Tag : Rev. Christopher Ian Chenoweth



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Positive Written Sermons is a FREE service of Positive Christianity to those ACTIVE IN CLERGY MINISTRY to ease your burdens in ministry. Each positive sermon is non-denominational; feel free to tailor to your denominational needs, or personal style. We consider our sermons to be 90% complete; they await your personal stories and anecdotes.

Also, great lesson material available free daily – get Positive Daily Inspiration direct in your email inbox every morning. Text POSITIVEMINISTRY to 22828 to easy, free subscribe.


The beauty of God’s world shows itself to us this time of year. The fall leaves that we have enjoyed, represent a canvas of the most beautiful artwork ever created.

All we can do is appreciate God as we look at the beauty.

The seasons, as they come and go, speak to us of the mystery of transformation.

As we move from to fall, fall to winter, winter to spring, we see that life is perpetually unfolding. In other parts of nature, we see this transformation as well.

God has a plan.

Think about the little frog and where it had its beginnings. It begins as a little egg.

In the fullness of time, that little egg will burst forth and a tadpole will appear. God has a plan.

Have you ever gone to a pond and watched the little tadpoles. It was always such a mystery to me that after a while the tadpole that looked like a little fish would no longer be that. It would start to grow legs, and in the fullness of time it would walk upon the earth.”

The same mystery of transformation unfolds in the butterfly. A little butterfly begins as an egg.

Then, out of the egg comes a little wiggly thing that is furry and has lots of legs – we call it a caterpillar.

Then, when it feels an inner push, it will make a chrysalis around itself. Out of that chrysalis will emerge a winged creature of great beauty. God has a plan.

What about us? What about our transformation? We may call ourselves “just a human being.” Then the day comes when we see more of who we are. We say, “I’m not just a human being. I’m a being with the Creators potential.”

We begin to see the child of God seed unfolding.

Then the day comes when we think of ourselves as more than just a weak person – we think of ourselves as a child of God as Jesus said we were.

I know, in my inner self, that the destiny of the little tadpole is to become a frog, and the destiny of the caterpillar is to become a butterfly. And our destiny is to become a child of God human being. God has a plan.

For us, we have but to look at the life of Jesus Christ to know at least a bit more about what this new creature in Christ looks like.

Jesus came to earth to acknowledge, discover, experience and be the fullness of who He was and is. I think He must have, gone through all sorts of seasons of His life; times when He felt very human, times when He felt very Divine.

Then he came to that place in His life where He was aware that He was a child of God, fully incorporating the human and the Divine.

Our hardest task will be to dissolve the critical, crippling, self-negativity that may be trapping us; where we thought we were only human.

We will need to have God’s help to do what seems impossible – to walk paradoxically in two worlds at once: inhabiting an earthly body with spiritual intent. God has a plan.

As we walk through the seasons of our lives, we will come to powerful junctures that will call us to leave behind old ways of thinking, speaking, being, and living. For God draws us, woos us, pushes us, and pulls us forward. Now, more than ever, I think we are being pulled forward to the stage where we combine our human and Divine, and we honor both. We are both, somehow, the created, and one with the Creator – at the same time. God has a plan.

This critical time of spiritual growth can be a baffling time. It is the time in our lives when things happen, and we do not understand why.

We may not understand why those pieces are configuring the way they are. We may have been doing everything we thought correctly, and then our world begins to change.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

It may very well be that a number of people in this church this morning are in a baffling time trying to understand. God has a plan even though you may not yet understand. It is in these times that we oftentimes ask many questions.

I think this process of going through the seasons of our lives occurs over and over again. It’s not that we have one confusing time or that we have one time of major transformation. We have many. We go through that process again, and again in spiritual growth.

So, we may be at the point right now where we are beginning another cycle, and we are baffled. We ask questions from a confused mind.

But let us know, God understands, and God has a plan.

2 Corinthians 5:17 states, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

A book titled “When the Heart Wakes” talks about a time when the author faced such a time in her life, and some of the questions she asked.

Maybe they are our questions too. “Is it possible, I asked myself, that I am being summoned from some deep and holy place within?

Am I being asked to enter a new passage in a spiritual life – the journey from false self, to true self? Am I being asked to dismantle old masks and patterns and unfold a deeper, more authentic self – the one God created me to be? Am I being compelled to disturb my inner universe in quest of the undiscovered being who clamors from within?”

What are your questions? Think about your questions. Even if you may not be in a mighty crisis of spirit, you may still have questions about your life – what is happening and where you’re going. We need to ask the questions, and it is okay to question. Even if the answers may not come instantly, it is the questioning that answers are revealed.

We ask our questions, and we search. I have a hunch that when we come to the bottom line that it will be that we must commit to becoming a new person.

Thomas Moore said, “It is the major commitment of humanity – to become a whole, new person.”

Do you know what happens when the caterpillar goes into the chrysalis and forms a cocoon around itself?

I did not know this until I was doing some research not long ago on this process of the butterfly, but when the caterpillar goes into the chrysalis it becomes, over time, a yellow-gold liquid. It becomes liquefied. It is not a caterpillar as it was in olden times, and it is not yet a butterfly.

It is liquid. Out of that liquid there is a configuration of cells out of which eventually the new comes forth.

The caterpillar must have a time of waiting, a time of allowing that inner process to occur. When we are in a crisis of the spirit, and we may be moving from one stage of spiritual growth to another, one stage of change to another, we must allow ourselves some waiting time knowing God has a plan.

We, as humans, do not like to wait. We want it to happen, and we want it to happen now or sooner. We do not like to wait. We have a concept that waiting means we are doing nothing. But this waiting I am talking about is a deep introspection where we do our prayer work and meditations, where we honor all the different voices that speak to us.

How many voices do we have inside our being? Do we have voices that say, “You are crazy thinking you are more than a human being,” or “You think you’re one with God? You think you can live in the world as a child of God human being on planet earth in this time?”

We may have all kinds of internal voices pulling us and shaking us up, and we may have a lot of external voices as well that want to dissuade us from moving into that which is our spiritual destiny.

Let us remember that it is our spiritual destiny. God has a plan and created us from the beginning of time to be a child of God human being.

All the things we see, Jesus being in the past, and in our world today, are who, and what, we are becoming.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence and take not your Holy Spirit from me.

Restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit.”
Psalm 51:10-12

It may take a great stretch of the imagination to conceive the greatness that is coming, but that is what we are about. I think so, anyway, and I think Jesus tells us that is what we are about.

Our commitment is to become an entirely new person. Didn’t Paul talk about being a new creature in Christ?

We are going to be a new creature in Christ; a new, wondrous being. But we must allow time, and let the waiting do its holy work.

As we take our time inwardly in prayer, let us remember this, and sometimes it may take weeks or months to move through all the layers and come to the place of resolution. We may have conflict, stress, and pulling in many different directions, but the day will come when we will feel a peace in our new way of being. It will be all to the glory of God – to honor God’s Spirit.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 states, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?

You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So, glorify God in your body.” Henry David Thoreau had the luxury of choosing to live part of his life at Walden Pond. He talked about this time at Walden Pond.

In February 1857 he wrote: “You think I am impoverishing myself by withdrawing from men, but in my solitude, I have woven for myself a silken web [or chrysalis]. A nymph-like shell, air long, bursts forth a more beautiful, perfect creature.”

In our waiting we are creating a chrysalis and we will burst forth a new creature.

Jesus says us in Matthew 5:48, “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

We were created by perfection, the perfection lives in us, as we become new creatures in Christ perfection manifests out from center to circumference.

I would invite you to close your eyes at this point and acknowledge with me (as I acknowledge within myself) that each of us is so much more than the eye sees, or the mind declares. Let us acknowledge for a moment this wonderful body in which we live, move, and function in this world.

Let us acknowledge that we are one with God by nature. We have the seed of Spirit planted within us. Probably, for many of us, we have been nurturing, loving, and acknowledging this Divine essence of our being – maybe for a long time. Maybe we have been struggling with the either/or of the human and the Creator.

Maybe today we are willing to embrace our baffling times, our times of change with total trust in our Creator.

Even in the midst of any confusion that might bring up, let us hold the wonder, excitement, and joy of the new that is being birthed in us and through us. Our destiny is to become a child of God human being. God has a plan for us.

We know as we walk through the seasons of our lives that we do not walk alone. We have the promise of Jesus Christ that He will always walk with us, be our friend, companion, and Wayshower. He has already gone before us on this route. He already knows the ups and downs, twists and turns. We don’t have to go it alone or figure it out totally by ourselves.

He will whisper in the ear of our heart and make the road a bit less bumpy. In the fullness of time we will stand in consciousness, in beingness, in expression, side-by-side with Jesus, doing everything for the greater glory of God.

Thank You, God, for our holy destiny. May we have the courage, strength, and conviction to become a totally new person.

In the name and through the living, loving presence of Jesus Christ we pray and believe … Amen.

PRAYER / MEDITATION__________________________________________

This moment I invite you to center your prayer into your heart. For ages, the heart has been the place where we have known love; it has been the symbol of love. We are also learning that the heart is where we can access infinite wisdom of God to guide us and show us the way.

You might want to place your hand on your chest, and feel your heart beating beneath your hand. Or just sense this wonderful creation of God doing its work in us and through us.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

It is in the consciousness of the heart that we can feel, in a meaningful, and exquisite way, our oneness with God; our oneness with this very powerful energy of love and wisdom. As we go through our daily lives, it is not unusual to feel ourselves walking in a mist or a fog. We may feel ourselves groping in a darkness that we might call fear or wondering or confusion. When we feel as if we are in the fog, let us remind ourselves that we can refocus our attention to God, and there find a peace, a presence, a power, and a way through the storm. God has a plan for our lives.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

This moment let our statement of Truth and faith be: “God’s love lights my way”. We might even include a visual of a beautiful, bright, clear beacon of light that is full of God’s love shining upon our path.

It is lighting the way just enough that we can walk step by step with strength and safety. It may not always shine way down the path but will show us just what we need for today, for now.

“God’s love lights my way.” Just quietly say that, within yourself, and feel it in your heart.

“God’s love lights my way.”

Rest in the silence of prayer …

We do ask, in the name of Jesus Christ, as the hours and days unfold that we will know more clearly this mighty power of the heart – the mighty power of love lighting our way.

Thank You, God, for Your presence in us, through us, and as us. Everywhere we go, and everything we do, has Your presence in it. We sense this, feel this, and know this. We know Your light as love.

As so it is … Amen.

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Christopher Ian Chenoweth

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POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON – You Have Something To Hope For

POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON - You Have Something To Hope For

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Positive Written Sermons is a FREE service of Positive Christianity to those ACTIVE IN CLERGY MINISTRY to ease your burdens in ministry. Each positive sermon is non-denominational; feel free to tailor to your denominational needs, or personal style. We consider our sermons to be 90% complete; they await your personal stories and anecdotes.

Also, great lesson material available free daily – get Positive Daily Inspiration direct in your email inbox every morning. Text POSITIVEMINISTRY to 22828 to easy, free subscribe.


As adults often, we do not feel the spiritual mystery. The busyness of life often makes us blind to the wonder. If it is missing, even just a little bit, you need to spiritually fill yourself back up again. The way you do that is not by looking at the life through tired eyes – you look from within, spiritually. Then, from within, when you again perceive the hope and wonder – all the rest that you see becomes wonder and magic.

We can have areas of our thinking that are a bit dark, that are just a bit numb because of some of the stress of life. But when we get into the spirit and allow the wonder of the Christ to work again inside of us, it is mighty and powerful!

As a child we had great anticipation and great hope because we knew that everything was taken care of. As an adult, we need to have that same spirit inside of us.

The problem is that we are often fighting a cynical adult mind. We know the pressures of life well. We know the financial pressures of trying to make ends meet.

We know how short our days are. Life seems to move quicker every year. But when we allow that majesty of hope to take place inside of us, something very, very special occurs.

Do you remember the play, “Annie”, where she sang in the middle of the Depression, “The sun will come out tomorrow”?

That play was supposed to take place during the Great Depression. Some, this very day, are totally consumed by depression. They want life to be right again. They want to find that ingredient that is somehow missing, the spiritual recipe, to make everything good again, but they don’t know how. It seems like over the years they lost the ability.

In Ephesians 3:11-12 it says, ” … Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and confidence of access through faith … “

Confidence of Access.

Those are some of my favorite three words in the Bible – “confidence of access”. Let us suppose you work for a company. You are on a special project in which you have to step out in faith and take risks, but you have “confidence of access” because you have an open-door policy with the president of that corporation. You know that no matter how much you have to step out on faith, you can go to the president and say, “Hey, is this all right? Am I taking the right action? Am I doing the right thing?”

Think about this in your life. This is why we are here. We are to think and rethink, and rethink spiritually, and make God real; to make hope real inside of us. Today as you build the hope inside of you, as you put one block on this brand new house you’re building in the faith scene inside of you, you are going to have real God ordained hope.

Nothing in your life right now is going to drag you down so much that you can’t have hope. Why? Because you have “confidence of access” to God.

Now there’s REAL power – if we really know that at any moment, no matter how tough the day is or how overwhelming it is to the human, we have a greater power than ourselves to call upon and to allow it to work through us.

The apostle Paul wrote letters to the churches. The reason he did this was because the churches were feeling great fear. It is no different today. Churches are people, and people do feel fear. It is a natural feeling because there are a lot of things that happen in life that we need to overcome. But in these letters, Paul continually told them to hope in Christ and to step out on faith. He said that this is the type of hope that transcends mere wishful thinking. It is a hope that springs eternal, just like our faith in God.

Imagine if you have this at the foundation of your being – at the foundation of your life. To really celebrate this day that God has given us, we have to be reborn.

We have to experience anew. We have to be reborn and know that God is with us.

We are not just repeating yesterday – with God’s help we have new day to experience – because we are new. We have to know that everything is all right.

We have a hope that springs eternal inside of us.

“We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.” Romans 6:4

We know that you do not have to die a physical death to feel dead. God created you in nine months’ time, and God is not done re-creating you. If you consent and accept you can have new hope, and walk in the newness of life.

“Christ in you the HOPE of glory.” Colossians 1:27

So, on the foundation of your life, give yourself the ultimate gift of the Christ awareness. You know, today, that no matter what you are facing, NOTHING is impossible to you.

It is the message of God working inside of each of our lives, no matter what our religion. As we go to God, as we hope, and as we bring forth that power inside of us and through us, we’ll know that spiritually nothing is impossible to us.

We have confidence of access!

We say, at this point, that we allow our hearts to be lifted up into new hope, great expectancy, wonder and mystery. We can testify through our lives that it does work. I can testify that we have a choice. This is the best time to have that choice.

Discover the power of taking a spiritual inventory, making a list of all the good in our lives, past and present, and giving thanks; how this opens us up to God. If we are opened up to God’s good, more good flows to us. If we know what God has done in the past, that gives us a foundation to stand on for new hope in the future.

Do you know that people in this world are not born happy? They are not born with a silver spoon in their mouth, so to say, spiritually. They are not born with an attitude that makes them hopeful all their lives. They must create it within themselves.

One person shared, “At one time in my life, I was the most negative person you would ever want to meet. Everything was based in Disaster, and drama. I knew I had to change that, but how? Sure, I had started to read books about positive thinking, but I still didn’t know how to change. It is so easy to slip back, and you do not even know you have slipped back until you’ve slipped. Then you say, “Oh boy, here’s another week when I was going to be positive, and now I’ve slipped back.”

He said, “I had a calendar. I started to keep track of my good days and my bad days with just an arrow. An arrow pointing down meant it was a bad day and an arrow pointing up meant it was a good day. I started to watch and examine myself. What I saw was not so good. Then, as I looked at each week and each month, I started to see a change. I noticed that I started remembering earlier in the day that I wanted to have an “up arrow” on my calendar.” He said he realized that “I have a choice here.”

A life is not built on material possessions and things outside of yourself. It is built by the thoughts you hold in mind.

Start to realize that your life is: Thoughts X 365 days = a positive, happy person, or a negative person. Realize that you have the power and you can change your day. And when you change your day and realize with hope that God is working with you, you know you have the power.

You have confidence of access.

When we read books about people, especially famous people, do we realize they are just ordinary people who have in some way gone beyond the ordinary? How have they gone beyond the ordinary? They have gone beyond the ordinary in their thoughts; in deciding that they can take the reins of their life and change it.

So with a simple calendar, you can make the decision for yourself. You begin to map out your life and retrain yourself. Each day write down one word, attribute, or action where you will exhibit the Christ – and then that day live to do that.

At the end of the year, you will have 365 X positive thoughts. What is going to happen to you? You’re going to find that your positive thoughts and your hope align with the Christ Mind and have become the living part of who you are.

You cannot have access to something unless you become like it. Let me repeat that. You cannot have access to something with full power and full majesty unless you become like it.

“Whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.” 1 John 2:6

As you have hope, even as a grain of mustard seed, you are providing an opportunity for the floodgates of God good to be opened and for all the wonder of God to work through your life. When that happens, you can put that day as an “up day” in your life.

You’re already your own story, and so am I. We are all writing biographies right now. Every day is a mini lifetime. Are we happy today? Do we feel the hope of God today? If your story could only be told in this 24-hour period, what would you want people to say of you? You would want people to say the best. You would want people to say how loving you were and how hopeful.

If you go into a situation that’s negative, you want to BE THE ONE to spread hope – and not false hope, but hope that you really believe; not wishful thinking, but God’s truth. You know that you have access to God, and having access to God, you have incredible power to bring forth in and through your life what you wish to bring forth. The way you convert others to a higher way of life than they are presently living, is for them to see something in you – that they want badly in their life.

Let me share with you Job 11:18. “And you will have confidence, because there is hope; you will be protected and take your rest in safety.”

I like that – “Take your rest in safety.”

If God is everywhere present and all good, and the only power in the universe, what do we need to be protected from?” That’s a good question. Think about that for a minute.

What do we need to be protected from?

We need to be protected FROM OURSELVES.

We need to constantly remind ourselves that we are not alone. The minute we think we’re alone, we cut off a great access inside of us and we feel we are powerless. We feel that we are all by ourselves and that God is far off. When we think that way, we need to be protected from those sorts of thoughts, because they are self-delusional lies that distort our own thinking.

The Bible urges – Have this mind in you – that was also in Christ Jesus!

One of the greatest gifts that God has given us is an abiding hope. There is not one mind inside of you; there are two. There is a human mind in you, but there is also a Christ Mind. This Christ Mind has great power. It has built-in powers that come with it – as standard equipment from the Creator.

The minute we become silent, as we do in our prayers, we have this other mind enter in; this mind has a vision that is higher than that we hold of ourselves; this mind has guidance, and this mind has a built-in hope because it knows the power it has.

Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind – hold the right thoughts inside of you.

What if you could go in for a mind transplant and have an organ donor give you the brain of the most powerful, Christian person on the earth who had faith in God, a person who knew the complete confidence of access to God and the hope of God? Well, you can. It’s not surgical; it’s spiritual.

When we become quiet and say, “God, I consent to You, Your power and Your majesty,” a new mind begins its spiritual thought process.

Regeneration comes into the picture, life is without beginning and without end. It is eternal. There is an ageless power that comes in. Our human mind holds an idea about our own abilities and our limitations. But God is perfection and God is incredible spiritual power working inside of you.

Life can be tough unless you plug yourself in and connect. The Christ Mind inside of you is always relaxed. It is never nervous. It is not sick, or over stressed.

This is not theory. It has been proven; everyone in existence can prove it. They can know God, personally, one-on-one, and they can be full hope, full access, charged up. They can fill their calendars with “up” arrows and know the God-given power and majesty that is with them.

There is a Divine plan for your life.

Many say, “I feel like I’m a boat and I’m drifting. I want to know the plan.”

We need to relax and allow God’s inspiration to come through.

Here is what is NOT going to happen. God’s not going to come to you and hit you over the head with a cosmic two-by-four and say, “Hey, you have messed up again. God is always gentle. God never criticizes. God is loving. You might feel your human mind being hugged. You might feel a giant, wonderful, soft voice say, “I love you and I care for you. Stop struggling so much. Stop hating yourself. Stop criticizing and being so cynical of everything in your life.” God says, “Look with My eyes and perceive with My love. Give yourself a break and let Me take over. Let Me work on it for a while.”

When we do, it’s so wonderful. We go forward with a great recharge. We feel a great renewal and a great sense of peace.

Psalms 39:7 says, “And now, Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in Thee.”

We wait. We say, “God, if You can fix this and take care of my bills and my financial burdens, then I will go from here where I am and I’ll be happy and hopeful.” As God’s hugging your mind God says, “Why wait? When you are feeling pain, when you are feeling great problems fall around your life, why wait? Give yourself a break and allow God’s power to take over and ease your burden.” God says, “My hope is in you!” Everyone here has it equally because it is part of God’s basic gift to you. You are not far away from it. You have it with you now.

The Bible says something that is somewhat mysterious. It says, “Hope is the anchor of the soul.” We have an anchor inside of us, just like a boat. Wherever we put our anchor down, we stay. We can put our anchor into gloom, misery and despair or we can put our anchor down in great power and great relief. We can put our anchor down in hope.

When you hope from your human mind, it feeds your belief. We need spiritual nourishment.

We have to ask the question whether or not we are feeding ourselves. How do we feed ourselves? By rising in mind to the high plain of thoughts; by hoping. This feeds our soul. We have that opening inside of us that allows the floodgates to open and allows all the majesty of God to come forth. It does so with great power.

Many people have changed their lives. They have gone from depression to being very hopeful people. If we had one gift to give the world, we would give the world hope. We wish, we pray, that we could give each one of you a real awareness of hope that would immediately manifest inside of you; hope that would never leave you, that you couldn’t get away from. We give you, God’s truth. This IS real. You can take it on and wear it as your own.

I am asking you to do this: to make a commitment to take your calendar and begin to monitor yourself. Retrain yourself spiritually. It will happen. You will be new. And you will feel good again in every aspect of your life.

Let us pray. God, I come to You today with an open mind and an open heart. I come to You today with a great belief in You and my access to You. I come today realizing that I can have hope again in my life, and that I can have it so it never leaves. I’m tired of living life on a roller coaster where sometimes I feel good and other times, I feel bad. I want to have the consistency of the omnipresence of Your hope. I want to feel that power inside of me. So, I open up my mind today and I begin, one step at a time, one day at a time, to rebuild my life. I will feel hope. I will be hopeful. And I will manifest it and demonstrate it to all around me.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen.

God bless you!

PRAYER / MEDITATION___________________________

In spiritual celebration we meet – in celebration of God, and in celebration of the spiritual wonder that is working all around us. We close our eyes and allow our awareness to be directed to the secret place of the most High inside of us. We allow God’s power to happen in, and through us – not just in our minds, but behind every organ, tissue, and cell of our physical body temple. We allow and consent to the power of the Creator, God, to be manifest in our lives.

In Psalms 62:5 it says: “For God alone my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from God.”

Rest for a moment in the silence and wait on God, because God is there waiting for you …

In the sanctuary of stillness in our own soul, we remember the presence and power of God. This is a place where we can feel and know the Presence.

This moment, in this place of stillness and silence, feel the presence of God filling you with strength. The presence of God renews your energy and brings peace to any troubled thoughts you may have.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Right now in this prayer, you turn your thoughts away from any trouble, and think about God instead.

You turn your attention away from outer things and you bring whatever might be troubling you to God. You say, “God, I have this trouble, this feeling, and it’s keeping me from feeling Your hope. It is standing between me and You. I ask that You take this challenge I’m facing, lift it up off my shoulders, and take it away from me so that my burden will be light.”

Now, in this prayer time, with all the power of God with you, I ask that you give your challenge to God.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Through the power of Jesus Christ, I decree that you are filled with new hope and new vision. I pray that in the silence of prayer, God is reassuring you that you are not alone. You allow this new hope and new vision to fill you. You begin anew to do what is yours to do this glorious week of God. You let the power of God uplift you and sustain you in whatever lies before you. You abide in the stillness of your own being.

You feel a new hope inside of your heart.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Dear God, we pray that today and every day that we will go forth in the assurance of Your presence and we will know that power is ever active in and through us and in our lives. We are nurtured by You. We are protected by You. And we live our lives with a renewed hope.

We pray, this day, with great belief in today and hope in the future,

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen

Since 1999 – The worldwide PRAYER PLACE inside the Internet, serving well over 1,000,000 every day. Welcoming all faiths, excluding no one. Reaching the ends of the earth with the positive message of God. Not connected to any church, Positive Christianity is a Prayer Ministry without walls, physical or denominational, that the world can instantly access and use without cost.

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Christopher Ian Chenoweth

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Time Sensitivity: In America, Sunday before Thanksgiving


Positive Written Sermons is a FREE service of Positive Christianity to those ACTIVE IN CLERGY MINISTRY to ease your burdens in ministry. Each positive sermon is non-denominational; feel free to tailor to your denominational needs, or personal style. We consider our sermons to be 90% complete; they await your personal stories and anecdotes.

Also, great lesson material available free daily – get Positive Daily Inspiration direct in your email inbox every morning. Text POSITIVEMINISTRY to 22828 to easy, free subscribe.


The preacher placed two identical jars on the table next to the pulpit. He quoted 1 Samuel 16:7, “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. A human looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

“These jars came from the same factory, were made of the same materials, and can hold the same amount, but they are different,” he explained.

Then he upset one and it oozed out honey. He turned over the other, and vinegar spilled out. “When a jar is upset, whatever is in it comes out. Until the jars were upset, they looked alike. The difference was within, and could not be seen. When they were upset, their contents were revealed.

“Until we are upset, we put on a good front. But when we are upset, we reveal our innermost thoughts and attitudes for ‘out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.’ Luke 6:45”

What if someone “tipped you over” today? What would flow out? Would you reveal the “honey” of grace and patience and overwhelming gratitude to God, or the “vinegar” of anger and sarcasm? Above all, love each other deeply, because “love covers over a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8 This week, through Thanksgiving and gratitude, we will restore the interior of each of us, from bitterness to sweetness.

Allow me to share this inscription that appears on the Plymouth Rock Monument in Massachusetts: “This monument marks the first burying ground in Plymouth of the passengers of the Mayflower. Here, under cover of darkness, the fast dwindling company laid their dead, leveling the earth above them lest the Indians should learn how many were in the graves. History records no nobler venture for faith and freedom than of this Pilgrim band. In weariness and painfulness, in watching often in hunger and cold, they laid the foundation of a state wherein every human through countless ages should have liberty to worship God in his or her own way. May their example inspire thee to do thy part in perpetuating and spreading the lofty ideals of our republic throughout the world.”

This Thursday, we are going to celebrate the greatness of God’s good. It will begin Thursday morning, as we notice the wonderful smell of a turkey in the oven, wafting out from the kitchen. There is no smell like that in the world. Right now, we can smell it – the aroma of the turkey browning and the spices cooking through it seems to fill the air. Some of you will have a mother, a grandmother, a wife, or a husband who will be in the kitchen. This wonderful aroma, floating through the air, seems to lift everyone in the household.

There are other smells too. I love the smell of cooking candied yams. Often, everyone is in such a good mood because of the smells, that there is singing going on in the kitchen. It seems like no matter how small the kitchen is, everyone is gathering there. Other large rooms are standing empty, but everyone is in the kitchen because they want to breathe in all this good that God has created.

As you are celebrating and smelling all these wonderful smells on Thursday, will you stop to think why Thanksgiving is on Thursday? What an odd day of the week on which to celebrate Thanksgiving. Why not celebrate Thanksgiving on a Sunday? Why would it be in the middle of the week? Who would have picked Thursday? If you are going to have it on a weekday, maybe Monday or Friday would be better? Why not celebrate on Saturday, when the majority of people are off of work for the weekend?

I want you to think about something else, also. Not only is it on a Thursday, but it is in November. Why is it in November? If we are celebrating the harvest, it was months ago. Why do we have this one day in November when we are celebrate and give thanks to God for all that God has done?

Let me share with you the story. In recent history, Christmas is always on December 25th. Valentine’s Day is always on February 14th. The Fourth of July is always on July 4th. So why cannot Thanksgiving just choose a specific date and stop roving up and down the calendar?

Why is Thanksgiving on a Thursday, and why is it in late November? The answer to these questions revolves around fish–something that we never eat for Thanksgiving – says James Baker, the historian at a museum in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Elizabeth 1, who was the Queen of England, wanted to bolster the fishing industry in England, so she decreed that people could not eat meat on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays. The market day, when everyone seemed to come alive, was on Thursday. Many people would go to the market half-starved because they would have fasted the other days. At the market, they would get turkeys, the fatted goose, and all sorts of delectable things to eat; things that, when cooked, would fill the house with wonderful smells. That is why a day of thanksgiving was declared to be on a Thursday.

Did you know that Thanksgiving Day was not always in November? For a long time it was held on December 18th. The reason it was held on December 18th, in this country, was because it was towards the end of the year, but it was a little ahead of Christmas. It was a celebration of all God had done during the year.

Thanksgiving was not officially declared to be held in November until Franklin Delano Roosevelt decreed that it would be. Why did he move it back to the third Thursday in November? He moved it back during the Depression, so there would be a longer Christmas shopping season. We all know that will begin with the biggest shopping day of the year – the Friday after Thanksgiving.

The symbol of Thanksgiving is the fatted bird – the turkey.

“Birds of a Feather.” That is a saying in this country. I do not know how old the saying is, but “birds of a feather” means things, or people, of like mind or like activities. We are all going to do basically the same thing on Thanksgiving. We may eat turkey or we may not, but we will all be doing the same thing – at some point, during that day, we will take a moment and realize (more than we do ordinarily) how good God has been to us, and how wonderful it is to be healthy and alive.

Thanksgiving is a day to recognize God in our lives, and we will feel good. We will express our gratitude to God through praise, and we are going to see the good everywhere. We will know that God will provide, and everything will be fine.

I share a story with you that takes place in Bethany. This particular day was hot, dry, and dusty, with a hot wind blowing. I do not know of anything more miserable to the human spirit than a hot, dusty wind. You are all clean, you go outside, and a hot, dusty wind hits you in the face. The air seems so thick with dust that it is difficult to breathe. You feel down because of the environment.

A group of people were really feeling down. They were grieving. They were clinging together as grieving people often do. They were weeping and mourning outside a cave in Bethany that was serving as a tomb for Lazarus (the brother of Martha and Mary). He had been dead for four days. Those in the grieving group were talking as Jesus approached. They were saying things like, “If He had come earlier, this might not have happened. He could have healed our brother, and everything would have been okay. But look, He comes now when Lazarus has been dead for four days.”

Then the group is absolutely dumbfounded as they see Jesus kneel down, and with a smile on His face He begins to give thanks to God. Can you imagine? Imagine if I was performing a funeral service for someone you loved, and instead of grieving with you, I had a huge smile on my face and gave thanks to God. Can you imagine how dumbfounded, and possibly angry you would be?

I want to share this story with you from John 11:38-44: “Then Jesus, again greatly disturbed, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone was lying against it. Jesus said, ‘Take away the stone.’ Martha, the sister of the dead man, said to him, ‘Lord, already there is a stench because he has been dead four days.’ Jesus said to her, ‘Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?’ So they took away the stone. And Jesus looked upward and said, Father, I thank you for having heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I have said this for the sake of the crowd standing here, so that they may believe that you sent me.'”

I imagine the people standing around were no longer a crowd, but were now a mob. I imagine they were getting more and more angry at Jesus.

When he had said this, he cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came out, his hands and feet bound with strips of cloth, and his face wrapped in a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.”

A man is lying dead, and his friend is giving thanks. Everybody just looked at Jesus. Then, with His next breath, Jesus called out, “Lazarus, come out!” At this point, you can imagine how the atmosphere is electric. I am sure time was such that a few seconds seemed like an hour.

The “dead” man came out to them. What did that crowd feel? There was joy, shock, fear, and disbelief. But He gave thanks, and that set the miracle into motion.

A man was telling about an Alcoholics Anonymous group he attended where a man told his story. The man said, “God caused me to be raised from the dead.” This meant he had the power to give up drinking. Then he looked at all his friends – birds of a feather, people of like mind – and then with tears in his eyes he said to them, “You are unbinding me. Do not leave bound what God has unbound.”

God is constantly unbinding us. God is constantly telling us to come forth. If, after looking back at the past and what God has done in our lives, we hold that in our minds, we will have the incredible intelligence in human mind to give thanks in advance. We know, no matter what we face today, that God is with us. No matter how difficult it is in the moment, we can say, “Thank You, God. I know I am connected with You. I am not separate. I know that when I work with You as a partner, everything will work out all right.”

And I ask God to give me the power to unbind myself – not holding myself bound by the thoughts of the past – and I ask that my family and my friends will not bind me, either, and I will have the power to go on.

During this Thanksgiving week, we need to ignite that feeling. Yes, we are thankful for the harvest, and we are thankful for what God has done in our lives in the past. But we are also thankful for the things that we have not seen as of yet. We are thankful because we know we have a God who responds. We know that everything will be fine. No matter how great our mountain, or how great our difficulty, God is a God who answers our present challenges, instantly, in a way that is beyond anything we can imagine.

Because this is Jesus’ way of prayer, a woman in need of her own healing placed a chair opposite her with a picture of Jesus Christ on it. Then she started to give thanks to God and to every part of her God-created body, starting at the top of her head.

She was in pain. Things were not going well. Our human reaction is to curse the things that are not quite right. Instead, this lady gave thanks to the body parts, for God working in the body parts, and brought them into new life, regenerated in the God-Truth that was already prepared for her. We can do the same with any situation in our lives. She gave thanks and unbound herself.

I want to give you a practical technique to use this week. I am going to ask that you get seven 3″x5″ index cards, or take seven sheets of paper. On them you are going to write what you are thankful for as if it were ALREADY true. Take seven different areas in your life that you care about, and each day this week give thanks in advance for and dwell on that one particular thing for which you are thankful. Of course, you will do the usual things at Thanksgiving. As you do this, realize that a thankful mind draws thankfulness to it. You are going to think of the past and how good God has been to you, but you are also going to go beyond with your faith in the Jesus Christ way – telling the things that are within the tomb to come forth. You are going to unbind yourself and others. You are going to know that, through God, working through you, you have a new, wonderful life.


I may not feel good in that moment, but I am thanking God because I know God is with me, so I will feel good again. And in that day, I am going to give thanks for the individual body centers and organs that are working perfectly under God’s divine plan.

Another day you might say:


That may not be true in your home right now, but you are thanking God and unbinding yourself and your spouse of what might have happened before.


Right now, you are thanking God, in advance, holding to that, all day, and giving thanks for the blessings that are going to come from God. You will be a magnet for your good to come to you.

Remember, one card a day for seven days – seven cards. And work with it all that day with great faith.

I have a piece of poetry I want to read to you. I know it will bring back memories of your childhood, too. It is called “Thanksgiving Day.”

by Lydia Child
1802 – 1880

Over the river and through the wood,
To Grandfather’s house we go;
The horse knows the way
To carry the sleigh
Through the white and drifted snow.

Over the river and through the wood –
Oh how the wind does blow!
It stings the toes
Bites the nose
As over the ground we go.

Over the river and through the wood,
To have a first-rate play
Hear the bells ring,
“Ting-a-ling ding!”
Hooray for Thanksgiving Day!

Over the river and through the wood,
Trot fast my dapple gray!
Spring over the ground,
Like a hunting hound!
For this is Thanksgiving Day.

Over the river and through the wood,
And straight through the barnyard gate.
We seem to go
Extremely slow –
It’s so hard to wait!

Over the river and through the wood–
Now Grandmother’s cap I spy!
Hooray for the fun!
Is the pudding done?
Hooray for the pumpkin pie!

I am going to close with scripture from Romans. As you read your cards this week, I ask you to remember this:

“In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” [Romans 8:37-38].

Let us pray:

Thank You, dear, wonderful God, for my week of thanksgiving. Thank You for bringing joy to my heart and helping me to recall all the things to be thankful for. And thank You, in advance, for all the things I cannot yet see with my physical eyes, but that I know, through faith, Your blessings will come forth. I thank You in advance and will do so all week.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen.

PRAYER / MEDITATION_____________________________

I ask you to rest in the glorious presence of God. Close your eyes, and enter into a time of deep rest. Prepare for this week of thanksgiving inside yourself.

We give thanks for this day.

Dear God, we give thanks for the past, for even the difficult things the past has brought us to in this moment in time. Thank You, dear God, for our many blessings.

Thank You for the good in our lives and the good in the lives of others around us. Thank You for a human mind that has the power to explore; therefore, we have the power to get to know You better, dear God. Thank You for your never-ending, unjudging, and unfailing love. Thank You for watching over us, and through us; walking ahead of us on life’s path.

Thank You for Your light that surrounds us. Thank You for Your love that enfolds us. Thank You for Your power that constantly protects us. Thank You for Your presence that watches over us. Thank You for Your presence, that wherever we are, You are. Thank You for walking ahead of us on life’s path, and being everywhere present in our lives, and in the lives of our dear ones.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Thank You, God, for this nation in which we all live, freely. Our Pilgrim fathers sought to be free, and we enjoy that freedom today. We thank You for them.

Thank You, God, for the opportunities that every man, woman, and child has in this great land. God may our flag always fly free, and may we always be able to worship in our own way at the church of our choice. May the values continue that made this nation great.

Thank You for Your all-powerfulness that works for good and only good. Thank you for leading us to people who will be our teachers along life’s path. Thank You, God, for life’s path. Thank You for the ups, as well as the downs, for each has molded our character and created a more God-like human.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Thank You for the ability to communicate ideas. Thank You for the many hours we spend together in glorious prayer and meditation, when our awareness grows and we feel even closer to you. We know that we are always close to You.

Thank You for this week in which we dedicate ourselves to praise and thanksgiving. Dear God, I make a covenant with You, now. I will not say one, idle word of criticism or condemnation. I will not allow my words to be wasted. I will make the words and thoughts, within my own head, thoughts of thankfulness and praise.

I uplift everyone I am with this week. And God, I will continually thank You. I will continue to look around, and with my human eyes, I will perceive good; I will give thanks for that good. Now, in this moment of silence, I invite everyone to have a personal moment with God, and give thanks for your life and all the good in your life …

Rest in the silence of prayer …

God is in every cell of your body and mind. You are not separate from God, but one. God is with you, this very minute. Every part of you–every atom – is filled with the presence of God. Through the power of the spoken word, I decree, in Jesus Christ’s name, that this feeling will stay with you all week long.

Your spiritual experience will be moment-by-moment, as you touch more of the Divine, as you feel more awareness of God in your human mind. This is the week where the Divine infills your awareness. You are filled with thankfulness.

In Jesus Christ’s name, Thank You, God … Amen.

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Since 1999 – The worldwide PRAYER PLACE inside the Internet, serving well over 1,000,000 every day. Welcoming all faiths, excluding no one. Reaching the ends of the earth with the positive message of God. Not connected to any church, Positive Christianity is a Prayer Ministry without walls, physical or denominational, that the world can instantly access and use without cost.

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Christopher Ian Chenoweth

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POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON – Renewing and empowering failed resolutions

POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON - Renewing and empowering failed resolutions

Time Sensitivity: 4-5 weeks after the new year


Positive Written Sermons is a FREE service of Positive Christianity to those ACTIVE IN CLERGY MINISTRY to ease your burdens in ministry. Each positive sermon is non-denominational; feel free to tailor to your denominational needs, or personal style. We consider our sermons to be 90% complete; they await your personal stories and anecdotes.



(Molly) (or a name that is not common within your congregation) made a New Year’s Resolution towards midnight on December 31st, 2000. She resolved to stop smoking. She decided this would be the year. Molly has already failed to keep her resolution.

Did you make a resolution on New Year’s Eve? Did you keep that resolution, or did you fail in keeping it? The experts say, that most human beings forget, or fail, at their New Year’s resolutions within the first three weeks after making the resolution. The reason for this is because they were not changed at the core of their being. The New Year’s resolution didn’t become a part of them.

Most of us are in a constant state of recovery. We are always recovering from something. Maybe we’re recovering from that bad cold, or maybe it is a business or career situation in which we are experiencing a low point. We are dreaming of the day when we can return to the height that we once were.

But if we keep on living this way, on the roller-coaster of life, even when we are at the high point we fear it because we just know it won’t last. We say, “Dear God, this can’t last. Something will go wrong.” The minute we do, we begin recovery again.

The economy is in a constant state of recovery. Alan Greenspan is making weekly adjustments. What happens when you go to God and you say, “God, here I am. I bring You my physical body and my mind. I’m tired of the up and down roller-coaster living I have been experiencing, and I want to be changed. God, I’ve read the Bible and Jesus says it’s possible for me. He did it. He said I could do it. Now is the time.” “I’ve tried to keep my New Year’s resolution. Some days I’ve done well, but other days I have not done so well. I want to be changed at the core of my being. When will this happen, God? How does it happen? Can it happen to me?”

On the computers we use, we have a feature called “system restore”, God I need your help to restore my system. “God, it seems I just don’t have the power in me to do what I want to do, and really want to do it. I think I do, but then I keep on going back to old ways of thinking. Why? Why can’t I have the power within myself to be changed once and for all? I want it, and I want it desperately.”

You ask, “how do I renew and empower a failed New Years Eve resolution?”

There is a realm of discovery within each of us. That discovery can come at a low point in our lives. We do not need a spiritual experience only when we’re at the very top peak of the life’s mountain and everything is going well. It’s easy to have a spiritual experience when that happens because we feel so good. We feel empowered and we feel as if we could do anything, and God could do anything through us.

A spiritual experience is also possible when you are going through what Jesus called a crucifixion. When people at work are not very nice to you, or something in your home environment is not going very well, or a habit that you want to give up is crucifying you, that may be the best time to realize the power of God. Spirituality is the depth of your bliss in the middle of your problem.

When things are not going right, you can go within yourself in the “now” moment, and change your whole world–change your whole mind and body and go through a transfiguration. You know the power of God without a doubt. You know God can be relied upon in the bad times as well as the good.

In Matthew 16:22 Jesus was talking to the disciples. Imagine you are one of the disciples. We are sitting around a campfire and Jesus is talking. He says, “I face some hard times ahead of me. I’m going to be crucified, and then I’m going to go through a resurrection.”

As you sit there, you can’t believe that this Man you have followed, who has talked to you about living the Christ life, is talking about bad things happening to Him and how He will deal with these bad things. You don’t want to hear it.

Think about this: What if the one you loved most in life came to you and said, “I need to talk. Something is going to happen to me, and we need to face this together.” Wouldn’t you just want to close your ears, not listen, and say, “This can’t be true? Things need to remain the same?”

In human mind, more than anything else, we may want the normal to stay the norm; for things to remain the same. Sometimes we DO NOT want change. This is what the disciples wanted.

After Jesus had said this, Peter took Him aside and rebelled Him saying, “God, forbid it. Lord, this must never happen to You.” But He turned away from Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan!”

Isn’t that a strange thing for Jesus to say? Isn’t it strange for Jesus to call Peter “Satan”? It is, unless you realize what “Satan” means. Satan means tester. He was saying, “Peter, don’t test me. Don’t even try to sway me. This is what must happen. In human mind, this does not sound very good, but this is Divine and it is going to prove the Divine.”

[Matthew 16:24]. Then Jesus told his disciples, “If any want to become my followers … “Who here does not want to become a follower of Jesus Christ? You want to hold the ideals of what was taught because these are universal ideals.

How do we become a follower? Many believe that becoming a follower means that somehow we will follow the man Jesus; or if Jesus came back in body we would follow Him down the path He was walking. Wherever Jesus wanted to go, we will go too. We will leave behind everything without question and follow Him.

But this is not what Jesus said. He said: If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me [daily]. This is before the crucifixion, and yet He is talking about a cross.

“I have a cross to bear,” you say, “and it’s a heavy one.” This is a saying we’ve all heard, and I think it was a saying in that day too. People were crucified daily. Often they would carry their own cross to the crucifixion site.

But is Jesus saying that I must deny my lower human mind, my lower thoughts, and my lowest habits and carry a cross daily. The cross Jesus referred to often meant crossing out error beliefs inside of us. If we are truly following Jesus, we have to think about how we follow Jesus in our minds and hearts, and then in the outer world.

What does it mean to deny ourselves? In some places in the world it means that you would take a chain and hit the body because the body is no good. But Jesus said the body is the temple of the living God. Your body, where you are, is a cathedral, a church, and a place where all the cells in your body temple are holding a worship service. They are singing in joy and having a wonderful time in worship.

But you have burdens. You are living life, and you have challenges and problems. This is a normal activity of the human being. But how do we deal with these challenges?

We deny human thinking and produce Divine thinking. Our problems cannot be solved at the same level of thought in which we created them. We have to lift ourselves higher. We have to go to Divine Mind.

Imagine you were hiking with a backpack on your back. In that backpack you had a million dollars, but in your pockets you didn’t have any money all. If you went into McDonald’s and they wanted you to pay, and you said, “I can’t pay. I don’t have any money in my pockets. I guess I’ll just have to starve. I guess I’ll have to go without. I guess I cannot solve this problem.”

Yet, if you simply call on your resources–what you have with you already–and go within, you can have whatever you want.

But sometimes we have to deny ourselves. Our human mind is saying over and over again in loud chattering voices, “You don’t have any money. You don’t have the ability. You don’t have the ways to carry this off. There is no way you can save this business, or this relationship, or do what you need to do. It’s hopeless.” Human mind continually chatters, while Divine Mind is with you every step of the way saying, “Wait. Deny that thought of your lower human self and come to Me. I have already prepared the solution for you.”

Jesus goes on and says [Matthew 16:25]: “For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.” As I said earlier, we want to have the norm. We want to stay in what we know. We want to find solutions in our own human mind. We don’t want to go into a mode of discovery of new, wondrous good in our lives. We just want to, somehow using the power of thought we have already, get back to where we were before. Then we’ll be happy.

But you are not meant to do that. You are here to explore and discover. You are Christ-o-nauts, and your mission is to explore a new frontier. You are to explore something that you cannot even imagine in your mind–a whole new world, a whole new environment–that can be yours. Unlike an astronaut exploring outer space, you are an explorer of inner space.

In order to do that, you are going to have to lose the concept of who you think you are. You are going to have to lose the concept of everything you hold dear in the things you want to get rid of in your life.

We hold things tightly–even the things we want to be rid of in our lives. That’s why we don’t change. When we have the courage to say, “Okay, I let go and let God,” we loosen our grip and we go into an area that is not fearful or scary at all. It is wondrous and good. But we must lose our life as we know it in that situation and follow the Christ. Everything will be gained.

[Matthew 16:26]. “For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life?” We have known many people who had a life beyond anything you can imagine. They had riches and everything you dream in your wildest fantasies would make you happy. But they have been empty human beings because so much has been lacking in their lives.

The most important ingredient of happiness is not in the material world; it is in the inner world, the soul realm. And when we gain those things in the spiritual realm, we discover a happiness that is beyond belief.

Here we are, (a month) after our New Year’s resolutions. We have decided, right now, to make the change. How do we go about it? How do we go through a transfiguration in our world?

[Matthew 17:1-4]. “Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain, by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white. Suddenly there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with him. Then Peter said to Jesus, Lord it is good for us to be here; if you wish, I will make three dwelling places here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”

This Bible verse holds some keys about the truth of change inside of you. First of all, Jesus took three disciples with Him to be totally transfigured where He glowed with new life. Which disciples did He take?

The disciples of Peter, James, and John represent faith, judgment and love.

On New Year’s Eve, we have the Christ Mind power with us of faith. We think we can do anything. That faith creates wild enthusiasm that quickly dissipates. We have to add the power of judgment to that. We have to decide on the details of how to do this. We hitch the horse of our faith to the reigns of judgment.

Then we add the third to have the holy trinity of getting what we want in our New Year’s resolutions to come to pass. That third power is love. What do I mean by adding love? If I decide to quit smoking, I first build my faith that with God I can quit smoking. I add in my judgment on exactly when and how this is going to take place, and then I allow it to become me by loving the idea. I love the idea of days when I do not have a cigarette. I love the feeling of my body as my lungs regenerate. I become so in love with the idea that I become more in love with that idea than I love the cigarette in my mouth. With faith, judgment and love, I have real power.

Two other people appear–Moses and Elijah. Moses represents the law. Everything inside of you has to be based on law. What is the law? It is the teachings of the standards of the world; of living the Biblical teachings of Jesus Christ.

Elijah represents the utterances of the prophet. In other words, it’s not just getting our lives back to where they were, but going beyond with a new vision of what we can accomplish. Remember, if you team-up with God and make God your partner, you are no longer who you were. Do not limit yourself. But to go beyond, you must lose your former concept of yourself and say, “Here I am God. I am here to be transfigured. I believe that together, we can.”

Let me say this about the transfiguration: Transfiguration is always preceded by a change of mind. Our ideas must be lifted from the material, the physical, to the spiritual. But first we need to realize that it is possible for us to be transfigured as well as to understand the law by which transfiguration is brought about …

In our study and application of the Christian life we all have times when we are spiritually uplifted. Such a time is marked by a form of spiritual enthusiasm, which is brought about by statements of Truth; made by ourselves or others–prayers, words of praise, songs, meditations–any statement of Truth that exalts the spiritual realms of the mind.

Jesus was lifted up by Peter, James, and John (faith, judgment, and love). Whenever we dwell upon these virtues and try to live up to them, they are exalted in consciousness, and they go with us to the mount of Transfiguration. You may not always realize this. You may think that the uplifting was just a passing exaltation, but it stamps itself upon your soul and body and marks the planting of a new idea in the upward trend of the whole [human] …

Having once seen Truth, having once had the illumination, you find that the next step is to demonstrate it and not to be cast down or discouraged by the opposite. When the crucifixion comes and you are suffering the pangs of dying error, you may cry out “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” forgetting for the time the promises in the mount of Transfiguration. This is when you need to realize that you are passing through a transforming process that will be followed by a resurrection of all that is worth saving.

Molly WILL succeed in giving up the habit of smoking, and you WILL succeed in keeping the resolutions you made for 2001.

Let us pray:

I pray that this moment today is the beginning of a new fusion of Christ Mind with my human mind. I am ready to be transformed and renewed. I lift up my faculties–my Christ Mind powers of faith, judgment, and love–and I behold spiritual reality. I see my body as it is in Truth, my mind refined and revitalized in every cell, quickened and harmonized in every function, transformed into a new body of living luminous energy–beautiful, strong, whole, young, eternal, incorruptible.

Today, this moment, I become a true center of Divine energy. I thank You, dear God.
In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen.

PRAYER / MEDITATION__________________________________________________________

In this sweet time of prayer, I ask you to close your eyes and center on the power of God within you. Allow this meditation time to be a special time of power for you. Allow this meditation time to speak to your soul, to renew you, to cleanse you, and to cause a tremendous energy of God to be stirred within you.

As you rest and go within, you realize again that you are in the image and likeness of the perfect, eternal, whole God. Christ consciousness is filling you with unfailing faith. You abide in that faith. You are in the faith of the Almighty. God is quickened within you.

You have come here this morning, perhaps from a short way or a very long way away, in distance or in faith. You have come here to do worship, yes, but most of all you have come here to be renewed. You have come here to experience worth-ship. May that happen now in this moment.

God is within you; God surrounds you. Everywhere you are, God is. You live and move and have your being in God. Your mind is surrounded and infilled with Divine wisdom. Divine wisdom is awake in you, and you are expressing it.

There is, inside of you, a clarity of thought. Divine ideas flow through your human mind, and your whole body responds. And others are responding to you after your time in this deep awareness of who you are and what God is. Others respond to you in a different way because there is a Divine love flowing automatically from you.

God has not given anyone the spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. I decree in Jesus Christ’s name that all power is given unto you in mind and body. Through the spirit of Truth within you, you know, you see, you hear, and you speak only God-Truth.

God’s love includes every living creature. God blesses you with wholeness and freedom. Peace fills your mind and heart. You know that God is present, and you trust God to establish in your mind, body, and world all that is right, good, and orderly. Your life is a living expression of the love of God within you.

In this prayer time, dear God, we are calm and poised in Your love. We pray that Your good and Your love is magnified and multiplied in our lives–not later today or tomorrow, but now.

We decree that the living Christ quickens our minds and hearts. We know that Divine love radiates through you and attracts only good into our lives.

Dear God, may my soul magnify the Lord, and my spirit rejoice in the power of the inner Christ to make all things right. We decree that all things are working together for our good. We are working with them in wisdom and in the power of Spirit.

Rest for a moment in the silence of prayer and accept this Truth as true for you now …

I have God within me as my partner to speak to the challenges and problems in my life. We say: “We now release you and bless you.” Divine love is adjusting my life. I abide in the peace of God.

God is in charge and all is well. Christ within me keeps me steadfast, positive, and secure. There is only God, and God is only good.

Christ in me frees me from all limitation. I am free now from all limitation that I hold in mind about myself. I free others from all limitation that I hold in mind about them. I free all situations and places from my opinions and concepts of limitation about them.

We are part of the resurrection of God this morning. We are being resurrected in thought and in life. We give thanks to God.

Dear God, I pray a personal prayer that there is a new vision created in each one of us that is so high that we have a transfiguration. I pray our very countenance is changed because of the thoughts we hold in mind. I pray that we are no longer in a mode of recovery, but that we are in a mode of discovery of our good, better, and best.

We give thanks to You, God, for new vision. God blesses everything turned over to God in thought in this sweet silence …

The Lord of my being is my life source. I am strong. I am vital. I am whole. I live in close communion with God, and my world (inside of my mind and body, and outside my mind and body) is blessed.

I decree these things are happening now. I am ready for the change, and I welcome it. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray … Amen.


Since 1999 – The worldwide PRAYER PLACE inside the Internet, serving well over 2 million every day. Welcoming all faiths, excluding no one. Reaching the ends of the earth with the positive message of God. Not connected to any church, Positive Christianity is a Prayer Ministry without walls, physical or denominational, that the world can instantly access and use without cost.

ARCHIVES of recent Positive Daily Inspiration is available on our homepage; use anything you wish.

FREE Encyclopedia of Prayers: http://www.positivechristianity.org/prayersearch.php

NEED PRAYER? Click here – if you have a prayer need, Positive Christianity will start praying with you, daily, for an entire month. There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

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God bless you! Have a great week filled with God’s goodness.

Reverend Christopher Ian Chenoweth, Founder

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POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON – The “ONE”derful year of ____

POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON - The "ONE"derful year of ____

Time Sensitivity: The Last Sunday before New Years


Positive Written Sermons is a FREE service of Positive Christianity to those ACTIVE IN CLERGY MINISTRY to ease your burdens in ministry. Each positive sermon is non-denominational; feel free to tailor to your denominational needs, or personal style. We consider our sermons to be 90% complete; they await your personal stories and anecdotes.


A number of hours from this moment we enter into the new year. It is a time of hope for humanity, but turning a page on a calendar is powerless without humanity changing. Humanity changes by turning from the millstones of old ways and habits to building on the milestones of spiritual growth. Individually and collectively as one people under God’s leadership we must proceed down this path.

100 years ago it was a common belief held by the so-called elite of America, “that there were only about 400 people in all of America worth knowing.”

The writer of this period, O’Henry, believed that each person in society was worth knowing and had a story to tell. His classic story “The Gift of the Magi” has its theme in each person giving his most prized possession for their love of the other. We are giving our most prized possession, all of our days of our lives, in exchange for the future, in the strong hope of becoming all that we may become.

100 years ago, such a strong belief was held about “a good first footer” that many people were willing to pay for the “right” first footer on New Year’s Day. The first person to walk across your doorstep on that first day of the New Year was called the first footer. He would be hired to appear at the exact time so as to not trust fate, to bring misfortune for the whole year.

We stand poised on the threshold of not only a New Year but also a new millennium to be our own first footer to walk across our doorsteps into our future. God is already walking ahead of us preparing our way of good.

Jesus Christ holds to the all-inclusive belief that each person has worth and value. His prayer is that each person rise above the lacks and limitations of their past to an innate knowing of their worth and value.

There is a verse in the Bible that has great power concerning your life. I read from Matthew 16:19. Jesus says: “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

We think that this is the truth for some people, a long time ago, but it is just as true for each of us today. Jesus is talking directly to us as we approach 2001, through these pages of our Bible. It is as if He came up to you in a vision and said, “I’m going to give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” You would know that you had something incredibly powerful working in your life. And you do. It’s for all of us. It crosses religious lines and theology of people. It is the Truth about humankind.

We have been given the keys. Here is the key. It’s in your prayer time. When you pray, what do you decide to bind to yourself? When you pray with a belief, with a knowing, without doubt, and you decide to have something in your life in the new millennium, it’s going to be there.

There’s a great power that happens beyond our physical sight.

As humans, we tend to focus on the negative. We think of ourselves being bound to our problems, tied to them where we can’t get loose. We try and we try, but we can’t do it. But what Jesus is telling you is that you are bound to your good, and your good is with you every day.

Allow me to share from James 1:2-8: “My brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance; and let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing. If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you. But ask in faith, never doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind; for the doubter, being double-minded and unstable in every way, must not expect to receive anything from the Lord.”

Your mind is a vessel of God thought. Your mind can be the connecting place with God Mind. Your mind is the place where God answers your prayers. In order for God to get something to you, God must get it through you. And for God to get it through you, you must have an open channel. It may be a small little crack in the dam that we have put up, it can be the size of a grain of mustard seed, but there must be a crack in your free will for God’s will to come through. If there is, then all can change and all of the good of God can come to you. Everything can become anew. You have spent your whole life waiting to get to this point in your personal history. When a couple gets married, we expect it to be the finest time of their lives, and it should be. But how about you? Right now should be the finest time in your life too. You’ve lived too many years, you’ve invested too much time, and you’ve been here too many Sundays for it not to be. It doesn’t matter what is happening in the outer. Sure, we all have challenges. Let us go beyond our outer challenges and enter through this doorway of 2001 with an assurance of joy because we know we’re not alone. If we accept the promises of Jesus Christ, we know that we are walking forward all the time to greater and greater good in our New Year.

America has just concluded an historic presidential election. A great writer wrote these words and his writings led him to becoming president. This was written by Herbert Hoover, it’s called The Uncommon Man.

“In my opinion, there has been too much talk about the Common Man. It has been dinned into us that this is the Century of the Common Man. The idea seems to be that the Common Man has come into his own at last.

Thus we are in danger of developing a cult of the Common Man, which means a cult of mediocrity. But here is at least one hopeful sign: I have never been able to find out who this Common Man is. In fact, most Americans, and especially women, will get mad and fight if you try calling them common.

This is hopeful because it shows that most people are holding fast to an essential fact in American life. We believe in equal opportunity for all, but we know that this includes the opportunity to rise to leadership — in other words, to be uncommon.

Let us remember that the great human advances have not been brought about by mediocre men and women. They were brought about by distinctly uncommon people with vital sparks of leadership. Man of the great leaders were, it is true, of humble origin, but that alone was not their greatness.

It is a curious fact that when you get sick you want an uncommon doctor; if your car breaks down you want an uncommonly good mechanic; when we get into war we want dreadfully an uncommon admiral and an uncommon general.

I have never met a father and mother who did not want their children to grow up to be uncommon men and women. May it always be so. For the future of America rests not in mediocrity, but in the constant renewal of leadership in every phase of our national life.”

And so it does. When you travel around this country you see statues of people. This is true especially Washington, D.C. You see statues all the time, but these are never statues of common people. They are statues of people who have gone the extra mile, who have stepped out of their comfort zone, stepped out of mediocrity, and did something great.

May it be said of you on your tombstone that you did not, for one day, (beginning in 2001), allow yourself to become common. You become uncommon. There will be many around you who might say things like you’re getting sick, that you’re going to have to resign yourself to sickness. You decide to become uncommon. There might be many around you who might say that because of your debt load that you’re going down the tubes, that there is no other way because they are the experts and they know, so you just might as well accept your fate. But you stand up and become uncommon.

There are many around you who are doomsayers. Doomsayers are common people. You’ll find thirteen in every dozen who will tell you the worst possible thing about your life. Don’t believe it. They are common people. You start to become uncommon when you say, “I can become better than my past.”

There’s one thing in this world of recycling that we cannot recycle. It’s the calendar. You can’t recycle 2000. It’s impossible. But you can, by going into this New Year, stand up and decide to become more than you’ve ever become before.

Now, never do this alone. Realize that many times you are stretched way beyond your limits. You have to allow God to do it through you. You have to consent to becoming one with God, and then it becomes so. Part of our consenting is having self-confidence. Jesus said we have to love our neighbors as ourselves. Most of us, as good Christians, love our neighbors but we do not love ourselves. Remember that you are the channel for all of God’s love and creativity to come through to your outer world. But the channel has to be there in you, for you, as you, in order for what is in the channel to come through.

You are on a process to make tomorrow’s dreams come true by your work today, by standing up and agreeing to be what you were created to be. You are a child of God, a child of all possibilities, a child of love and a child of power.

This week, write down five things that you like best and least about yourself. What do you like best? Those are your uncommon areas that you need to work on and become better at bringing those to pass. Then you become honest with yourself. Assess yourself. What are the five things that you like least? Then you make a decision. You know that with God’s help what you bind to yourself will become you, and what you loose will be loose, not only here but also in heaven.

Next, write down five things that are really important to you. The five things you have a passion for in life, the five things you love with all your heart, are things you don’t do as much as you should. You put it off until some other time, like retirement, or sometime in the distant future. You need to be focusing on those things today to fortify yourselves.

The next thing you do is write down five things that were important to your parents about you. Here’s why that gives you some problems. Many times we spend our whole lives living a dream that our parents had for us. We try to please them, sometimes years after they are gone. Now, while it is noble to do such a thing out of love, there comes a time as an adult that you have to decide what is important to you, and start to live your own life. That is the only way you ever become uncommon. You are not a Xerox copy of your mother or your father. You are different. There has never been a life or a fingerprint or a hair like you before in existence. Therefore, you have to become what God created you to be. God did not command you to be a copycat. God commanded to let your light shine, and your light is individualistic.

So, you have to decide what is important to you, and you have to take an inventory of what is important to your parents, and decide how much you have done in that category. What is right for you? Find it out. Let that light shine that is you in that area of life.

Then, write down some time-oriented, specific goals for this New Year for yourself. I believe in goals because it keeps your vessel on track. If you are in a boat, you have to steer it one way or another to get it to go somewhere. Where do you want that boat to go? You have to have a plan. You have to have goals. Otherwise, it will never ever get there.

I ask you to release the calendar of the old year, realize that nobody is perfect. We tend to knock ourselves down when we have something bad happen to us. We have to stop that. We are God’s creation. We are being created and recreated by God, and God’s work is not done yet. Yes, we make mistakes and yes, we do things we’re not supposed to do. Okay, we need to go on and become better tomorrow and not constantly blame ourselves or knock ourselves down because we did not live up to our potential yesterday. We have to strive to live up to our potential tomorrow. That’s where it counts. We did the best we could in the moment, but now we have the power to go beyond, to go higher and become uncommon.

This is partly a do-it-yourself religion. And that’s the only religion that works in the end. If I were Jesus Christ and you wanted to come up here and sit at my feet, you could sit at my feet all day long and I could talk to you as Jesus Christ, but in the end I cannot save you. You have to save yourself, by becoming one with God yourself.

It’s like we go to a parent and say, “Please do this for me. Please take care of this for me.” They can for a while, but there comes a time when we have to do it for ourselves. This is the message of Jesus Christ. His message is not to sit at His feet and be saved by His works. His message is to listen to His words and take them on in our own lives and be saved through working the example in our own lives.

At the end of your life, as people look over the different deeds you have done, if someone would judge Christianity by your faithfulness, would they want to join? Would they want to join if they see you out on the road somewhere? That’s the bottom line to everything. Yes, they would join! Because you are ONE with God in every word, action, and reaction.

It’s not just whether you go to church. It’s whether you live it. We all have to become the best possible person that we can be in a given moment. We’re going to have times when we fall down and times when we become uncommon. To be uncommon is what we’re striving for. That is what we’re going to have happen in our lives.

Each and every one of you is investing time in these services, and it’s not going to be wasted. Sometime you’re going to be called upon to go the extra mile in your faith. When that happens, instead of just falling down and quivering on the floor, wondering how you can possibly take it, you’re going to enter into a time of faithfulness, and maybe even joy because you’re going to know that you are not alone- you and God are one.

Please join me in prayer.

We affirm together that this is the day for us to accept our good. This is the day when God is blessing us with a receptive faith and a trusting heart, an illumined mind and a quickened understanding. This is the day of victory in Christ when we become uncommon. We are in prayer this day, this “ONE”derful day, as a new opening comes in our eternal treasure of Truth. We realize that we are existing in abundant good that is around us like air. This is the day when the healing power of the Great Physician is working mightily in us.

Within the sacred precincts of our hearts, we hear the voice of God questioning, “Would thou be made whole?” The Great Physician knows that the faith in us is strong enough to ask, and is great enough to receive. God speaks with an authoritative power. As you enter into this New Year, God says to you, “Arise, take up thy bed and walk.”

This is our year to be free and whole. We arise and we lift up all old thoughts of neglect or hopelessness or helplessness, on which any belief in disease or weakness may have laid, and we walk with a new power, unbound, into the presence of the Christ. We find the Christ in the temple of our bodies. And the Christ will proclaim, “Behold, thou art made whole.”

This is the year for us to accept the good that God has prepared for us. “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them who love Him.” We open our eyes and we look to God for the fulfillment of every conceivable need or good desire. Eyes have not seen the abundance everywhere present that God has prepared and provided. We no longer fix our eyes on the need or the seeming lack. The glories and the riches of the Father’s kingdom established here and now, in the midst of the earth, are ours.

This is the year for us to look to God as complete supply. We have found God, and we have found our all-sufficiency. All eternity is ours in which to prove God’s all-providing love. This year of 2001 is ours to accept God as our complete supply, the year for us, by faith, to bring into manifestation the good that we seek. This is the year to listen to the voice of love and wisdom within us, that directs us momently toward the good that God has prepared Whether tangible or intangible, the good we seek awaits us now.

We open our eyes that we may see, and our ears that we may hear the glad tidings, and we open our hearts that we may understand what God has prepared for those who love Him. We let our hearts be so filled to overflowing with the love and joy and riches of God that there is no room for any depressing, unhappy, untrue or unworthy feelings to remain in us. This is left behind and will not be recycled by us. This is the year for us to accept the fullness of the Father’s good, encompassed only by eternity. This is the good day, which has come to us, and it is filled with divine treasures for us all. We believe this as we walk towards the path of becoming uncommon people, in oneness with God. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray … Amen.

MEDITATION / PRAYER_______________________________________________

There is truly great power in united prayer. The dawning of each New Year reveals opportunities to experience new light in our lives. As we enter this special time of prayer, the light and life and love of Christ dawn anew within you. You prepare your heart and mind for this awakening during this prayertime.

THE CHRIST IS YOUR HOPE OF GLORY. This is decreed for you with great power.

In this quiet time of prayer, you still your thoughts and relax. Through the door of silent prayer, you enter a retreat of renewal and strength. Letting go of any anxious thought or feeling of tension, you become even more aware of the presence of God

The Christ spirit is your peace, the peace that passes your human understanding. This peace wells from within like the rising of the sun at dawn. In its quiet radiance, you are serene, poised, and composed. And you are grateful. The peace that radiates within you also radiates from you. You see the indwelling Christ spirit of peace in others as you pray.

Through the power of the spoken word, we decree: THE CHRIST SPIRIT FILLS YOU WITH PEACE. The Christ spirit within fills you with peace during every step in the new millennium. THE CHRIST SPIRIT FILLS YOU WITH PEACE. Take a moment now in the silence of prayer to experience this peace …

Just as the peace of Christ is always available to you, so is the light of the Christ spirit. You focus your attention now on the true light of God — that shines within your heart and mind. The light of Christ rises within you like the breaking forth of a new day. From a gentle glow on the horizon of awareness to the full brilliance of understanding, the light of Christ shines to reveal right answers and right paths. In this light, you are confident and wise.

You follow this glorious beacon of light with a receptive heart, rest now the listen to the “still small voice” of inspiration and wisdom …

The light of this new dawn also reveals the truth about health and wholeness. “If any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come.” We are new creations in Christ. Through the ongoing life process, new cells are created to take the place of old ones. The Christ spirit infuses every cell of the body temple with vibrant life. You are centered in the Christ spirit of life, and the way to renewed energy, strength, and vitality is open.

Our attention is now focused fully on the Christ spirit. In this quiet hour, we seek only a greater realization of this wonderful presence within us. From the Christ spirit within come ideas — divine ideas — that lead us to greater expressions of abundance. With the dawning of these ideas also comes the realization that good is always available to us.

As we pray, we know — without doubt — that the Christ spirit is providing for every need. We pray the prayer for prosperity: THE CHRIST SPIRIT INSPIRES YOU WITH A NEW AWARENESS OF ABUNDANCE. YOU PROSPER. Believe this now, without doubt, in the silence of prayer …

“How great , , , are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” The Christ, our hope of glory, abides within our hearts and minds. We awaken to this day and each day of this New Year with faith in the Christ spirit of light, love, and life. And we are truly grateful.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen.

God bless you! Have a great week filled with God’s goodness.

Since 1999 – The worldwide PRAYER PLACE inside the Internet, serving well over 2 million every day. Welcoming all faiths, excluding no one. Reaching the ends of the earth with the positive message of God. Not connected to any church, Positive Christianity is a Prayer Ministry without walls, physical or denominational, that the world can instantly access and use without cost.

ARCHIVES of recent Positive Daily Inspiration is available on our homepage; use anything you wish.

FREE Encyclopedia of Prayers: http://www.positivechristianity.org/prayersearch.php

NEED PRAYER? Click here – if you have a prayer need, Positive Christianity will start praying with you, daily, for an entire month. There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

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Rev. Christopher Ian Chenoweth, Founder

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