groundhog Day.” It stars Bill Murray.

It is a story of cause and effect. Bill Murray visits this town and relieves the same day every day (Groundhog Day).

Bill Murray gets up in the morning and goes through the day not being very loving Since he is not very loving (the cause), he had many incidences of people not being very loving to him (the effect). He goes to bed not being very happy with what those 24 hours brought to him. When the alarm rings in the morning, he gets up and realizes that he is reliving the same day again. But this time he does things slightly differently.

This is the whole story of this movie. He lives it, and keeps reliving it, until finally he is loving. And when he is loving, his whole life, and everything happening to him changes. It is cause and effect.

Let me read from the Bible, “As far as the east is from the west, so far he removes our transgressions from us” Psalms 103:2.

That seems to talk against cause and effect. That says that if you do something you are not happy with, God can lift you out of the old pattern to a higher level.

Levels of spiritual development can be transcended by Divine Grace in a split second. There are many levels of development. One is the level of hard knocks. A lot of us have been on that level for the major part of our lives. If I bend down and hit my head on the piano, it hurts. I cut my head, and I experience pain. After many times of doing this, I come to the conclusion that it hurts to bend over and hit my head on the piano. I learn how to avoid that in my life.

If I go home, get angry with my family and yell at them (the cause), they will be angry with me for days, weeks, months, or even years (the effect). Soon I learn it is better to be loving. If I am loving, I do not have that negative effect come to me. That is the hard knocks level of spiritual growth.

But there is a higher level. There is a level where, in a split second, we go to God for Divine Grace. In that split second we are no longer locked into the cause and effect cycle; we are literally lifted above it. This occurs, not through our own actions, but through God’s actions working in us.

God’s desire is to express through you in such a complete way – through you, as you – that you never completely reap the harvest of error you sow in your life, and that you always reap more good than you sow. This is God’s Grace. It is a wonderful facet of the love of God. It is not something that we work to achieve. We do not have to work for this type of love, because it simply exists in our lives.

Ephesians 2:5. “Even when we were dead through our trespasses” … This says because of the way we have been acting, we have created a hole for ourselves, and we are stuck in that hole. We may have created a mess in our families, our businesses, and our lives.

“Even though we were dead through our trespasses, we are made alive together again in Christ – by grace you have been saved” Ephesians 2:5, paraphrased.

You are saved by the grace of God – the gift of lifting you out of where you might have gotten yourself. It’s not something you do or earn.

It is a gift freely given.

Luke 15:11-32 is the parable of the prodigal and his brother. “There was a man who had two sons. The younger of them said to his father, “Father, give me the share of the property that will belong to me” so he divided his property between them. A few days later the younger son gathered all he had and traveled to a distant country, and there he squandered his property in dissolute living. When he had spent everything, a severe famine took place throughout that country, and he began to be in need. So he went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed the pigs. He would gladly have filled himself with the pods that the pigs were eating; and no one gave him anything. But when he came to himself he said, “How many of my father’s hired hands have bread enough and to spare, but here I am dying of hunger! I will get up and go to my father, and I will say to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son; treat me like one of your hired hands.'” So he set off and went to his father.

But while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him. Then the son said to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” But the father said to his slaves, “Quickly, bring out a robe – the best one – and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. And get the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate; for this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!” And they began to celebrate.

Now his elder son was in the field; and when he came and approached the house, he heard music and dancing. He called one of the slaves and asked what was going on. He replied, “Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fatted calf, because he has got him back safe and sound.”

Then he became angry and refused to go in. His father came out and began to plead with him. But he answered his father, “Listen! For all these years I have been working like a slave for you, and I have never disobeyed your command; yet you have never given me even a young goat so that I might celebrate with my friends. But when this son of yours came back, who has devoured your property, you killed the fatted calf for him!” Then the father said to him, “Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. But we had to celebrate and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and has come to life; he was lost and has been found. This is talking about God’s Grace in our lives. It is talking about how we simply need to turn to God. We may have been far off from God for a long time. Because of the ways in which we have been living, we deserved much worse. Yet, the love of God comes through freely and easily to us. This is the way of God’s love. It always comes. Thank God that we do not have a God who says to you, “Because of what you did back in 1959, you will pay for the rest of your life.” That is a human way; not the way of our God. God IS love. God is NOT made in our image, we are made in God’s image.

We need to accept God as God; not God as we think God should be. If we accept God as we think God should be, we will hold ourselves accountable just as we do in human mind. No one in the world criticizes you more than yourself. You are your greatest critic and judge. God thinks you are wonderful and loves you unconditionally.

God is a God of love and Grace. God does not say, “Tsk, tsk [shaking head] … I’m judging you. You have not been good enough or loving enough, so today you cannot have My grace.” God gives to you freely and easily. If in the moment you feel trapped in some situation, say to God: “God I accept your grace. God I am ready.” And it will come through.

At any time we can supersede the law of cause and effect. We can go higher. We are not locked into an endless cycle of our own human mind cause and effect. We can have the full Grace of God come through. And, like wonder, it will; everything will be changed in a split second of time.

God’s time is not our time. We think in terms of linear time in our human mind. We judge. We say, “Now, to heal this body it will take this much time” or “To take care of this terrible business that I am locked into, it will take so much time.” But in God Mind there is no time or space. Twisted mazes can be straightened out in a split second. I have seen it happen, and you have too.

Cause and effect would say that as a farmer if I sowed ten seeds I would get ten plants. But you know the Truth. If I sow ten seeds, I am going to get back many plants which will produce thousands of seeds. This is the way Divine law works. It works that way in your own life, too.

In a split second you can have what you desire. God, will always meet you more than half way. By becoming receptive to the Grace of God, we receive the measure of God’s provision which exceeds any of our imaginings.

Human mind will say, “This good I am seeking is far off.” But here is what far means to me: Freewill Accept Receive. That brings the far – close. In your free will, you have the choice to accept God’s good, and it will come to you – beyond what you ask, seek, earn, or even deserve. God is more than willing to give to you.

I repeat, Grace has nothing to do with anything that anyone else has ever done, or any outward activity on your part. Grace is an inner realization that you are already one with God. You always have been, and you always will be. The only separation is a false belief in our own minds.

A great spiritual teacher once said to his ministerial students, “Congratulations. You have now all superseded the law of cause and effect. You will live your lives on a new plane.” You, too, can supersede the law of cause of effect. You, too, can live in that realm.In the Bible, John 1:16-17 it says: “From His fullness we have all received, Grace upon Grace. The law indeed was given through Moses; Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ”. Cause and effect is law. However, there is a higher level, and that is the Grace of God. Does that take away from the statement I started this lesson with? Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind. No. Not at all. It is the type of thinking that you are holding in mind.

Let’s say in this split second in time that God Mind totally took over your human mind. Right now you are being infilled with God Mind. God Mind is infilling your every thought. At the core nucleus, there is no more fear or anxiety. You are being filled with the power of God thinking. This is higher than any of my words can verbalize.

Now, through the power of God, you are infilled with God Mind. Through your human motivation and willingness to accept, you agree to hold this in mind. And thoughts held in mind will produce after their kind. It works the same way, but it’s a higher working of the law. It’s a higher outworking that can work at any time for you.

There are times of emergency when you have or you will call upon God in the moment, and you can’t wait. You need God, and you need God now. You consent with your human mind and say,

“God this is the moment.
This is the time.
I give You my human mind.
I ask You to infill me with Your light and wisdom.”

With this, something comes to you higher than you have ever earned. It is an immediate intervention of God Mind. It is so complete and thorough, and yet it is so quiet and gentle. God does not come to you in a thunderbolt. God comes to you in the stillness.

The immediate intervention of God’s Grace is not reserved for human emergencies only. Grace is omnipresent.

You are literally being bathed in the Grace of God now as you sit here in this room. It is instant love. In human situations – on the job, in the home – Grace is always present. There is not one person of any religion who is not surrounded and infilled with God’s Grace. But each person has free-will on whether to accept it.

“I will open the windows of heaven for you until you say it is enough.” When do we say it is enough? Do we say, “Okay, God, by my human standards I say it’s enough, so I will accept just a little of my good. I have been bad. I’ve been in the far country. I’ve squandered my father’s money. My brother has been so good all long. He stayed with my father. He has been surrounded in his good all along, but I was too dumb. I don’t deserve any better.” In the quietness, God says to you: “Please, please accept more of My good. Please take it. Please ask for it. Please, through your free-will, take it. It’s yours. I give to you freely. I want to give it. It gives me great joy to give to you.” And you say, “No, no. I’ll take only this much.” How much better it is to supersede our own mind, and go completely into a state of Grace.

There are more forms of Grace than there are leaves on the trees. Grace is attuning with the law and its perfect working.

Let me share a story. Last winter there was a woman driving on a hilly road. It was very icy and she was driving fast. She was very concerned about something that was going on with her family, and was not paying attention to how fast she was going.

At one point, her car started to go into a spin at a tremendous speed. The car kept spinning in the middle of the road. She looked up and realized that traffic was coming toward her from both directions. She simply let go of the wheel and closed her eyes, because she knew she was out of control.

That is a beautiful place to be – when you know you are out of control. You know you can’t control it anymore, so you call upon God’s Grace. When you do, within a split second you attune yourself in that place where there is no time or space, and everything corrects itself.

This was the biggest miracle this woman had ever had in her life. Not only did she not get into an accident, but her car straightened itself, and somehow pulled to the side of the road, out of harm’s way. This was something she could not have done in a moment, or even in a few moments. But God did it through her consenting.

If I was to look up the word “intervention,” I would find the following words to describe it: interference, interruption, arbitration. In football we think of an interference as a tackling of somebody to keep him from his good. But there is another form of interference: when the little boy is running out into a traffic-filled street to get his football. The cause shows that the little boy will run one way, and the effect would be that the little boy is in danger. But someone sees this in advance, runs interference, and keeps him from harm’s way.

Or someone driving on a busy street is told in a moment of prayer to step on the brake, but he/she doesn’t know why. After coming to a complete stop, they see a little boy run in front of the car that he/she would have hit. This (in both situations) happens every day. It is immediate intervention, and it can happen to us in our lives.

An arbitration occurs in a business situation between union and management where jobs are going to be saved. There can be Divine, immediate help.

“Humans are prone to feel that the outer, or sense world is the source of his/her good. But in order to fully realize our sonship, daughtership, and Divine heritage, we must hold fast to God. We must see God as the only cause.

We must keep our vision high. We must hold steadfastly to the realization that God is the one source of all; that in God and in Truth is where all our good is. That’s why we are here today in church.

Do you have to win God over? No. Can you ever get to the point in your spirituality where you have immunity from effects? Yes, in part. In human development, when your motive is pure, you have a degree of immunity from the effects of ignorant transgression of Divine law.

Let us pray:

Dear God, I realize that Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ, that is the real saving, redeeming, and transforming power that comes to me through the work Jesus did, establishing, for the race, a new and higher consciousness in the earth.

I now enter into that awareness of faith in Him by means of an inner spirit of the law that He taught and practiced. Dear God, I affirm: Through the grace of God I am forgiven and healed.

In this moment, we lift above the law of cause and effect. In this moment, we transcend that law to the higher law of the law of God’s Grace. In a split second, a Divine intervention occurs in your life. God knows where it needs to occur. The Divine intervention of the Divine law of grace happens in and through your life and the lives of those you love now.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen.


(This includes a lot of silence with soft music background)

In this prayer time, we say to our physical minds: Peace, be still. Peace, be still. Quiet thoughts are preparing the way, and a quiet light glows within you.

This God light is growing brighter and brighter.
The light and love of God is surrounding you and indwelling you.
The love of God permeates your being.

The quietness and healing power of God flows through you now. Peace be still … .

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Dear God, I consent to You and Your ways of thinking.
I give my mind and body over to You during this prayer time.
I feel Your sweet gentleness.
I do not strive or want for anything.

I simply consent.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

God, I call forth Your Divine Grace to bypass my human thinking; to overcome any fears and anxieties that may arise. I now call forth Your action in and through my physical body.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

God’s Grace is manifested through you now. It’s wonder works in and through you.

Rest in the silence, and accept the Grace of God as part of your life …

Rest in the silence of prayer …

How serene and at one with You we feel, dear God.

As we close this prayer time, we prepare to open a brand new day and a new awareness inside of us.

We are willing; we consent.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen.

For 23 years – The worldwide PRAYER PLACE inside the Internet, serving well over 1,600,000 every day. Welcoming all faiths, excluding no one. Reaching the ends of the earth with the positive message of God. Not connected to any church, Positive Christianity is a Prayer Ministry without walls, physical or denominational, that the world can instantly access and use without cost.

ARCHIVES of recent Positive Daily Inspiration is available on our homepage; use anything you wish.

FREE Encyclopedia of Prayers:

NEED PRAYER? Reply – if you have a prayer need, Positive Christianity will start praying with you, daily, for an entire month. There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

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By mail: Positive Christianity Box 7993 Woodlands, TX 77387

Christopher Ian Chenoweth

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POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON – The Mystery of Religion

POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON - The Mystery of Religion

 Time Sensitivity: none


Positive Written Sermons is a FREE service of Positive Christianity to those ACTIVE IN CLERGY MINISTRY to ease your burdens in ministry. Each positive sermon is non-denominational; feel free to tailor to your denominational needs, or personal style. We consider our sermons to be 90% complete; they await your personal stories and anecdotes.


How do you define religion? It’s not really easy to define, because each person alive has a different definition of it. Even different people of the same exact denomination has a different definition.

Everyone sees God a bit differently. If you were to look at the outside world from the windows in this room, you would verbalize what you are seeing at the moment as definitely what the outside world is. The outside world is what you see. And yet, people looking out the windows to the North and those looking out the windows to the South would see different things.

A minister once told a story about a man that he knew named Rudy. He respected this man a great deal because this man could quote the Bible better than anyone he had ever known. The man never needed to open the Bible; he knew the Bible. As a matter of fact, he had a photographic mind. You could ask, for instance, where did it talk about eagles in the Bible, and he could not only recite the verse but tell you every word on that page. It would be correct if you were to look it up.

As the minister spent more time with this gentleman, even though he knew every word on the pages of the Bible, he found he did not discover what religion really was, just like we could not discover what the outside was if we only looked out the window. We could describe it in detail, but we would not be an expert on the outside until we went out there and felt it on our cheeks, felt the sun in summer and maybe shivered a little in winter.

To be true, religion is something you have to immerse yourself in. You might say Rudy did it because he could quote from the Bible so very accurately. One time the minister took a long ride with Rudy from north to south Florida. His children were in the car with them. He started to notice that there was not really a good relationship between Rudy and his children. As a matter of fact, if they did anything wrong they would get the back side of his hand. The car became a violent place of something that was the opposite of love. He would also make negative comments about other drivers. If you were to talk with him long enough, he would justify everything from the Holy Book.

“What is religion?” If this person was doing these things that are unloving, and justifying them with passages from the Holy Bible, what is religion? How does it really count in our lives? What is it all about?

If we are really to follow the teachings of Jesus, and this whole society has freedom of religion, and there are so many different ways to believe and so many different churches, what does the believer really believe? Do they really practice the religion of Jesus Christ? Or, if they are practicing another religion, do they practice it and does it make a change for them?

A survey was conducted of 1,500 different Americans as to what they believe. 1,500 people were selected at random and asked questions. Here are some questions asked:

Does America believe in the power of positive thought? More than 90% of those surveyed agree, either strongly or somewhat strongly, that what they think has an effect on their physical well being. A full 96% of those surveyed believe that what they think has an effect on their health. And 92% believe that what they think can change the outcome of events in their lives. Of those surveyed, 92% believe that a positive mental attitude can be very effective in helping to deal with life challenges.

Americans tend to rely on themselves rather than just luck, the survey shows. A large percentage of those surveyed (84%) believe people create most of their own problems. When faced with life challenges, most respondents indicate that they tend to rely on themselves for solutions. Nearly 90% agree either strongly (47%) or somewhat strongly (42%) that a strength comes from within.

Interestingly, 42% of those surveyed go to church, and yet a vast majority say they believe in God; they believe in a power higher than themselves. Everyone has a slightly different view on what that higher power is.

Today, just for the brief moment of this service, I would like to take a look at what Jesus said about religion. You’ll find that even though He was talking about religion of that day, it is still very true for today.

The first thing Jesus did, (I read from Matthew 23) was to denounce formalism in religion. Do you know people are surprised when they come to church today? They are surprised that we can laugh in church; that we can have joy. I ask you, what better place to laugh, what better place to find joy than right here?

Practice it.

Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat; therefore, do whatever they teach you and follow it; but do not do as they do, for they do not practice what they teach.” If we are to follow Jesus Christ, we need to practice what we teach. We shouldn’t just come to church and memorize the words; we should strive to practice it in our daily lives. If you’re going home from this service, how do you go about practicing the teachings in your daily life? You do it moment-by-moment as things face you. Like it said in the 23rd Psalm, if something is facing you that seems overwhelming, that is when you practice the presence of God. You practice it by knowing that you are not alone, by knowing that there is a power working with you that can help you get to the other side.

“They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on the shoulders of others; but they themselves are unwilling to lift a finger to move them.” You would not like it if I were a preacher who stood up here and said, “You negative people, you will never be able to redeem yourselves; you will never be able to come in contact with God.” You would not like that at all, and I would not like to do that.

An assuredness of faith.

I am here to tell you of your possibilities. I am here to tell you that you are more than human, more than flesh and blood. I am here to tell you that no matter what you have faced in your life, you can overcome. You are not locked into the past. The past does not put you in jail. Today is a new day. Because God is with you, working in your human mind, you can walk beside the still waters. That means you have calmness and serenity inside of you. You can have an assuredness of faith that you can walk forward. You can succeed in ways you have not succeeded before.


Jesus goes on to say, “They do all their deeds to be seen by others; for they make their [robes] broad and their fringes long. They love to have the place of honor at banquets and the best seats in the synagogues, and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have people call them rabbi.”

This is teaching humbleness. It is teaching that the human is not the important part. The important part is the shining glory of the Christ you can have as you surrender to that. What Jesus is saying here is that they are teaching people to surrender, not to God but to them. That is the wrong way to surrender.


“But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all students.” The third part is we all have equal access to God. This is exactly what he’s saying here. He is saying that we are students of a great creative activity of God. It is a soul school where we are all enrolled, whether we want to be or not. Even if we resist it, we are enrolled in it. The more we surrender, the more we can accept its blessings.

So, in Jesus’ teachings we have to:

1. Practice the presence.

2. Be willing to practice and do the work.

An assuredness of faith



3. We all have equal access to God.

4. We’re all students of Christianity with one teacher – God.

This says that each one of us has direct access and communication with this God.

You, sitting here this morning, have as much access as I have. I am not special. The only thing that makes us different is that I am here standing on this stage giving the lesson. But that’s not what’s important. What’s important is what happens later on this week with you in your life. Will you be loving on Monday? Will you be at peace on Tuesday when you have to face whatever it may be? That’s the key – to know that you are not stripped defenseless as a human being. You have a love and a power that is directly with you, and that will never leave you alone.

“Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Messiah.” This is talking about the grand instructor. Do not look to any man or woman to be your final authority in life. Whatever you hear, take the things you can accept, and then go and test them for yourself. Go to God directly and ask, “Is this right for me?” Then you’ll have the flood of information that comes to you directly and you will know without a doubt what is right or wrong for you. You’ll know, and it will become very real to you.

Be a Servant.

“The greatest among you will be your servant.” The greatest among you will not be exalted, but will be on his or her knees to serve you, to give to you. The ultimate service to humankind is not to wait on you hand and foot with material things and doing things like bringing you glasses of water. It is to be your servant in love. That’s what I’m here to do. I’m here to love you, even if you don’t love me. That is the ultimate way to serve humankind.

“All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted.” This does not necessarily mean that if you exalt YOURSELF that the hand of God is going to come and strike you down and leave you lying on the floor of the sanctuary. It doesn’t mean that at all. It means as you go by your own way of your own mind, you will cut yourself off from the awareness of God.

You will find, in time, that your own ways are not really the ways that bring you happiness, and you’ll question: “Isn’t there more to life? Is there something here I’m missing?” At that point, if you let the Mind of God in, you’ll find the flood of realization. God will not say to you, “Tsk, tsk, tsk … you were so bad, you went the wrong way you miserable person.” If you hear that, that is your own mind. God mind will say, “I love you without question. I so adore you for who you are and the possibility of what you’re going to become.” It’s going to cuddle you and hold you tight, and begin to flood you with the way you, personally, need to go. It won’t be a generic message, but a very personal spiritual message for you, working in you.

“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you lock people out of the kingdom of heaven. For you do not go in yourselves when others are going in, you stop them. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cross sea and land to make a single convert, and you make the new convert twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.”

The word “hell” as in most places in our Bible means Gehenna which literally was the trash dump outside of Jerusalem. There were fires burning there for over 800 years. This is where the reference to hell as the eternal hell fires comes from in the teaching of Christianity today across the whole world.

What it’s saying is that I am not to stand here as someone who is giving you the message of your unimportance and tell you about the trash dump of life. I’m not here to tell you about the pits of life; I’m here to tell you about the goodness of life, the goodness of God and the potential of every one of you. And you are to tell yourselves the same thing.

What is a scribe? A scribe is a person who takes down every word with exactness with his or her quill pen. It is the person who gets all his or her wisdom from the page, but doesn’t necessarily live it, even for a moment; doesn’t even necessarily understand it for a moment. This could also be a scribe thought inside of you.

There are more Pharisees today than in the time of Jesus, the crystallization in the realm of forms is found on every side. A Pharisee observes the forms but neglects the spirit of religion.”

A wonderful story is about the people who were going down the Nile River. One day there was one man who said, “Oh, I don’t need to go down the Nile. All I really have to do is study the maps.” He became a great scholar. Do you know he knew every rock that was on the bottom of the river? The depth and width of the river at given areas? He was an expert like no one had ever been. As a matter of fact, he spoke all around the world as the premiere expert on the Nile. Yet, he had never been there. Crowds would come to hear him talk about the maps of the river Nile, and yet he had never felt its water on his face. He had never fallen out of the boat to feel the temperature of the water.

Religion is not a Sunday morning experience. It is an every day, every moment experience. Religion is not something that tears you down, but something that builds you up. Religion is not something that lacks love, but fills you with love every moment of your life. It helps you to know that you have a power within you that loves you so deeply and so specially.

In Matthew 12:16 it says, “Woe to you, blind guides, who say, “Whoever swears by the sanctuary is bound by nothing, but whoever swears by the gold of the sanctuary is bound by the oath.” This is talking about things like when you have to sign a card of commitment to a certain religion to give a certain amount of your income. They have this today and they had it back then.

The word “religion” literally means “way of life.” Religion is not a Sunday morning experience for one hour, it is a lifelong spiritual journey lived one moment, one day at a time.

Jesus says to the scribes and the Pharisees, “You blind fools! For which is greater, the gold or the sanctuary that has made the gold sacred? And you say, ‘Whoever swears by the altar is bound by nothing, but whoever swears by the gift that is on the altar is bound by the oath.’ How blind you are! For which is greater, the gift or the altar that makes the gift sacred? So whoever swears by the altar, swears by it and by everything on it; and whoever swears by the sanctuary, swears by it and by the one who dwells in it; and whoever swears by heaven, swears by the throne of God and by the one who is seated upon it.

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint, dill, and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. It is these you ought to have practiced without neglecting the others. You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel!”

Jesus believed in giving to the church, it is something we should all do, but not in place of living the spiritual teachings. Many gave offerings in the history of religion to buy their way into grace and heaven.

The way to grace and heaven is found through living the spiritual teachings in our daily lives.

What does that mean, to strain out a gnat but swallow a camel? It means you look outside of yourself for something wrong. It is like a gnat. But we swallow the camel of thinking inside of us of all the bad, usually about ourselves.

We can follow all the ways of Jesus’ religion, follow the way He walked, but how are we thinking this moment? Or on Tuesday evening, how are we thinking about ourselves? Are we thinking about ourselves as God would be thinking about us? Are we believing in our possibilities? Do we know, with our faith and with God, that everything is going to work out okay? Do we know we are going to be healed? Do we know that if we speak the word in acceptance of faith, that God will work inside of us, no ifs ands or buts? It’s our God, and God is one with us.

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the plate, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup, so that the outside also may become clean.”

Imagine you’re a cup. Where is the outside of your cup? Well, this morning we took showers, brushed our teeth, put on our clothes and combed our hair, but it is more important to clean the inside of us first. It is more important to think aright, to cleanse ourselves of all the self-condemnation, anger, and hate; to forgive, and to have God infill us again.

He goes on and becomes tougher. He says to the scribes and Pharisees, “You are like whitewashed tombs, which on the outside look beautiful, but inside they are full of the bones of the dead and of all kinds of filth.

So you also on the outside look righteous to others, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.”

Inside of each one of us is where the church is. That is where the cathedral is. Tuesday evening, Wednesday morning, Thursday afternoon are the times of worship. We are to live our Christianity and make it fully alive, not in a show to others, but to reveal what is in our soul.

You have trillions of cells in your physical body temple listening to your thoughts right now. You have a career ahead of you where you can produce spiritually for yourself and for others. You have relationships where you can shine love like you never believed you could. All you have to do is humble yourself and let God shine through, realize you have that connection and connect yourself, and plug yourself in to make it all alive.

Jesus’ own religion was a system of true spiritual thought inside of Himself. It was not to exalt himself. Over and over again He said, “Don’t look to me; look to God.” We know it is not to exalt any preacher. It is to exalt those holy moments, those quiet moments beside the still stream when we again find the mystery connection, the secret voice, the magic of God in us. And I know you will.

Let us pray …

This morning I ask for the beginning of a new connection. I ask for a beginning of a whole new spiritual awareness that is higher than anything I have ever experienced. I pray that our minds and our lives open up in a way that we can be infilled so we totally and completely clean the inside of the cup.

Dear God, we surrender ourselves to you. God, infill us.

Dear God, move through every action we take. Dear God, speak through

every word we speak. God, think through every thought we have

inside us. We give ourselves totally and completely to the activity of the

Holy Spirit in and through us.

In Jesus Christ’s nature we pray … Amen.

PRAYER / MEDITATION__________________________________

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters; He restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and your staff – they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.”[Psalm 23:1-6]

The Lord is the one who leads me at all times. Like a shepherd, dear God, You lead me away from harm. As I think Your thoughts, I am led away from all harm I might do to myself. I am constantly in Your protection. I am surrounded with Your all good. I am infilled with Your love. Dear God, I do not want for anything, for You give it freely to me now in this moment.

Rest in the silence in prayer …

You take me away from the pressures of my own life, and you make me lie down in green pastures. You take me away from the nervousness to the calm. You take me away from that which is turbulent inside of me and You lead me beside the still waters where I relax at the core of my being.

You restore my soul. You restore me to full vitality and energy, full capability with creativity, and full, wonderful rejuvenation in my body temple.

Rest in the silence in prayer …

You lead me in the right paths. So many times of myself I have made my ways a tangled mess. But, dear God, once again I turn to You and once again I feel the power and the majesty of going in the right direction.

I do everything for Your name’s sake. In Your nature I live my life. I live my life to be an example of what it is to have God flowing through me. I am an example to myself first, for the way I think ministers to my entire body. All the cells of my body are my congregation, and my mind a great minister who gives the lesson of truth. No matter what I face with my senses – my eyes, my hearing – even if I walk through the darkest valley I’ve faced in life; I fear no evil because, dear God, You are with me. Your rod and Your staff, all the power of Your mightiness, all the wonderful power of Your wisdom, You are with me to comfort me.

Rest in the silence in prayer …

Even in the darkness moments, God you are within me to prepare a table for me, a feast of correct, wonderful, soothing thoughts and new life to flow inside of my body. Even in the presence of my enemies of sickness or thoughts that would destroy my life, my career, my relationships, I turn to You and I am infilled, once again, with that love, that power, and that mercy.

You anoint my head and everything that is in my head – my mind and my thoughts – with the wonderful oil of a spiritual feeling of tranquility and warmth. The cup of my own spiritual awareness overflows to touch others.

Rest in the silence in prayer …

Surely goodness follows me wherever I go because You are only good and You are with me at all moments. Mercy is part of You, and because You are part of me; it is part of me. It follows me all the days of my life.

How grateful I am during this prayer that I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. I shall dwell in the house of the Lord every moment of my life – my whole life long.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen

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Christopher Ian Chenoweth

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Time Sensitivity: Palm Sunday


Positive Written Sermons is a FREE service of Positive Christianity to those ACTIVE IN CLERGY MINISTRY to ease your burdens in ministry. Each positive sermon is non-denominational; feel free to tailor to your denominational needs, or personal style. We consider our sermons to be 90% complete; they await your personal stories and anecdotes.


“Then the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out, saying: “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!'” Matthew 21:9

Palm Sunday – The last week of Jesus’ earthly life.

I’m going to pose a question to you. What if you had one week to live? What, if in that short period of time you had so much to say to all of your children, and all of your family, and you had to condense it into one week?

You knew that when you walked up to them, you were going to take this time to spend with twelve members of your family to try to make all the points that you want them to remember because you know that you only have a week left.

You also know that if they do not take the message and if they don’t live the message, it’s all going to be lost. You know that it’s up to them now. It’s not up to you anymore. And you only have seven days left to fulfill your mission.

That was a big burden on Jesus that morning of Palm Sunday. Because He knew what was going to happen.

Palm Sunday is a day where Jesus Christ sent two of His disciples out to get a colt. They brought the colt back to Him. He sat on the colt and rode down the small path four miles into Jerusalem.

It was a day of a triumphant entry; not so much into Jerusalem, but into the hearts and minds of the people; into something they could witness, and then live their lives by.

How can you live your life today on the teachings of Palm Sunday? What kind of a teaching is there in this story about Jesus sitting on a colt riding down the path into Jerusalem that can make a difference in your life?

Allow me to share the story with you from Mark and open up some keys for you about this story. It has some fascinating hidden truth within it.

I’ll begin at Mark 11:1:

“And when they drew near to Jerusalem, to Bethphage, and Bethany … “

Town names had important meanings. What does the name Jerusalem mean? It means a habitation of peace.

Have you ever drawn near to a habitation of peace; you were close to a habitation of peace, but you had not gotten into that state of peace yet? It’s so close that you can see it. You’re walking in that direction, but you’re still miles away from that habitation of peace.

They went to Bethphage and Bethany.

First they went to Bethphage. Bethphage means a place where grace is realized. It means a house of unripe figs. But what do figs do? They ripen. What does God do inside of your life the minute you realize God and know without a doubt that God is taking care of everything and that you’re not alone? It might be unripe at first, but it ripens inside of you into a delicious perfect fruit that you can harvest.

Do you remember in your own life those times when you realized God’s Presence? A moment before, you might have been so into a problem that you felt great despair.

Then something happened.

There was an inner revelation inside of you and you knew that you weren’t alone; God was with you and was working with you.

Then, the whole day was different; everything was different. Some people even decide to change their lives after an experience with God that comes in a split second when they realize Grace.

Let me tell you about Bethany. Bethany is a place that means wailing, lamentation, and affliction.

We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Haven’t we all lived for a while in the state of hurt?

But, this is a different kind state. It also means that it is the place where you demonstrate OVER this condition. It is that point in your life, that axis turning point, where you make the big demonstration and you’re no longer in the suffering.

Your body may be sick at the moment; you may even be dying. Then you realize that you can demonstrate over that problem. It’s a marvelous revelation when it comes. Or you realize that there is going to be a dramatic change in your finances because you have just made God the partner in your business.

You realize that where you were before, you were like a fish on a string that was just swinging back and forth. Then, you have those ideas of God that have come in, and you have a clear direction of where to go. You’re demonstrating OVER your condition.

Let me tell you some more about Bethany. Jesus Christ had a history in Bethany. A lot had happened in Bethany. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and overcame the sorrow, lamentation and affliction of Mary and Martha.

When Jesus raised Lazarus, He did not say, “Oh, Lazarus, I know you’re dead. I know that you have been dead for three days and I have been told by the greatest doctors in the world what happens when a person is dead for three days. I know that everyone in the world tells me that I can’t bring you back to life.

“I should have come sooner, but I didn’t. Here I am now … and I hope this works.” And then Jesus crossed his fingers and begged, ‘Pleeaasse God.'”


With authority and with conviction, overcoming at that axis point of making the demonstration, He called forth the dead thing from the tomb. Then He says that we can do the same thing.

What is it in your life right now that is dead? What do you have in your life that is causing you great harm because it is no longer alive; it’s stagnant; it’s not moving? What can you bring forth out of the tomb in your life with new life? Can you do it? Yes you can, with the power of God’s help.

During the first part of this week, this is the teaching that He’s talking about. He’s talking about the power that you have. He’s not only talking to the twelve disciples. He said He has other sheep that they don’t know about yet.

The message is directly FOR YOU this morning.

Jesus sends out two of His disciples.

Jesus always sent out two of His disciples. Anytime there are two people walking down the same path with their minds working together, there is also a third mind; the mind of the Divine; the Master Mind that comes in and works in our lives to guide and power us.

Remember, where two, or three are TOGETHER – THERE AM I IN THEIR MIDST!

Anytime where you have two people in prayer, (a husband and a wife, friendship, a business partnership), you have a powerful group of two minds in agreement that you bring in a third Mind of God.

Jesus said, “Wherever two are gathered together, I will be there in their midst.”

Can you experience the Presence of Jesus Christ today? Yes, you can! You get with another person and pray, believing without doubt, and you’ll have that experience; you’ll walk that path towards your Jerusalem in a wonderful assurance of a triumphal entry.

The two disciples went into the village. Immediately as they entered it, they found a colt tied which nobody had ever sat on before. They untied it and brought it to Jesus Christ.

Jesus told them about this ahead of time. He said, “You will go and you will find this colt. If anyone says to you, ‘Why are you untying my colt?’ Tell them that the Lord has need of it.”

There was something going on. There was another force besides the force of the human. It’s something that ministers pray for every time we come to our wonderful congregations; that my words will enable you to feel something that is beyond my words and my actions–that you will feel the Christ. That can only come inside of you as you make your own journey into your own Jerusalem.

They brought back the colt to Jesus. Then, the Bible says: “They threw their garments on it and He sat upon it. And many spread their garments on the road and others spread leafy branches, (palms*), on the roadway as a sign that they welcomed Him.” *This is where we get the name Palm Sunday.

Today, if I’m a gentleman and there’s a puddle, I could take off my coat and lay the coat over the puddle and allow the lady to walk across. They were doing the same thing to Jesus. They were saying, “Here, we give You great honor because of who you are and what You have taught and what You are manifesting and demonstrating in Your life, and in mine.”

Each person said, “I honor you.”

“They laid those on the roadway and He rode across it. Those who went before and those who followed cried out, ‘Hosanna! Hosanna!'” [which means SAVE NOW].

If you’re in the midst of a problem and it’s hurting you, your cry too would be “save now.” You don’t want to wait until some future time. You want your help now.

The whole message of the Bible and Jesus Christ is that you can have your help NOW. It’s not blocked to you in any way – unless you block it. It can come to you immediately and with great power in this instant.

“They shouted, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is coming. Hosanna in the highest.” Name means nature. Blessed is Jesus who comes in the nature of the Lord.

For that ride, Jesus Christ chose a colt; a very small donkey. You would have thought that a king making a triumphant entry would have picked the finest white horse. That would be like if we invited the President of the United States to come and instead of having a long stretch black limo, we put him in the back seat of an old used car.

This teaches a few things. First, it doesn’t matter what’s outside of you. What counts is what’s inside of you and, more than that, what you’re demonstrating. You all have it inside of you, but you have to bring it out.

“A bell is not a bell until you ring it.” You’re not following Jesus Christ until you demonstrate it. You don’t have to go through lifetimes of waiting. Now is the moment. Fields are white to the harvest inside of your own mind for demonstrating this.

Now, Jesus did not only ride on a lowly animal, He rode on an animal that had never been sat on before. I tell you, my friends, if I were going to make a demonstration, I would ask for a colt that someone would have ridden on before, and tamed, and trained. You know, a colt that had never been ridden before could easily eject you from its back or turn around and bite you.

More than that, the path was very narrow. All the people around were very excited.

There were also small children there waving palm branches. And here comes Jesus, sitting on this colt that has never been ridden. I would have been very concerned that the colt would have attacked the crowd in fear. But, listen well. Jesus sat on the colt and overpowered the animal nature in that colt.

Jesus was the great teacher. Jesus always did everything deliberately. He did things to teach. What was He trying to say to you by sitting on an unridden colt that he specified and ordered? He was trying to say to you that you have dominion, just like it says in Genesis, over all living things, including your lower self, your animal natures.

You have dominion. What are those small animals inside of you, those habits that have gripped you and will not let you go? You have dominion over them. You have dominion over that sickness that has taken hold of you, or the depression or the problem that is causing you not to be happy in this moment because you are so worried about it.

The human part of you doesn’t have dominion; the Christ in you does. As the Christ mounts and sits on that lower animal nature, it will instantly be tamed. And you can ride it anywhere you want. You have great mastery then, and you can ride it with great authority. You can know without a doubt that you are having mastery and dominion over this lower thought.

Now, I say again, Jesus had very little time. His time was precious. Every action that He took was not only for the benefit of the ‘twelve’ but it was also for you.

Now, I am going to go on to the next days:

“On the following day, [this is Monday morning], when they came from Bethany [which is that place of demonstrating over hurt] He was hungry; [not only hungry for himself, but also hungry for you] that you know the Truth that will set you free.”

“Seeing in the distance, He saw a fig tree in leaf. He went to see if He could find anything on it. When he came to it, He found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. And He said to it: ‘May no one ever eat fruit from you again.'”

He cursed the fig tree. This is one of the most misunderstood teachings of the whole Bible. Here is a tree that is in leaf and has all the potential to produce that that it can do which is beautiful, luscious figs. But it refuses to do so. And He withers it away.

The teaching doesn’t say that God’s going to wither you if you refuse to live up to your potential. What it’s saying to you is that you have the power through the spiritual spoken word and through your belief to wither any condition in your life that is not up to the Christ standard that is not producing or fruitful in your life.

If it’s not, it’s time to speak to it and say, “Listen. You will never again be able to produce fruit.”

The following day when came past the fig tree, they noticed that it had withered. The Bible says that it withered all the way down to its roots.

If you want to wither some condition or sickness in your body or something that is not up to the Christ standard in your life, you don’t want any life left of it at all to grow again. You want it withered to the roots. Through the power of God and through the power of your spoken word, you have it.

And then, listen to this: Jesus Christ and the Twelve are standing around looking at this withered fig tree, and Jesus comes up with a teaching that you have heard before, but not in this context. He says,

“Have faith in God. Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea’ and does not doubt in is heart but believes that what he says will come to pass. And it will be done for him.

“Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours.

“Whenever you stand praying, forgive if you have anything against anyone so that your Father who is in heaven may forgive your trespasses.”

Jesus says two things here. Ordinarily in teaching, He puts the forgiveness (which means release) ahead of time.

Jesus is saying in today’s language, release all that stuff; drop it away so that you will not block your good. Then, pray believing like I did in Bethany. A while back when I stood at that tomb, I prayed and I believed. When I sat on that colt, everybody said, “Jesus, be careful. That animal is going to throw you.” But Jesus said, “No, I’m going to sit on this colt and instantly it will be tamed.”

The fig tree is withered to its roots – old problems in your life can wither to their roots also, once you master and ride your lower human self.

He only had a few precious days left to tell you of your power.

Follow Jesus Christ by living His teachings in your life.

Follow Jesus Christ by making the triumphant entry into your own Christ consciousness, which is your own habitation of peace.

God Bless You!

PRAYER / MEDITATION____________________________

You have brought many things with you into this moment; you may have brought problems and challenges.

I ask you to ponder on this Truth of God: GOD IS TAKING CARE OF IT. Whatever you need at this very moment, God in Divine infinite love, and wisdom is fulfilling it and taking care of it.

Relax into the Presence of the Divine; you have a reassurance that is like a revelation.

You know that God is taking care of it.

God will take care of you in every circumstance in your life.

As you quietly let go and let God, God is caring for you and watching over you and protecting you.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

God is helping you to release your tensions.

God is dissolving your fears.

New peace and assurance come to you as you simply, trustingly and quietly affirm within yourself:


Your human mind may question, “How can I have the courage to see this through?”

This is the time to stop the questioning, doubting and wondering.

Instead you positively affirm aloud, quickly, and firmly, in prayer: GOD IS TAKING CARE OF IT.

You affirm it in prayer with a sense of finality and completion.


Know that the prayer is already taking effect. You let God’s love, and God’s wisdom take over. You feel an immediate sense of release.

You are able to take a deep breath and relax. You are able to know, as you suddenly realize that you do have the faith, you are able to be at peace. You are realizing now that you are a child of God.


Rest in the silence of prayer and realize this Truth …


You realize that human force and pressure are no longer needed. You gain a new awareness of what it means to let go and let God. You see that you have opened up to a new area of understanding regarding your true relationship with God.

It becomes clear to you that you are a channel and that God is the doer of God’s good works through you. You feel the effectiveness of your prayers. You know that God does the work, not you.

You feel a wonderful release as you know the Truth that GOD IS TAKING CARE OF IT.

You relax as you realize that God’s Presence is within you and within the circumstance, resolving it in a perfect time and in perfect order.

God is taking care of any condition or situation; dissolving whatever needs dissolving and resolving whatever needs resolving. God knows. God is there. God loves you.

God cares. God is present and active now. You can be sure of that. Let go and let God take over.


Doubt not. Fear not.


Rest in the silence of prayer …

Marvelous blessings are at hand. God can handle all things better than you can even imagine. God is taking care of everything.

In this moment of prayer, you cease all fussing and fretting. You release all anxieties and personal concerns. You let the pure life stream of the idea that GOD IS TAKING CARE OF IT go to work in you and through you.

You let God’s essence of wholeness sweep away every fear and wash away every doubt. You let God’s gentle power begin to dominate your thoughts and your feelings until you become a clear channel through which God’s thoughts and God’s love flow through you.

Wherever you are, God is there in the midst of your life, in the midst of the people around you, in the midst of the circumstance, in the midst of everyone and everything.


God is taking care of everything in your life. God is taking care of everything in your mind. God is taking care of everything in your body.


You feel relaxed and at peace. A heavy burden is lifted off of your shoulders. The future invokes no feelings of wait or worry. You are free to live unhampered and unbound.

You think more clearly. You respond and react to others more calmly and patiently. You are happier and more effective in all that you say and do.


You carry this message with you into each experience. You no longer need to fight or to struggle. You are poised. You are centered in a spiritual stronghold with you and within you. You are at peace in this stronghold. You feel the strength and the power of God’s Presence at work within you and within your life.


In an attitude of mastery and overcoming, and in an attitude of total belief and release of that which is not good for us, we pray in Jesus Christ’s name knowing that these things have come to pass in this moment of prayer.


Thank you, God. In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen.

For 23 years – The worldwide PRAYER PLACE inside the Internet, serving well over 2 million every day.

Welcoming all faiths, excluding no one. Reaching the ends of the earth with the positive message of God. Not connected to any church, Positive Christianity is a Prayer Ministry without walls, physical or denominational, that the world can instantly access and use without cost.

ARCHIVES of recent Positive Daily Inspiration is available on our homepage; use anything you wish.

FREE Encyclopedia of Prayers:

NEED PRAYER? Reply – if you have a prayer need, Positive Christianity will start praying with you, daily, for an entire month. There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

DONATIONS Thank You for helping us with this great free work for ministers of every faith:
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Christopher Ian Chenoweth

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POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON – Our Words Have A Boomerang Effect

POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON - Our Words Have A Boomerang Effect

Time Sensitivity: none


Positive Written Sermons is a FREE service of Positive Christianity to those ACTIVE IN CLERGY MINISTRY to ease your burdens in ministry. Each positive sermon is non-denominational; feel free to tailor to your denominational needs, or personal style. We consider our sermons to be 90% complete; they await your personal stories and anecdotes.


There is a saying you have heard many times; perhaps you have said it yourself. People say, “Talk is cheap.”

We have all said that at one time or another.

The question is: How much do our words cost us? Many times there is an outer cost. If I say something positive to you, it builds a bridge between us. But if I say something negative, it burns that bridge down. We all know that ill-spoken words can cost friendship.

When you have spoken the word often, it reins over you, your friendships, and your family. It has control; you no longer have control.

Winston Churchill once said: Eating words has never given me indigestion.

We also have the spiritual maturity to take back our words when they need to be taken back.

Our words clothe us, and are what others see. In relationships, after a while you do not see me; you see the words coming out of my mouth.

We must take responsibility for our words. What are we doing with our words?

Imagine that we are the watering can for the garden of life.

The words coming out of our mouths should do three things:

1. They should be positive.

2. They should be uplifting.

3. They should be nourishing.

As a good spiritual person, you need to check your words and see if they are following this vocal trinity of being positive, uplifting, and nourishing.

Then we have to ask the question: What am I saying to myself? Personally, what do my words cost me?

In the Bible (Matthew 12:36) Jesus is talking. He says: “I tell you, on the day of judgment you will have to give an account for every careless word you utter; for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Every day is Judgment Day.

This very day will be a Judgment Day that is determined by the words you say. People will either love you, or dislike you first by your words. They will treat you good or they will treat you badly depending upon the words you say. Inside of yourself, how your body feels, how your world is treating you, and how everything is working for you (good or not-so-good) is determined first by your words you say to yourself.

We will have to account for every word we speak this day, silently or audibly. By your words you are going to be justified, and by your words you are going to be condemned.

Matthew 12:33 says: Either make the tree good, and its fruit good; or make the tree bad, and its fruit bad; for the tree is known by its fruit.

This is not talking about trees; this is talking about words and the tree of life we create by our words.

What is the fruit of our life? The words we speak.

Then Jesus says something you might think is unlike Him. He says: You brood of vipers! He was saying, “Can’t you please understand how important what I am about to say is to you!” He goes on to say: How can you speak good things, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The good person brings good things out of a good treasure, and the evil person brings evil things out of an evil treasure. [Matthew 12:34-35].

Inside of you is a heart. We are not talking about the muscle that beats within your chest, but the heart that is often talked about in Jesus Christ’s teachings – our memory mind. Those things beyond our conscious mind, that we really believe about any particular situation, is stored within the memory mind.

Listen again as the Bible says: The good person brings good things out of a good treasure, and the evil person brings evil things out of an evil treasure [Matthew 12:35].

Often we are saying flowery things with our mouths, but inside we may be holding something else deep inside of us. We just can’t seem to get beyond it. We mouth the prayers, but somehow there is a struggle going on inside of us and we just can’t seem to get it right no matter how hard we try.

The two voices speaking inside of each of us are male and female. You might say, “I’m in a female body,” or “I’m in a male body.” That may be, but we all have the masculine and feminine aspects inside of us.

Thinking is the masculine aspect of mind, and feeling is the feminine aspect inside of us.

Which has the loudest voice in you?

Let me give you an example. “Dear Lord, I come to you to pray today. I pray for the healing of this relationship.”

As I am voicing my prayer, something is happening inside of me. Another voice inside of me is saying, “How could she possibly do this to me? I’m so angry … “I go on and pray, “Lord, heal me of my anger.” The other voice inside of me is talking about what I am going to say to get her later on.

I am mouthing a prayer with my lips, but it doesn’t have power because there may be a louder voice shouting within me, vibrating through my being.

It might be that I am at a car dealership and I’m thinking, “I wish I could have a new car.” But inside of myself I’m saying, “You are not worth a new car. Why, even if you signed the papers, you couldn’t afford to make the payments.”

The voice continues. It is very loud. Whatever the loudest voice is inside of you is the voice that dominates your prayer.

A wonderful true story, a traveling minister went into a church one day. The church had a problem – mice. Hundreds of mice roamed throughout the church.

A little boy, trained in techniques of affirmative prayer stood up and led the congregation in prayer. He said, “Dear God, let us bless and multiply the mice.”

The church never again saw any mice.

Many people asked: “Why didn’t the number of mice triple?” Even though his words were “multiply the mice,” there was a loud voice speaking in his total belief system, his feelings from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet, saying “The mice are gone.”

That is the loudest voice in prayer.

Let me paraphrase what Jesus said in the Bible about thinking and feeling. “Wherever two or more are in agreement in prayer, there am I in the midst.” You are here this morning to create inside of yourself a better prayer power than you have ever had before. You are here to have a dynamo of prayer working through you. You are here as spiritual students. When you want to heal a condition in your body or in the body of someone else, you want it to happen.

You don’t speak the word in a lazy or idle way. When you speak, you want God to move mountains.

You do this by having both voices inside of you speak at the same time – your thinking and your feeling.

This is the powerful way of prayer, and it is so because it was the Jesus way of prayer.

When you go to the hospital and you are praying for someone, if you do not believe that that person is going to be healed totally and completely, please leave that room, because you are not going to do any good with that prayer. You might make the person feel better for the moment, but you are there to do more than make them feel better. You are there to create

a whole new awareness of God. You do that through your TOTAL belief.

Sometimes, if the condition is bad, I have to generate myself up, as you will too. You have to talk yourself into the full power of absolute belief.

You will have to use positive affirmations and build block-by-block. But when you pray, you are going to have power.

Many ministers never say a word when they are praying with a person. They just sit by his or her bed and know the God truth about that person. The person might be healed because he/she is able to tune into the power.

There is great power when those two things – thinking and feeling – are combined. You can do anything.

You are a co-creator with God, and little will stop you in that co-creation. You will have a tremendous, wondrous power of God working with you.

Anatole France once said: The finest words in the world are only vain sounds if you cannot comprehend them.

You speak with the same voice, and then you have the power of the spoken word.

I would now like to turn to Matthew 15:8 where Jesus is speaking. He says: This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Jesus wasn’t looking for people to honor Him as Jesus the human; he was looking for people to honor the Christ. They were speaking with their lips, but their hearts (their memory minds) were far from the Christ principles.

Jesus knew that if you believe, you are going to be healed. You have to believe, and be willing to believe with your free-will to change every part of you to become new. When you do, it’s going to happen. Nothing can stop it.

The only thing that can ever stop God’s power IS US, in us, because we have the free-will inside of us to work the other way; to turn our backs on God. But we have decided not to do that anymore.

Jesus continued saying: In vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines. In other words, they were going back to human mind, looking to the limitations, and believing them.

Whenever we believe in our human lack, even if we have evidence of fact in our own life that this is the way it’s been up until now, we are placing blocks between us and the Divine. We have to tear down that block and let God come through.

In Matthew 15:13 Jesus said: Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. Inside of our minds we have lots of weeds. We struggle all the time to dig out, weed our gardens, and plant the seeds of Divine ideas in my mind so they take root.

I don’t want my human worries and fears to take root and strangle all the Divine ideas. I want God to be so prevalent in the garden of my mind that nothing else exists.

Jesus then talks about others who choose this way. He says: Let them alone. They are blind guides of the blind. If one blind person guides another, both of them will fall into a pit. [Matthew 15:14].

The mind moves upon ideas. Ideas are made visible through words. Hence, holding right words in mind will set up the mind going at a rate proportion to the dynamic power of the idea back of those words. You are speaking, praying, and wanting something to happen, but what is the idea behind those words? Does it have dynamic power in your memory mind? Have you permitted it an opening? Have you allowed it to become whole inside of you?

A word with a lazy idea back of it will not stimulate the mind; will not heal the body. The word must represent swift, strong spiritual ideas in order to infuse the full energy of God into the mind and the body. For many years there have been students of Christ, and they have made a clear, intelligent perception of its truths. Yet, they are outside the kingdom of Spirit. They anxiously ask, “Why do I not realize the presence of God’s Spirit?” Have you opened the pores of your mind by mentally repeating the solvent of crystallized conditions – positive prayer affirmative thought?

This means mental discipline day after day, and night after night, until the inertia of the mind is overcome and the way is opened for the descent of God’s Spirit.

What is the descent of Spirit? If the Holy Spirit inside of you descends, it is descending on your whole mind. It is becoming one with you. It is that moment in the hospital where you know that you are going to be healed.

You don’t just hope it; you KNOW it. And when you know it and you speak the words, it can become manifested in that moment.

It is when you know you are not going to be in lack any more and have prosperity in your life. It is manifested.

Whatever it is you are praying for will come to pass and be demonstrated.

The personal consciousness is like a house with all the doors and windows barred. The doors and windows of the mind are concrete ideas, and they swing open when the right word is spoken to them.

Dear God, I’m praying for something. I don’t know what You’re praying for, but I know what I’m praying for. How do we bring it to pass? If words have so much power, how do I change my memory mind. I don’t want to just move my lips anymore; I want to move my whole being , my whole mind, with swift, powerful ideas of God’s Spirit.

You do it through positive affirmative prayer. You pour the ideas into your mind until they take root. You allow those ideas to descend upon you.

Whatever your affirmation is, you say it at least 15 times morning, noon, and night. As you do so, here is what is going to happen.

You are going to say: “Through the power of God, I am healed.” You say that and your lips move, but your heart is far from your lips.

As you continue to affirm “Through the power of God, I am healed,” you begin to feel its action. It descends slowly, and it starts to take root in your memory mind.

Soon, you have a Divine idea planted that the Bible says will not be uprooted. The other things are in shallow soil and they will be uprooted (like the lesser ideas leading to a lesser life.)

Let us pray:

Dear God, I go on a journey with You. I ask You to help me formulate my affirmative prayers. I agree that I will say these affirmative prayers 15 times morning, noon, and night. I ask You to join with me in planting vocal plants of divine ideas in the soil of my memory mind that will not be uprooted. I give myself totally and completely. I join together the two voices inside of me of thinking and feeling, and I become a great co-creator of good with You.

Dear God, You are my partner in all things. I will never leave You. I will never turn my back on You in any situation or moment in my life.

I know that You will never turn Your back on me.

I so decree this is the way I will live my life. In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen.

Prayer and Meditation_______________________

In prayer, I am drifting away from past limitations that I have placed upon myself.

Jesus Christ is here in my midst, raising me up.

With God, I am going beyond the failures I have had in my lifetime, and I am receiving a course correction from God.

In prayer, I receive the illumination and the guidance, along with the gentle comfort of God.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Jesus said, “You are a child of the living God.”

There is a strong connection between God and me. God and I are connected in prayer right now.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

My life is God-given life and abundant living. My life is strength. My life is courage because I know, without a doubt, that God is with me.

I am patient. I rest in God. I am not anxious about anything. I realize that God is working. I let go and I let God. God is magnificent. How great Thou art!

There is a peace inside of me that passes human understanding. It is at the core of my being. It is God-given well-being. I decree, in Jesus Christ’s name, that this feeling of well-being will stay with me, all the hours and minutes of this week.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

I have a power inside of me to climb over the hill of past failure, to realize that it is nothing at all for a climber. And I am a climber, because there is that within me that is God-given, that is giving me the power to climb and go higher.

Dear God, I wish to go up higher than I have ever gone before. I never realized Your presence, many times, in my life. I consent now to realizing it more. Dear God, I consent this day to realizing God in a new and a profound way. I know, dear God, that You are always fresh, new, and exciting. I pray that You are all those, and more inside of me, this day. I give thanks for Your presence.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

The grace of God is working in your life right now. The grace of God is alive in every aspect of your life. The grace of God is your assurance of all good things.

In Jesus Christ’s name, I give thanks. Amen

For 23 years – The worldwide PRAYER PLACE inside the Internet, serving well over 2 million every day. Welcoming all faiths, excluding no one.

Reaching the ends of the earth with the positive message of God. Not connected to any church, Positive Christianity is a Prayer Ministry without walls, physical or denominational, that the world can instantly access and use without cost.

ARCHIVES of Positive Daily Inspiration is available on our homepage; use anything you wish.

FREE Encyclopedia of Prayers:

NEED PRAYER? Reply – if you have a prayer need, Positive Christianity will start praying with you, daily, for an entire month. There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

DONATIONS Thank You for helping us with this great free work for ministers of every faith:

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By mail: Positive Christianity Box 7993 Woodlands, TX 77387


Christopher Ian Chenoweth

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