Tag : Meditation

Positive Daily Inspiration – May 24, 2023 – POSITIVE SELF-TALK

Positive Daily Inspiration - May 24, 2023

upright shall dwell in thy presence.”
Psalms 140:13

Do ALL YOU CAN, and let God do the rest.

Doing all you can means not only doing all you can in your positive actions, but it also means thinking and talking to yourself in the right, positive way.

Most of us, constantly, put our abilities and ourselves down in our self-talk. Every winner that has ever won has to believe first, in positive thought and speech, that she or he is already a winner. Every loser that has ever lost believed that they were a loser first, before they lost.

God can only help you if you are willing to help yourself. You have a God-given gift of free will.

If you choose to be a loser – so be it.

If you choose to be a winner – God will come through to help you win.

How do you go from convincing yourself you are a loser, to convincing yourself that you are a winner? The answer is a whole lot of convincing, positive self-talk.

Never miss the chance to say something nice to yourself about you.

For the next 24 hours, you are not allowed to criticize yourself, once.

On the day of his entrance exams for admission to West Point, Douglas MacArthur’s nerves got the better of him. He kept saying, “I’m going to fail; there is no way I’m going to pass,” over and over again.

His mother reassured him by saying, “Doug, you’ll win if you don’t lose!”

He said, “What do you mean?”

She said, “You’ll win if you don’t lose your nerve. You must believe in yourself, my son, or no one else will believe in you. Be self- confident, self-reliant, and, even if you don’t make it, you will know you have done your best.” His mother was right. When the test scores were announced, MacArthur had passed with the highest score on the list.

MacArthur said that he talked himself through the exam. Positive self-talk can have a tremendous impact on the outcome of your life and what you believe you can accomplish.

In an experiment reported some years ago in Psychology Today Magazine, hundreds of different techniques were tried to enhance performance in a human being. Dart throwers tried everything from Zen to imagery techniques in their attempts to hit the bull’s-eye.

The results showed that positive self-talk, the same sort of verbal psyching yourself up that enabled “The Little Engine That Could” to climb the mountain induced the highest levels of “peak experience” – that spiritual sensation of effortless flow, during mental or physical tasks.

As a teenager, Whitney Houston cultivated her singing talents under the watchful eye of her mother, Cissy, who was the founder of the 1960s group The Sweet Inspirations. “I remember when I was 17, I was getting ready for the show Mom and I were doing that night,” Whitney said, “she called, sounding hoarse and said, ‘ my voice! I can’t sing!’ I said,’ forget it! I can’t go out alone!’ She said, ‘ of course you can – you are good, just tell yourself how good you are over and over again until your soul believes it.'”

Whitney talked to herself, positively, the whole night, telling herself that she could do this, and she did just fine.

When she called her mother later, she discovered the whole thing had been a set-up. Her mother said to her that Whitney had wanted to do this for a longtime but was to frozen in fear to go “solo.”

We talk to ourselves all the time; we say the worst things about ourselves to ourselves, and the problem is we believe it. We all want a better self-image, and we can have it if we are willing to self-talk to ourselves in a new POSITIVE way. We are God’s creation, children of God. It is an absolute mistake to disbelieve in God’s creation, and the God-given gifts that you are endowed with. Be endowed, NOT in doubt.

If you believe in God then you have to believe in God’s creation. But often it takes practice.

For the next 24 hours I want you to constantly self-talk yourself in positive ways. If this feels funny, or even stupid, allow that to be a gauge of how badly you need to do this. Positive talk should not seem foreign to you and if it does, it just means that you have spent much of your self-talking in a negative way. Positive self-talk is a learned habit that must be learned if you are to have all that you want out of your life.

Tell yourself how much ability you have. Tell yourself how much you can accomplish. Tell yourself that you are good-looking enough and smart enough and talented enough and creative enough. You are never left alone, and God’s work is never finished in you and through you. You and God have great things to accomplish. But you must believe in yourself enough to enable yourself to be a vehicle of that God-accomplishment in your life. God has been waiting patiently for you to come around, and you are now saying “Yes God, I am up to the task. I am ready and willing, right now.”


Dear God, I pray that I am a success, and I pray that You will empower me so that I do not stop myself ahead of achieving my highest achievement.

Thank You God!

All things are working together for my good, and I am working with them in the wisdom and the power of God!

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”
George Bernard Shaw

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By mail: Positive Christianity Box 7993 Woodlands, TX 77387


NEED PRAYER? Click here https://positivechristianity.net/op-requests/
To submit an OPEN Prayer Request for ALL the WORLD to See.

Or you can submit a Confidential Positive Prayer Request.
Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.
There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Encyclopedia of Prayers: https://positivechristianity.net/enc-prayers/

Television channels (Free Service):
Inspiration http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChristianity
Prayer http://www.youtube.com/prayerAmerica
Meditation http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChurch

Christopher Ian Chenoweth, and our prayer team.

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Positive Daily Inspiration – May 23, 2023 – Tuesday Prayer and Meditation

Positive Daily Inspiration - May 23, 2023
Tuesday Prayer and Meditation

“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”
Matthew 21:22

You have brought many things with you into this moment; you may have brought problems and challenges.

I ask you to ponder on this Truth of God: GOD IS TAKING CARE OF IT. Whatever you need at this very moment, God in Divine infinite love, and wisdom is fulfilling it and taking care of it.

Relax into the Presence of the Divine; you have a reassurance that is like a revelation.

You know that God is taking care of it.

God will take care of you in every circumstance in your life.

As you quietly let go and let God, God is caring for you and watching over you and protecting you.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

God is helping you to release your tensions.

God is dissolving your fears.

New peace and assurance come to you as you simply, trustingly and quietly affirm within yourself:


Your human mind may question, “How can I have the courage to see this through?”

This is the time to stop the questioning, doubting and wondering.

Instead you positively affirm aloud, quickly, and firmly, in prayer: GOD IS TAKING CARE OF IT.

You affirm it in prayer with a sense of finality and completion.


Know that the prayer is already taking effect. You let God’s love, and God’s wisdom take over. You feel an immediate sense of release.

You are able to take a deep breath and relax. You are able to know, as you suddenly realize that you do have the faith, you are able to be at peace. You are realizing now that you are a child of God.


Rest in the silence of prayer and realize this Truth …


You realize that human force and pressure are no longer needed. You gain a new awareness of what it means to let go and let God. You see that you have opened up to a new area of understanding regarding your true relationship with God.

It becomes clear to you that you are a channel and that God is the doer of God’s good works through you. You feel the effectiveness of your prayers. You know that God does the work, not you.

You feel a wonderful release as you know the Truth that GOD IS TAKING CARE OF IT.

You relax as you realize that God’s Presence is within you and within the circumstance, resolving it in a perfect time and in perfect order.

God is taking care of any condition or situation; dissolving whatever needs dissolving and resolving whatever needs resolving. God knows. God is there.

God loves you.

God cares. God is present and active now. You can be sure of that. Let go and let God take over.


Doubt not. Fear not.


Rest in the silence of prayer …

Marvelous blessings are at hand. God can manage all things better than you can even imagine. God is taking care of everything.

In this moment of prayer, you cease all fussing and fretting. You release all anxieties and personal concerns. You let the pure life stream of the idea that GOD IS TAKING CARE OF IT go to work in you and through you.

You let God’s essence of wholeness sweep away every fear and wash away every doubt. You let God’s gentle power begin to dominate your thoughts and your feelings until you become a clear channel through which God’s thoughts and God’s love flow through you.

Wherever you are, God is there in the midst of your life, in the midst of the people around you, in the midst of the circumstance, in the midst of everyone and everything.


God is taking care of everything in your life. God is taking care of everything in your mind. God is taking care of everything in your body.


You feel relaxed and at peace. A heavy burden is lifted off of your shoulders. The future invokes no feelings of wait or worry. You are free to live unhampered and unbound.

You think more clearly. You respond and react to others more calmly and patiently. You are happier and more effective in all that you say and do.


You carry this message with you into each experience. You no longer need to fight or to struggle. You are poised. You are centered in a spiritual stronghold with you and within you. You are at peace in this stronghold. You feel the strength and the power of God’s Presence at work within you and within your life.


In an attitude of mastery and overcoming, and in an attitude of total belief and release of that which is not good for us, we pray in Jesus Christ’s name knowing that these things have come to pass in this moment of prayer.


Thank you, God … Amen.

God is taking care of it!

“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.”
Alan Alda

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By mail: Positive Christianity Box 7993 Woodlands, TX 77387


NEED PRAYER? Click here https://positivechristianity.net/op-requests/
To submit an OPEN Prayer Request for ALL the WORLD to See.

Or you can submit a Confidential Positive Prayer Request.
Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.
There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Encyclopedia of Prayers: https://positivechristianity.net/enc-prayers/

Television channels (Free Service):
Inspiration http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChristianity
Prayer http://www.youtube.com/prayerAmerica
Meditation http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChurch

Christopher Ian Chenoweth, and our prayer team.

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Positive Daily Inspiration – May 22, 2023 – GETTING OVER LONELINESS

Positive Daily Inspiration - May 22, 2023

“For I was hungry and you gave me food,
I was thirsty and you gave me drink,
I was a stranger and you welcomed me,
I was naked and you clothed me,
I was sick and you visited me,
I was in prison and you came to me.”
And then the righteous answered him,
“Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you,
or thirsty and give you drink?
And when did we see you as a stranger and welcome you,
or naked and clothe you?
And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?
And the King will answer them,
“Truly, I say to you,
– – YOU DID IT TO ME!!!”
Matthew 25:35-40

As I talk and counsel with people, I am continually surprised at how many people express how lonely they are. The world is growing in population and most of the time we are surrounded by crowds of people and yet we live as independent and isolated islands.

An unusual member of the plant kingdom, the Mimosa is a sensitive plant and avoids relationship with any other living being. Even the youngest plant, covered with small-bone branches of thin, fern-like rows of leaves, protects itself from the touch of a finger or a burst of wind. Each frond, when touched, closes in domino fashion.

Many times, human beings do the same. We isolate ourselves, giving ourselves a false sense of protection. Many people live in a shell that becomes a prison. One example of this is the crowded elevator syndrome. There we are, packed in an elevator, no one touches, no one talks, no one makes eye contact, and we remain alone.

The poem called “Minnie Remembers,” from Mind Song by Donna Swanson, tells the story. Minnie appears as a self-sufficient, independent person. But the poetry tells another story:

How long has it been since someone touched me?
Twenty years?
Twenty years I have been a widow,
Smiled at,
But never touched.
Never held close to another body,
Never held so close and warm that loneliness was blotted out.

Henri Nouwen’s “The Wounded Healer” describes lonely, abandoned people who have no one to love them. Nouwen tells of the young minister who has nothing to offer an old man facing surgery except his own loving concern. “No man can stay alive when nobody is waiting for him,” writes Nouwen. “Everyone who returns from a long and difficult trip is looking for someone waiting for him at the station or the airport. Everyone wants to tell his story and share his moments of pain and exhilaration with someone who stayed home, waiting for him to come back.”

In our high-tech world, loneliness is getting worse, not better. Now, there is a mechanical arm available that enables a fan watching a game on television to get a “high five,” after an exciting play. The arm attaches to a table, wall or floor, and the pivoting elbow swings back after each slap.

A 55-year-old woman threw herself from a 14th-floor apartment to the ground below. Minutes before her death, she saw a workman watching from the windows of a nearby building. She greeted him and smiled, he smiled and said hello to her. When he turned his back, she jumped.

On a very neat and orderly desk, she left this note: “I can’t endure one more day of this loneliness. My phone never rings! I never get letters! I do not have any friends!”

Another woman, who lived just across the hall told reporters, “I wish I had known she felt so lonely. I’m lonesome myself.”

But lonely people cannot close themselves up like the Mimosa plant talked about above. Often in counseling lonely people, the dialogue is … me, me, me, me, me. This is why they are lonely. The dialogue must be you, you, you, you, you. They must learn to become more concerned with others than they are themselves, and reach out in this way. Those that have done this through volunteering etc. are often soon surrounded by new friends.

Barbara Walters wrote a book on how to become the best conversationalist in the world, talking in terms of the other person’s interest. They rarely talk about themselves. Learning this is often a complete reversal of lifelong conversational techniques a person has used. You will be able to talk about yourself again, but much later on, and you will find that the need and the want to do so will lessen.

Lonely people surround you and me. I encourage all the Positive Daily Inspiration readers to reach out and touch another person. We all question what our purpose is. We all want to make a difference – well, we can! Do you know your neighbors? Do you know your co-workers? Are you surrounded with potential friends? Be a friend first!

I recommend Dale Carnegie’s book “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” The best way to fight loneliness is to do something for someone else. To get outside of yourself and give yourself away. If everyone reading this would do like the television ad used to say, “Reach out and touch someone,” we would make a major difference in our world.

Relationships are relating-ships. A person wants to be around you because of the way you make them feel.

If we really want to do something for God, we need to do something for our fellow humans. It has been my experience that everyone can make a major difference in someone’s life. You might not ever know the profound difference that you make and this is good. Imagine if the woman who decided to throw herself off of the 14th floor had met a friend the week before. A friend would never know the difference that they made because the disastrous event would have never taken place.

God is constantly with us all, but we are in this human experience, and WE ALL NEED human contact and human touch. God is always at hand to bless you, and you are never separated from God. As God’s loving presence is at hand to bless you, your loving presence will be at hand to bless other people.

Wherever you go, you will cast a positive shadow. Even if you pass a certain direction but once, YOU WILL make a positive difference through the influence that you have on other people’s lives. You will always go the extra mile to connect with other human beings, and you will remain open to them staying in connection with you. You will find that you can’t give your friendship away; it comes back to you many times multiplied.


O Lord, the Scripture says:
“There is a time for silence and the time for speech.”
Dear God, teach me the silence of humility,
the silence of wisdom,
the silence of love,
the silence of perfection,
the silence that speaks without words,
the silence of faith.

Lord, teach me to silence my own heart that I may listen to the gentle movement of the Holy Spirit within me and sense the depths which are God.
(A 16th century prayer)


Today, I use my mouth only to discuss the other person’s interest; I use my ears to open up and really listen. I go forth making others feel good.


“We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival.”
Sir Winston Churchill


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By mail: Positive Christianity Box 7993 Woodlands, TX 77387


NEED PRAYER? Click here https://positivechristianity.net/op-requests/
To submit an OPEN Prayer Request for ALL the WORLD to See.

Or you can submit a Confidential Positive Prayer Request.
Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.
There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Encyclopedia of Prayers: https://positivechristianity.net/enc-prayers/

Television channels (Free Service):
Inspiration http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChristianity
Prayer http://www.youtube.com/prayerAmerica
Meditation http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChurch

Christopher Ian Chenoweth, and our prayer team.

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Positive Daily Inspiration – May 21, 2023 – Sunday Funnies

Positive Daily Inspiration - May 21, 2023
Sunday Funnies

“These things I remember.”
Psalms 42:4


1) No matter how hard you try, you can’t baptize cats.
2) When your Mom is mad at your Dad, don’t let her brush your hair!
3) If your sister hits you, don’t hit her back. They always catch the second person.
4) Never ask your 3-year old brother to hold a tomato.
5) You can’t trust dogs to watch your food.
6) Don’t sneeze when someone is cutting your hair.
7) Never hold a Dust-Buster and a cat at the same time.
8) You can’t hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk.
9) Don’t wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts.
10) The best place to be when you’re sad is Grandma’s lap.


1) Raising teenagers is like nailing Jell-O to a tree.
2) Wrinkles don’t hurt.
3) Families are like fudge … mostly sweet, with a few nuts.
4) Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut that held its ground.
5) Laughing is good exercise. It’s like jogging on the inside.
6) Middle age is when you choose your cereal for the fiber, not the toy.
7) The Five-Word Weight Loss Diet … Eat Less and Exercise More.


1) Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
2) Forget the health food. I need all the preservatives I can get.
3) When you fall down, you wonder what else you can do while you’re down there.
4) You’re getting old when you get the same sensation from a rocking chair that you once got from a roller coaster.
5) It’s frustrating when you know all the answers, but nobody bothers to ask you the questions.
6) Time may be a great healer, but it’s a lousy beautician.
7) Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone.


1) You believe in Santa Claus.
2) You don’t believe in Santa Claus.
3) You are Santa Claus.
4) You look like Santa Claus.


Dear God, I pray that I am
one with You in the health,
one with You in the hope,
one with You in expression of love,
one with You in abundance,
one with You in peace.
Thank You God!

Jesus Christ is raising me to His consciousness of unfailing faith, and I abide in him.

“A James Cagney love scene is one where he lets the other guy live.” Bob Hope

Support this on-going magnificent work of God.
Instant online, or recurring​ monthly giving​:
By mail: Positive Christianity Box 7993 Woodlands, TX 77387


NEED PRAYER? Click here https://positivechristianity.net/op-requests/
To submit an OPEN Prayer Request for ALL the WORLD to See.

Or you can submit a Confidential Positive Prayer Request.
Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.
There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Encyclopedia of Prayers: https://positivechristianity.net/enc-prayers/

Television channels (Free Service):
Inspiration http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChristianity
Prayer http://www.youtube.com/prayerAmerica
Meditation http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChurch

Christopher Ian Chenoweth, and our prayer team.

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Positive Daily Inspiration – May 20, 2023 – SATURDAY INSPIRATION

Positive Daily Inspiration - May 20, 2023

(Submitted with our great thanks.)

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear … “
1 John 4:18

The Knots Prayer

Dear God:
please untie the knots
that are in my mind,
my heart and my life.
Remove the have-nots
the can nots and the do nots
that I have in my mind.

Erase the will nots,
may nots,
might nots that may find
a home in my heart.

Release me from the could nots,
would nots and
should nots that obstruct my life.

And most of all,
Dear God,
I ask that You remove from my mind,
my heart and my life all of the ‘am nots’
that I have allowed to hold me back,
especially the thought
that I am not good enough.

(Author known to God)



This story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand:


They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a swim. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone:


The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, “After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?”

The other friend replied: “When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it.”


This Weekend spend at least 20 minutes in the silence of prayer thinking about God, it will renew your soul like sleep cannot.

God is directing me to the circumstances that will provide the best opportunities to claim that God-given good every day.

It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, “Always do what you are afraid to do.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Support this on-going great work of God.
Instant online, or recurring​ monthly giving​:
By mail: Positive Christianity Box 7993 Woodlands, TX 77387


NEED PRAYER? Click here https://positivechristianity.net/op-requests/
To submit an OPEN Prayer Request for ALL the WORLD to See.

Or you can submit a Confidential Positive Prayer Request.
Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.
There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Encyclopedia of Prayers: https://positivechristianity.net/enc-prayers/

Television channels (Free Service):
Inspiration http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChristianity
Prayer http://www.youtube.com/prayerAmerica
Meditation http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChurch

Christopher Ian Chenoweth, and our prayer team.

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Positive Daily Inspiration – May 19, 2023 – QUICKENED AND HEALED

Positive Daily Inspiration - May 19, 2023

Ben Franklin said, “Never leave till tomorrow that’s what you can do today.”
Many wait too long to start living – Let This Year Be Your Year!

“He who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.”
Galatians 6:8

Being healthy means being well both physically and mentally. Thinking creative, positive thoughts lays the groundwork necessary for maintaining health and for reclaiming health.

Below, I am going to share A Positive Christianity Prayer for Healing. Say this aloud repeatedly, until it fills your being with the realization of health. Keep your body strong and healthy with a balance of proper nutrition, regular exercise, plenty of rest, and positive life-affirming prayer.

Vitality to your health and total well-being is found through prayer. Prayer is the key that opens the door to mind and body renewal. As you enter into prayer – the quiet, peaceful realm where all things are possible – you feel tension leave your muscles and stressful thoughts lift from your mind. Peace and calm immediately fill the void left behind, and you feel renewed.

God is your health and strength of mind and body. You will be quickened, uplifted, healed, refreshed, and restored.


In the name of Jesus Christ, I am quickened and healed. I decree that I am quickened and healed in mind and body. I remember that the same Spirit which performed miracles through Jesus is now mightily at work in me, healing me through and through. God’s healing misses nothing in me. I also remember that, “they were astonished at his teaching, for his word was with authority.”

I speak my word with power and in faith. In the name of Jesus Christ, I decree that I am quickened and healed NOW. My faith is quickened in the life that is the ever-present reality of my being. I am lifted out of all feelings and conditions of weakness and sickness. I am cleansed of all doubt and fear. My body receives this message of life and is transformed into a beautiful temple of wholeness and light. A feeling of comfort and ease fills my whole being.

A clear realization of wholeness is mine. I am quickened with the radiant life of God in this moment of time. God is my reassurance in all things. I am at peace. My life is a living expression of the love of God within me. God is in charge of my life. God heals and strengthens me now. I have faith in God’s healing power. Through faith, my mind and body are healed and perfected.

Life of God, I welcome you, every nerve, muscle, bone, and cell in my body welcomes you. I yield myself completely to the restorative power of God. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of God’s might. There is nothing to fear. The life of the Almighty fills me with new life, love, power and Divine strength. I am free from tension, stress or strain, relaxed in the knowledge that God is healing me now.

The life of God, so strong and sure, makes me well and keeps me pure. Eternal life is mine through Christ. All the cells of my body glow with health and vigor. My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in the power of Christ to make all things right.

God is my constant reassurance of lasting health. In Jesus Christ’s name I decree this for myself with the power of the spoken word.


In my body and mind I live in harmony and contribute to the great symphony of accord with Creation.


“Govern thy life and thoughts as if the whole world were to see the one, and read the other.”
Thomas Fuller

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By mail: Positive Christianity Box 7993 Woodlands, TX 77387


NEED PRAYER? Click here https://positivechristianity.net/op-requests/
To submit an OPEN Prayer Request for ALL the WORLD to See.

Or you can submit a Confidential Positive Prayer Request.
Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.
There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Encyclopedia of Prayers: https://positivechristianity.net/enc-prayers/

Television channels (Free Service):
Inspiration http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChristianity
Prayer http://www.youtube.com/prayerAmerica
Meditation http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChurch

Christopher Ian Chenoweth, and our prayer team.

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Positive Daily Inspiration – May 18, 2023 – God Is Your Anchor

Positive Daily Inspiration - May 18, 2023
God Is Your Anchor

“A new heart I will give you and the new spirit I will put within you.”
Ezekiel 36:26

Be still, be still, be still, my child.
Be still, my child, and know.
Be still, and know that I am God.
This is enough to know!

There is no place for doubt or fear,
Within the peaceful soul.
Be still, be still, be still my child.
Be still, my child, and KNOW!
Rose Elaine Lightburne

Many people put their hopes and dreams anchored in the whimsical area of chance.

How much better it is for humans to rely upon God. When we rely upon God it takes the power away from outer conditions.

To know God is to realize all. No longer are you rocked by the winds of circumstance, for you stand on a firm foundation that is spiritual. You are anchored to the immovable good of God.

At times, you may have felt as if you were being pulled into a sea of chaos around you. Then, you turn to God and discovered that you were supported in an atmosphere of Divine order, which kept you buoyant and afloat.

In the busy, noisy, atmosphere of life, you became still to rediscover God. In this atmosphere with God, you experienced rest. In a new awareness of God, you were calm. In this calm, came a spiritual knowing. You understood that there is always an answer to every dilemma, a way around every obstacle, and the source of order in every moment.

You now clearly realize God’s unconditional love. God’s love enfolds you and is constantly creating an environment of order for you to live in and live from.

God is your peace and your anchor in any turmoil. Because you know this, you listen for the sweet assurance that God is always giving you. You live in an orderly world that God has created.

What a comfort it is to know that you are anchored in God! As God’s creation you are anchored to great good that is created for you continuously. As you become still in prayer, it is awaiting your daily discovery and acceptance.


Dear God, I consent to my life and my soul being anchored to You. I still myself in prayer, and I know.

I rest in Your Presence.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen

God’s Spirit of love, expressing itself through me, draws to me all that is needed to make me happy and my life complete.

“Never lose sight of the fact that the most important yardstick of your success will be how you treat other people.”
Barbara Bush

Support this on-going great work of God.
Instant online, or recurring​ monthly giving​:
By mail: Positive Christianity Box 7993 Woodlands, TX 77387


NEED PRAYER? Click here https://positivechristianity.net/op-requests/
To submit an OPEN Prayer Request for ALL the WORLD to See.

Or you can submit a Confidential Positive Prayer Request.
Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.
There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Encyclopedia of Prayers: https://positivechristianity.net/enc-prayers/

Television channels (Free Service):
Inspiration http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChristianity
Prayer http://www.youtube.com/prayerAmerica
Meditation http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChurch

Christopher Ian Chenoweth, and our prayer team.

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Positive Daily Inspiration – 5.17.23 – TRY GOD

Positive Daily Inspiration - 5.17.23 - TRY GOD

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” John 14:6

Arthur Priebe, one of the great insurance salesmen, counseled his colleagues suffering from the common affliction of “doorknob phobia,” to hold the debate with themselves:

“Where am I?”
“In the hall.”
“Where do I want to be?”
“In that person’s office.”
“What will happen if I go inside?”
“The worst that could happen is I’d be thrown back into hall.”
“Well, that’s where I am now, so what have I got to lose?”

I often tell people to “try God.” I tell them that they have nothing to lose and everything to gain. People that have never tried prayer are very threatened by it, for some reason or another. Perhaps, it is a negative experience with a church. Any negative experience surrounding religion involves misguided people, but not God. God is always good, loving, and positive towards you and everyone.

You may wonder what the future will hold for you. It can’t help but be a time of growth and good for you, as you enter into it in a spirit of joy and enthusiasm.

God is with you and, therefore, your future is bright. You think of the path before you as bright with promise, bright with beauty, and bright with happiness and joy.

God is your guide; God is your light. You carry with you an inward light, the light of the Christ. When you do not know what to do or say in some situation, you will be shown, as you become still enough to listen in the silence of prayer. You will be aware of the loving, guiding presence of God. As you go about your daily routine, as you do the work that is yours to do, you will realize more, everyday, what you gain through a close personal relationship with God. You will agree to be led because you are guided by the ONE that always knows the best and the blessed way. You will be shown happy ways of accomplishing positive results.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. God is your way-shower and light on your path. You will walk in the light, work in the light, and live in the light of God.

Right now – try God.



Dear God, no matter how reluctant I have been in the past I now agree to try You. So many times I have decided to go it alone, and failed; now I agree and consent to try You. So many times my relationships have faltered, now I agree to try You and Your ways. I have done it myself and I found that that doesn’t work, so today I try Your way. Thank You God for showing me the way.



My life is an active part of God’s good world in which I am Divinely protected.


“Until you value yourself you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.” M. Scott Peck

Support this on-going magnificent work of God.
Instant online, or recurring​ monthly giving​:
By mail: Positive Christianity Box 7993 Woodlands, TX 77387


NEED PRAYER? Click here https://positivechristianity.net/op-requests/
To submit an OPEN Prayer Request for ALL the WORLD to See.

Or you can submit a Confidential Positive Prayer Request.
Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.
There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Encyclopedia of Prayers: https://positivechristianity.net/enc-prayers/

Television channels (Free Service):
Inspiration http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChristianity
Prayer http://www.youtube.com/prayerAmerica
Meditation http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChurch

Christopher Ian Chenoweth, and our prayer team.

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Positive Daily Inspiration – May 16, 2023 – Tuesday Prayer and Meditation

Tuesday Prayer and Meditation - May 16, 2023
Tuesday Prayer and Meditation

“And God said, Ask what I shall give thee. And Solomon said … Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart.”
1 Kings 3:5-9

As we begin our time of prayer and meditation, I ask you to simply be spiritually aware of yourself and your body. What is going on in your body now? What does it feel like? Be aware of your mind. What thoughts are walking, floating, racing through in your mind? Be aware of your soul.

Be aware, and recognize that right where you are, God is.

Right where you are, God help is available.

Allow yourself to feel the power of God.

Right where I am, God is – the allness of God is your help in every need.

You continue in an awareness of God, and you add to it the awareness of constant love, help, and reassurance. You notice a restful change that begins to take place when you take your thought. When you let thoughts of God become dominant and supreme in your consciousness, things begin to spiritually change – not outside of you in the outer world, but within you. Feel that happening in you now.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Right where you are, God is.

Feel the power of this prayer as it goes deep within you. Right where you are, God is. You can feel the invitation of God calling you to be more completely, more deeply, aware, and alive in that Presence that goes beyond all human understanding and explanation.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Right where I am, God is. Feel it, rest in the Presence of God.

Feel the invitation as it leads you into the silence, into that deep rich quiet there there is no longer any separation or obstacle between you and a complete awareness of God.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Right where I am, God is. Focus this thought now; let it take you into the silence.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Out of the silence, your awareness reaches to thoughts of people you love – people who are near and dear to you; people whom you would bless in this time of prayer. Hold with me the highest thought for anyone who comes to mind: Right where you are, God is …

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Watch your thought about that person or situation change. Feel the sense of peace that passes human understanding as we hold the thought: Right where you are, God is …

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Now, even as we begin to turn our thoughts back to this moment and the work that is ours to do this day, the awareness of God stays with us. We are, vibrantly and acutely, aware of God with every breath we take and every thought we think.

Right where we are, God is.

Thank You, God, for all Your gifts, but most especially, for the glorious gift of the awareness of Your presence.

Thank You, God!

In the name of Jesus Christ … Amen.

I have an open line to God; we are in constant communication.

“You don’t learn to walk by following rules, you learn by doing and by falling over.”
Richard Branson

Support this on-going magnificent work of God.
Instant online, or recurring​ monthly giving​:
By mail: Positive Christianity Box 7993 Woodlands, TX 77387


NEED PRAYER? Click here https://positivechristianity.net/op-requests/
To submit an OPEN Prayer Request for ALL the WORLD to See.

Or you can submit a Confidential Positive Prayer Request.
Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.
There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Encyclopedia of Prayers: https://positivechristianity.net/enc-prayers/

Television channels (Free Service):
Inspiration http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChristianity
Prayer http://www.youtube.com/prayerAmerica
Meditation http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChurch


Christopher Ian Chenoweth, and our prayer team.

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Positive Daily Inspiration – May 15, 2023 – NEW CREATION

Positive Daily Inspiration - May 15, 2023

“We serve not under the old written code, but in the new life of the Spirit.”
Romans 7:6

Robert Frost said, “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life. It goes on.”

You are not locked into yesterday unless you choose to be. God is a god of second chances and new beginnings. Freedom and discovery are avenues that are open to you when you acknowledge that you are a new creation in Christ. Following Jesus Christ you are aware of the Christ Spirit within you, supplying you with the resolution, wisdom, and enthusiasm you need to make any changes or alterations in your attitudes or habits.

The worst thing that anyone could ever do to you is to condemn you to always stay exactly the same. You can never stay the same, even if it may seem that you do. You are constantly being renewed whether you cooperate with the process, or not. When you do cooperate by being open to change and adjustments you will find that you enjoy being a new you. You are open to new adventures and learning. Life becomes exciting.

If you, or others, have found fault with things that you have done, you take heart, for you are changing and are a new creation in Christ. You are excited about life and filled with hope. You realize the truth of God that you can do better and be better as you give expression to the Christ presence. Jesus urges you to become a new human being.

Following God, you discover God’s grace as an active presence in every area of your life. Wherever you go, whatever you do, God’s grace is with you giving you the energy and courage for the change. God will uplift and sustain you along the avenue to the new you.

You are a beloved child of God. God plays an active part in everything you do. When you accept Divine life and God’s help in your daily living, you also accept Divine Grace into your life. You receive the guidance you need to take charge of your life and live up to your highest potential. If you should make a mistake, God shows you how to turn from the mistake into another path to your good.

Everything you do and receive will be a direct result of the activity of God in your life. You receive the keys to the kingdom of abundant living. You use these keys to leave the past behind and enter into a happier, more fulfilling life.

When you choose to become a new creation in Christ, God’s blessings upon blessings are heaped upon you.


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
(The Serenity Prayer)

God’s love has set me free from all regret and self-condemnation. God has transformed my experiences of the past into understanding, soul growth, and peace of mind.

“Champions keep playing until they get it right.”
Billie Jean King

Support this on-going magnificent work of God.
Instant online, or recurring​ monthly giving​:
By mail: Positive Christianity Box 7993 Woodlands, TX 77387


NEED PRAYER? Click here https://positivechristianity.net/op-requests/
To submit an OPEN Prayer Request for ALL the WORLD to See.

Or you can submit a Confidential Positive Prayer Request.
Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.
There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Encyclopedia of Prayers: https://positivechristianity.net/enc-prayers/

Television channels (Free Service):
Inspiration http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChristianity
Prayer http://www.youtube.com/prayerAmerica
Meditation http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChurch

Christopher Ian Chenoweth, and our prayer team.

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